Monthly Archive: May 2016


Each day that passes are more convinced that non-conventional renewable energy (NCRE) or alternatives are a real option to industry and individual level to provide electricity not only sustainable but autonomous and, looking to the long term, cheaper. Was that one of the central themes of the seminar solutions with renewable energies not conventional who organized the Regional Government of Aysen, the University of Chile and the National Commission of energy altogether, and which met for two days in the Auditorium of the Regional Library to specialists in the field of solar energy, mini hydraulics, windgeothermal, and biomass. In what I showed it was more or less clear that the potential across the country, beyond some discussion about the figures, shows that we are a nation rich in renewable energy. And that will vary from region to region, depending on the most cost-effective energy in each zone. In the North is the Sun, and here in Coyhaique the biomass, wind and hydro-electric micro power have potential Giants explained the doctor in engineering from the University of Dortmund, Rodrigo Palma, on the energy wealth of Chile.

With respect to costs, he noted that these technologies tend to be more expensive than large scale solutions, but have many advantages in environmental matters, image and local development in terms of work. And the numbers are very clear. The expert delivered data for the potential contribution of non-conventional renewable energy and energy efficiency study to the electrical grid, 2008-2025 of the universities of Chile and Federico Santa Maria, which notes that in the area mini hydraulic Chile has potential to generate 20 thousand MW, in geothermal 16 thousand, in wind power 40 thousand, in biomass almost 14 thousand and 100 thousand solar, in total, 190 thousand MW. This volume, in the Central interconnected system today installed capacity is only 330 MW. For this reason, in his opinion, one of the greatest challenges must be linked the discussion of development energy with the discussion on the possibilities of technological and industrial development at the national level on the energy issue.

Environment and Ecology

To think about Environment, Ecology, today emdia Sustainable Development if became routinist. It will be, because it is in fashion? Or it will be also, that only to think is enough? our action where ‘ ‘ fica’ ‘? Frequently we attend in the television, we read in magazines and periodicals asinmeras companies whom if they show in favor of the nature. If to observe, aumentacada day, the speeches of politicians, professionals and until the most humble people, expressing its concerns with the environment and the mudanasclimticas. We need to save the planet, the scientists warn, if average atemperatura of the planet to go up 2C, the consequences more we can serdesagradveis for all: He will have water scarcity; extinct species, fall of the productivity naagricultura, rise of the seas, glacier meltings, reefs and coraisprejudicados, abrupt climatic changes, storms, droughts, fires eondas of heat These concerns cannot only be in planejamentosdas authorities politics, religious, in the private companies, with the scientists At last, it has that to be part of our daily one. We have that to think about Surrounding nossoMeio, but to think and TO ACT of cautious form in favor of nsmesmos, the support so said, and of our future. As the popular dictated one says ‘ ‘ Each monkey in its galho’ ‘ , this nahora of the monkeys if to join and to share each experience of its twig. Nopodemos to limit our thoughts that stops taking care of of the environment exists osbilogos, ambient and forest engineers, geologists etc aexpresso environment already says everything, is all surrounding that involves all ascoisas alive eno-alive in the Land, beyond these professionals, needs that the doctors, architects, gari, masons, professors ALL independent of race, color, age egnero, ALL are engaged in this objective, each monkey to precisafazer something in defense of our planet to be able to have its twig. For simpler than it seems, small attitudes generate immense results: It plans its purchases: Who plans before, and less good purchase; It separates its organic garbage of the reciclvel: Beyond helping to the vocajuda planet families with the income generation; Before buying it evaluates the impacts and it consummates what it is only necessary: It evaluates what the product cause to the environment and as it was manufactured; It reuses the maximum: it reuses packings of the products, if to vocreutilizar why to buy? It saves: It erases the lights before leaving, disconnect computer when to noestiver using, does not use plastic bags It values the social responsibility of the companies: many companies fazemum important work in favor of the nature; She does not buy products smuggled pirates or: Buying produtoslegais if she contributes for generation of more steady jobs and reduction daviolncia; Copper of the politicians: Copper and participates of the actions of the politicians, therefore sonossos representatives; It reflects on its values: Important to understand which princpiosque in them take to the habits and consumptions; It divulges the consumption conscientious: alone or in group, multipliqueinformaes; It contributes for improvement of products and services: It complains, enviesugestes, it is very important our participation; Already this in the hour of not only thinking, but also acting! To think and to act in a Universal, cosmic way that it exceeds limitesdo planet, for yes acting in holistic way in favor of the environment, emprol of our future lives and If not to make this for proper us we go to make for that they had been born of us many that still will go nascere to continue in this world of prosperity..

