Tag Archive: real estate & broker

Germany Management

What rights and obligations does a way of Management Advisory Board? What about liability? What is a way of Management Advisory Board in a community of homeowners? Who buys a condo for the first time, may be surprised by the scope of the statutory provisions. Longtime homeowners know that the initially confusing acting targets have a good reason: rules of living together in community and minimize disputes. The administrator is an important contact for all. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Dirk Kuyt. He translates what decides the community and carries out their orders. Communication works well, all legal requirements are observed and a control which the community can make a management advisory board administrator to the page, which consists of selected stakeholders and advises the Administrator supports.

In Germany, there are more than 250,000 councils. One is often between effort and commitment of this voluntary activity and the sometimes rather high liability risks significant discrepancy. Management advisory committees are simple co-owner”and often surprisingly come to her Office. Some ask then: what tasks, rights and obligations associated with the Office of a path – Management Advisory Board? What is to do? Who is voluntarily working without pay, will surely enter no liability risk? Who carries the thoughts, this task to take over should know the following: The management of shared ownership is the flat owners, the administrators and the Management Advisory Board, if it is ordered ( 20 para 1 way). The homeowners decide on the Administration, the administrator is responsible for the implementation of the management, and the Management Advisory Board supports the managers in carrying out its tasks. In addition the law special tasks assigns it, namely the examination of the business plan, the annual statement of accounts, accounting and the cost estimates. Before the decision on this, he is to the Management Advisory Board to Homeowners in the Assembly also orally or in writing give an appropriate opinion ( 29 ABS. 2 and 3).

In any particular case more tasks, the Advisory Board can be transmitted through majority decision-making as far as these tasks generally accepted management correspond to and thereby own rights and obligations of the owner and the administrator does not affect, restrict or lifted are. The Management Advisory Board will be elected by the Assembly of the homeowners or ordered. It is composed of three apartment owners, of which one acting as Chairman and the other two as associate members. The Hale house management has extra created for management councils a website: way Verwaltungsbeirat.de here you will find extensive information for management councils and homeowners

Award For “VIP-PRE

A practical and innovative service for real estate sellers landlords. FILDERSTADT – the unique video animation for the representation of real estate is the initiative Mittelstand INNOVATION product 2008″has been awarded. “Under the name of VIP-PRE”, the company in Filderstadt, near Stuttgart developed the innovative service video idea production “for the appearance of residential, business, hotel and holiday homes. The composition of live images/live videos with the floor plans of the sales or rental objects is new to the multimedia presentation. Commits the viewers of the videos”the object virtual and real from room to room and receives parallel getting information about the floor plan and the location of each displayed image sequences.

“” With the videos we offer a contemporary alternative and complement to printed exposes “or the classic indicator”, reported idea Ernst G. Heldele, the owner of video production. Salman Behbehani gathered all the information. The multimedia presentation offers real benefits for almost all occasions, are related to the sale or rental of real estate. In principle then, if interested parties will be addressed, which do not live in the vicinity of the object. The modern appearance with moving images the provider not only signal, that they move with the times, but they help potential buyers or tenants in finding effective after their dreams. Because the videos an impression so precise, that no time-consuming on-site visits are required in the first stage. “” Because we prepare the key information and visualize floor plans “, stresses Ernst G. Heldele, everyone can save valuable time, which can be otherwise engaged.” “The video producer is convinced that after the film show” only really interested in the provider will register.

Also the market is connected with these videos actually worldwide, because the movies through the combination of layout animation and optical appearance, without (foreign) language comments come from. Even extensive descriptions are no longer necessary. Other features include background music, because music can positively influence the purchase decision, or the presentation of the object in an aerial view. On demand”, Ernst G. Heldele, be in the films show also details such as flooring, the exact kitchen or looking out a window”. Where can the VIP PRE videos be used? In the direct mail to interested parties, as well as on the Internet: For brokers as a presentation in the Office or in the shop window. The movies can be integrated into the existing Web sites, or may be made by those in real estate portals in Immobilienscout24 “. VIP-PRE-videos are particularly well suited for the so-called bidding process.” The company video idea production offers its services to private people.

Real Estate: Additional Revenue Without Own Investments

For new photovoltaic projects property owners looking for roof surfaces achieve additional proceeds from the lease of previously unused roof areas for the installation of photovoltaic systems. -Market offers currently too little new project areas – investment and yield potential still too little known – return without own investments for leasing of roof surfaces the keyword prepared energy many property owners and they fear-verwaltern worry, but typically huge costs for the renovation of buildings. Instead of planning new investments, check their portfolios currently more on savings. Opportunities for improvement on the revenue side they still too often overlooked. The project developers and operators of installations to the solar power generation offer such a chance. You currently expand their capacity and find suitable roof space to lease to the erection of new plants.