Plan Business

Years later, working with the same company’s technology, are able to change this substantially, to the end that you will attend courses of induction in my clients as if it were an employee of these companies. I remember that I was assigned to the attention of a major customer of the steel sector and the first meeting my boss, client, and I, had proposed that as KAM, I attend the course of induction to new employees that this company had. Because I can tell you that I was two weeks, time complete plants and mines of this customer learning from your business and knowing their processes and problems, with an interesting depth level. The client received this very good liking since for him was a clear message of the commitment of my company and my unit of work with them. Therefore, the important message is to develop tactics to achieve a great knowledge in the industry and the situation of each one of its key customers. It may be that you do not become an expert in the field of action of its customers, but if you must achieve a very good knowledge of your business. Therefore, your Plan account, must include a detailed work plan for knowledge of the elements I have just illustrated as a first step.

Vision. Remember that you are a business consultant, not an outlet orders. Well, well Here is where you will demonstrate their capabilities of consultant and account manager. If you achieved an excellent knowledge in the previous phase, you must now develop a vision of how you and your company can help your client (Key Account) to use its solutions to improve your business. One of the fundamental functions of the KAM is developing business opportunities in their strategic accounts. One of the most effective ways is through the creation of a business vision in which your customer makes use of its products or solutions to make better business.


Writing and Reading ‘ ‘ In the reading they are implied the citizen that it writes leaving in the writing its marks and the citizens that when reading they bring up to date, give to life another one what he was escrito’ ‘ (You mark in Frantz-Relfexes, 2008, P. 14). When reading the present work, is perceived how much it is necessary the writing for the register and transmission of facts and for the presentation of theories; as well as quo is observed is estruturante to have been carried through bibliographical research concerning the subject. In mine to understand, reading and writing occupy 90% of the factor importance for the understanding of the world; 10% represent the individual transitory abilities as the verbal communication.

The speed with that the changes have occurred in the informacionsociety, which had to the technological advances, demands that the decisions are taken, practically, the box touch, what it requires ability. To be competent is to possess a set of abilities and aptitudes constructed throughout the life. In this context, sobressai it travelled person more, who knows the world and its facetas, not necessarily for having busy its physical spaces, geographic, actually, but mainly for having travelled through the romances, of the chronicles, stories, narratives, at last, through the letters; having concentrate, it saw letramento, knowledge enough to raise, to plan, to convince and to execute of efficient form considered projects, commission agents or for itself elaborated, with sights to a general society more joust and human being. To write ‘ ‘ it is to come close themselves to the others, to communicate truths, feelings, fidgets to them, to remain in the others through the word, to perpetuate themselves in outros’ ‘ (Periss in Frantz-Relfexoes, 2008. p.17). The qualitative capacity of the individual for the reading and writing, although the banalizao of the virtual communication? dialects only understood by users of the virtualismo Express-passenger? still it defines position and it consolidates functions, but it continues generating the auto-exclusion, the reduction of the individual by itself, the auto-depreciation, on account of the limitation of the vocabulary and the short vision of world, consequncias of the lack of practical of reading and to write.