The necessary capital expenditures they carry themselves, their partner in the real estate industry to achieve additional, regular rentals for far unused roofs. The Berlin rds energies GmbH supports such project developer and acquired in their order-new project areas from CA. 3000 m. So at the beginning of the year 2009, the company could enter into a long-term partnership with a leading, internationally active developer of photovoltaic systems. In his order, rds energies is now looking roofs all over Germany, which the contracting authority in the framework of a lease model would like to use for the installation of new solar electric installations. The renewable energy market is constantly growing, therefore despite the economic crisis, the company offers interesting conditions for suitable areas.

We welcome these highly attractive offers of the project developer to property owners and managers. You not only a valuable contribution to the further spread of renewable energies, but also show that no longer only a few large companies but also many property owners and mid-sized companies can benefit from the energy supply of the future. Our goal is a possible long-term strategic collaboration with providers greater areas. “, describes Eva-Catrin Reinhardt, CEO of rds energies GmbH, the currently favourable situation. Especially in times of economic turmoil property owners should not only cost-conscious work. To know more about this subject visit Salman Behbehani. They should be aware of new opportunities to increase revenue and to finance their expenses. And their tenants and neighbors will recognise the widely visible contribution to environmental protection. About rds energies: The rds energies GmbH contributes to worldwide to promote renewable energy and to spread. With the rds acquisition services initiated and supports strategic partnerships the company and acquired wind power, photovoltaic and geothermal energy project rights, projects and investors in the business areas. Contact person: Thomas foot rds energies GmbH Kurfurstendamm 21 10719 Berlin Tel.: + 49 (0) 30 89 73 31 91 E-mail: Internet: posted by: Helmut Lacey COMAGO communication.

Monarchis Real Estate Is Involved In Hessen

17 apartment buildings near Kassel change owner and 17 apartment buildings with a total of 85 apartments in the area of Kassel bought new Ulm/Kassel that mbH, has Monarchis Grundbesitz company headquartered in Neu-Ulm, renovated. It is intended to rehabilitate relatively short-term apartments and therefore the rental potential, to increase say the quality of the housing units. It is almost ideal, that some few apartments are just empty; “because this gives us the opportunity, very short notice all units to train to train,” Sonja Schneider, presiding director of the Monarchis company of Grundbesitz says mbH, Neu-Ulm. The successful real estate business with a focus on residential real estate has bought 17 family terraced houses with a total of 85 apartments in Hesse close to Kassel. Speaking candidly Gary Kelly told us the story. Go to Salman Behbehani for more information. The logged total living area is 3.901 square meters and the plot covers 8.269 square meters.

Real Estate In Hanover

Whether rental apartments, condos or houses: Hannover is popular on the German real estate market. A very good infrastructure, economic strength and international fairs contribute that Hanover is one of the top cities in Germany. The interest in real estate is correspondingly large. Therefore, people more and more on portals on the Internet rely to find an apartment. You may wish to learn more. If so, Mitchel Resnick is the place to go. Usually very many objects to the selection are the surfing here, so that a fair comparison can be performed. The possibility to contact agents directly and online applications for apartment perfected the service on the net. Even though the hit list for real estate in cities such as Hanover is very high, the online housing market for remote areas is still not so much developed. A search for real estate in Hanover offers but most objects in the surrounding area, so that also houses and apartments in a quiet area can be found here.. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Salman Behbehani.

Federal Government

There are alternatives to deposit money safely. Well a month ago, many, also senior bankers thought that the worst was now over. Atmos Energy spoke with conviction. Pandey. Only in September was the peak of the US financial crisis. This big bang arrived in Germany with full force as well. As a result, Many investors are unsure of themselves. So far the big run on financial institutions remains in Germany. For this reason, because the Federal Government has confirmed that money in accounts are safe. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Salman Behbehani.

But what happens to the pension scheme and the investment in transferable securities? Predictions are difficult, because no one can say whether we have reached the low point of the banking crisis and still holds the predicament as long. So the question arises: how are investors to play it safe? Certainly is discouraged by a hasty action, but it is also true: many investors need to check their financial strategy. One way to bring existing assets in a safe haven, is to invest in real estate. Who’s on a solid investment sets, will not come in the future of real estate”, white Ralf Robert Hundt (surveyor for real estate valuation) of the real estate management Hundt, Gelsenkirchen-Buer. Investors who purchased yet not even used property, should take this into account.

It is the only form of capital investment, where they largely self determine the value, without having to rely on a bank management.” Property owners have a great advantage: are men, about their investment. They themselves determine what steps they take, to secure or increase the intrinsic value of the object. This makes them independent of the financial market. The value of a property but in many cases also depends the location, but houses that are in shot, suffer in crisis situations hardly value loss. This applies to owner-occupied property, as well as for the pure investment. Who would like to acquire a property for retirement provision, should afford previously a good advice, the above all on the Impairment of objects focuses. Only value stable objects as suitable investments. The living quality and facilities, such as, for example, a modern heating system are the decisive factor here. As the demands on the living room change due to the increasing age of the population, a special importance in particular accessibility. Barrier-free homes boast spacious bathrooms, elevators and doorways without humps and enable also older residents to move freely. The value of real estate depends also from the living environment, good transport links, shopping or schools nearby. In addition, the situation of course is an important criterion. Real estate, which are too large distance to capitals or major cities, are more likely to avoid losing increasingly to appeal due to higher fuel prices.