According to Manzini (2008, p.32) to speak in support it is practically the same that to speak in diversity, that is, it is necessary to promote the variety. The performance of designer must then be to protect, but not only to propagate the biological, cultural and social diversity. This implies then in a new form of use of resources, searching technologies that promote the reduction of wastefulness, optimizing the functionality of the project using to advantage and improving already the existing one, thus minimizing the ambient interventions and impacts. How much to the moving one of the partner-cultural diversity, designer and the empresariado one the importance of the local artisan products, the local culture must be attempted against, requalificando social values, thus fortifying a mesh of social net where the personal abilities are stimulated, constructing citizens more critical-reflexives playing a basic paper inside of the support. To promote the diversity ambient is to become the qualified company to reduce the necessity of the new, that is, to develop forms of industrial ecology where it has a cycle of use of the necessary materials for the development of the product. To use system of solar energy, not to opt to materials with great ambient or comprovadamente harmful impact to the health human being. (MANZINI, 2008 p.34) the current marketing vision is reflected direct of the so marcante and commented globalization. But which implication of this fact for the support? The reply it is well simple, the globalization it diminishes the cultural diversity, it diminishes the partner-economic diversity what it stimulates the overconsumption in which design has basic paper in the use of medias having objective of increase of sales and stimulates to the consumption of products that in many cases do not become necessary..

Applied Economic Research

The average percentage of black professors in the Brazilian public universities does not arrive 1%, in a country where the blacks are 45.6% of the total of the population, in accordance with the Manifesto for the Law of Quotas and the Statute of the Equality. 2. A series of official data systemize by the IPEA (Institute of Applied Economic Research) in the year of 2001, summarizes the standard Brazilian of racial inaquality: for 4 uninterrupted generations, black and medium brown they have counted with little escolaridade, little wage, little access to the health, less index of job, worse conditions of housing, when contrasted with the whites and Asians. Studies developed in recent years for other state organisms, as the MEC, the INEP, and the CAPES, demonstrate clearly that the social and economic ascension in our country passes necessarily for the access to superior education, therefore the system of quotas if makes necessary, therefore it serves as instrument to raise auto-esteem of the people afro-Brazilian, guaranteeing the access of the people in inferiorizadas conditions to the university. 3.

Ajustia and the moral imperative of this cause (system of quotas/affirmative actions) had found resonance in the last governments, what it resulted in concrete public politics, such as: the creation of the Inter-ministerial Work group for the Valuation of the Black Population, of 1995, in the FHC government; the first affirmative actions in the scope of the Ministries, 2001; the creation of the Special Secretariat for the Promotion of Politics of the Racial Equality (SEPPIR), in 2003, in the government Squid; e, finally, the proposal of the current projects of law that establish quotas for deriving blacks of the public school in all the Brazilian federal universities, and the Statute of the Racial Equality. This in the sample that such measures has in the data excellent results. 4. The affirmative actions, as an important mechanism in the construction of the racial equality, already are reality in innumerable multi-ethnic and multi-racial countries, as Brazil.


E it was demonstrated in the ballot boxes for the votes, null, white and abstinence, not only for the holiday. Therefore it gave to vote early and to follow trip. The votes would have to have IDO for the adversary, but it badly was assisted when he started with attacks menosprezando the force and the character of the woman. In the Internet, I could observe opinions that had moved with the woman of fiber and fighter. today many women are antenadas in its hours of recess and could observe opinion of certain men as: woman place is in the kitchen, washing clothes, serving in the table and the bed. Stupidly, the ones had been these that had more raised Dilma to be to be the first President of Brazil. That it can give continuity, win obstacles, learn each time more, elaborate offences infuriates, respect the critical ones they will help that it to more still grow, searching and solutions alternative. With the patience and wisdom of mother, it will lead this nation, as the necessities of the children of Brazil.

Congratulations to all the men who love and give to value ace women as partners and half of the soul, as polarity, therefore one does not exist without the other. It is the Yin and Yang, the natural Law, existing in the world. Nothing it is created without the other polarity. WE ARE ALL ONE, IN GOD. a candle lights some candles, illuminating everything its return deep Peace to all MORAES NORM AP SILVEIRA. ' ' With the best votes, on behalf of that they trust a government for todos' ' That Brazil always continues with its projects and the goal pointing a future clearly and promissor' '

Public Works

After all, to have the support of twenty percent of the Brazilian electorate, as Marina showed and demonstrated to have, means that the environment found echo next to a significant parcel of the Brazilian population. The PV would have elements for, at least, to influence in the decisions regarding the chains that would go to assume those ministries whose actions if reflect directly on the territory and the environment. The PV and Marina could argue next to who won the lawsuit in as the turn, exactly having assumed a neutrality position: We do not help, but also, we do not confuse? E, somebody with sensitivity enough to occupy the Palace of Plateaus, certainly would be sensible to the representation of twenty percent of the Brazilian voters. Therefore if somebody left victorious person in the presidential elections Brazil in 2010, this somebody was the environment, together with all those that militate for the ambient cause. Marina Hisses and the PV would have to search to assume the control of the sectors that at risk cause impacts on the environment, compromising the support and placing the future of the coming generations. It is the case of the activities of mineral exploration, of the activities of estruturao of the road net and those activities that have immediate consequences on the territory and, after that, if they make to feel on the environment. This would be the case of the actions led the handle for the Agrarian Ministry of Public Works and the Economy, with its territorial plans and for the Ministry of the National Integration, with its projects of ' ' revitalizao' ' of hidrogrficas basins and its regional politics. In the case of the Ministry of the Cities, we must always remember that the urban expansion leads, inevitably, to the competition for territories, with called ' ' space construdo' ' fighting for the natural areas, until then preserved, or against areas of farming production, competition this that, the medium and long run, will have consequences for the environment.

Personal Indications

To try to be well I obtain and with the others. 7. TO OBSERVE the World where we live, to give attention, what we hear to our redor, for times, has messages that in they are destined. 8. To create its interior world (to think, to read, to communicate with the others) to have bases the one that if to support when something goes badly. 9. To train during the free moments small exercises of meditation, concentration, or simply to leave silence to install themselves and to think about what it exists of more important for we (nothing of corporeal properties), the love of somebody, the priorities, what we would like to make as work or projectos to carry through. 10. To always believe its GOOD STAR, exactly the worse situations. 11. To say whenever it could be worse. 12. At the very difficult moments to say the word Jesus, or the name of an important person for us. 13. To try not to have perpetual irritations or hatred. 14. To fight for what it is liked and to give the maximum of itself to materialize its objectivos. 15. To prevent the ways most easy, in general they are deceptive. 16. Regularly to harmonize itself with the nature to state in thought our love for the Universe, that is constituted of beings livings creature as we. As a conjunct of gratitude to the Creator. 17. Not to forget and to be proud of its origins for more modest than are. 18. If for happiness we did not have good examples, we must strengthen us for better making of what they had taught in them, thus the merit will be all ours. 19. To know that nobody has the absolute truth. 20. TO LIKE ITSELF. To know to give value without exageros. 21. over all never to lose the capacity TO LAUGH and to create good environments. I wrote this text to think about my children and the young. This is the result of thoughts and books that I read and my proper experience.

Afternoon Paulo

Studies show that one of the biggest problems of accessibility in So Paulo is the sidewalk, therefore for unfamiliarity or economy, the people make its pants almost always are of the standards. A survey made for the Periodical of the Afternoon in 2009 sample that more than 98% of the 30,000 km of paulistanos strolls do not follow the legal requirements. To arrive itself at any destination it is indispensable to the use of the sidewalk, being they then part essential of any tourist script to be explored. 6 2,1 ANALYSIS OF ACCESSIBILITY OF 2.1.1 VISITED ROUTES CENTER IF SP In the So Paulo capital exists a program made for the So Paulo Tourism in partnership with the Subway, the Turismetr call, that has the disposal of the population diverse tourist scripts leaving, gratuitously, of the station If of the Subway, with the accompaniment of guides bilingual and actors staging the history of So Paulo. One is about an interesting and very educative project that little is divulged, but only tends to grow. The program does not have exclusive routes for people with deficiency, what he is excellent, therefore as already it was spoken previously, everything what it segregates, consequently excludes. When questioning on the use of the routes for people with deficiency, one of the times was perceived that rare times had happened, being, for a total independent cadeirante that motorized chair used, and obtained to make the passage of If without great difficulties, according to monitorial it informed. But without accompaniment in I lease is difficult to imagine as this passage can have been done without difficulties, therefore the way sufficiently is conturbado, as he will be described to follow. Certain time was made a great stroll with about one hundred people with some types of deficiency, many of them with companions to push the chairs, but the passage chosen it was accessible of all, of the So Paulo Avenue, that will be boarded in the next item.