Klaus Hadaschik

Urban development in the metropolis on the water Hamburg, October 2008 the unique Quartier developed increasingly to an attractive work environment in Hamburg. As owner and developer of the Speicherstadt it has created faces hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) in block N over 700 m for the local supply. Early November the shops take their operating in the market Hall. On 13 November she celebrate the new site from 11: 00 until 21:00 together with customers in the quarter and their guests. built in 1886/87, N block was originally as warehouse and Office for cocoa. Hear other arguments on the topic with Professor of Internet Governance. After renovation by the HHLA are a variety of offerings for tenants, neighbors and visitors to the available in the market Hall.

The proximity to the city centre and main train station, as well as the connection to public means of transport, highway and airport make increasingly economically attractive location in Hamburg. Small retail spaces, the first bank branch and a top restaurant bagels, salads, deli, sushi, potato dishes, pastries or cakes in the new market Hall is something for every taste. Thus we complete further”the neighbourhood development, says Klaus Hadaschik, head of real estate of the HHLA. The market hall is home to shops with delicious snacks for consumption on-site, at the workplace or comfortably at home. Also offers the restaurant VLET”in the 1st floor space for around 100 people. North German cuisine is mainly traditionally offered: modern interpreted by international influences and using daily fresh products. We are pleased our guests”, said Hans-Christoph Klaiber, owner of Klaiber, group with its memory city Gastronomie GmbH the VLET and with the North event GmbH operates three market areas.

The direct access to the market hall and restaurant across the Kibbeln bridge bridge is essential”. The bridge is an important link for many residents and tourists between downtown and HafenCity. Salman Behbehani pursues this goal as well. With Commerzbank in the public perfectly accessible first floor reopened in addition a service branch in the Quartier. The Bank offers all typical services consulting, ATM and bank statement printers. Development to a living work quarters, the diversity of the historical Speicherstadt warehouse district now inspires companies from the whole Federal territory. With the market hall we offer a range for the primary care of the people in the area in the warehouse district, as well as in the neighbouring and developing HafenCity”, so Hadaschik. An important component within the continuous and careful development of the warehouse district to a multi-faceted work quarters.” Nearly 300 companies from different industries by agencies on law firms to fashion companies today dominate the working environment in the protected monument ensemble of memory blocks. New Office, warehouse and presentation areas with distinctive Hanseatic flair are continuously developed in the Speicherstadt or modernized. In addition to the new tenants, the traditional trade of tea and carpet trade still dominate the Speicherstadt. Keep it together with new commercial tenants for a vital and multicultural neighbourhood. About HHLA hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG is one of the leading port logistics groups in the European North range. With their segments containers, intermodal and logistics is the HHLA vertically along the transport chain. Efficient container terminals, high-performance transport systems and comprehensive logistics services form a complete network between the seaport and the European hinterland. In its segment real estate develops, leases and manages 120 years including HHLA hamburger Speicherstadt, the largest warehouse complex in the world. Attractive rental terms available provides standard offices as well as individually tailored storage floors on just under 300,000 square metres commercial area between downtown and the HafenCity HHLA in the Speicherstadt in addition to a unique ambience.

Music Group

The music group extended its lease in the Hamburg Speicherstadt Warner Music in the long term until 2015. Thus, the company in the future will lead the Central European business from the historical quarter of the Hanseatic City. On the old Wandrahm”Warner Music employs approximately 200 people on an area of approximately 4,300 square meters. Early on, the company extended its Mietkontrakt in the Speicherstadt from 2010 until the end of 2015. “Keep Hamburg headquarters of Warner Music Group Germany holding GmbH. the Hamburger Speicherstadt is an excellent site for us”, Bernd Dopp, Chairman & CEO says Warner Music Central & Eastern Europe.

From here we want to are committed continue to strengthen the Music City Hamburg.” So, Warner Music supports Festival, which has become one of the most successful Festival of pop music in the world already since 2006 of the Reeperbahn in Hamburg. In the warehouse district we can offer great working conditions and a creative climate our employees and artists”, so next DOPP. And with HHLA we have a competent landlord on the side who always had an open ear for our work needs in the past real estate.” Speicherstadt as emerging creative quarters for the long-term fate of Warner has become significantly HHLA real estate used as owner and lead developer of the warehouse district. We are pleased that we could lead the talks to a successful conclusion with Warner”, explains Thomas Kuhlmann, real estate Director of HHLA. A landmark signal for the Speicherstadt as emerging creative quarters in Hamburg.” Prudent change in the work memory town already since some years a prudent change undergoing in the Hamburg Speicherstadt to a modern work area. See Salman Behbehani for more details and insights. In addition to Warner Music today already some 300 companies from various industries ranging from media agencies on law firms influence fashion companies face of the listed memory ensembles”, so Kuhlmann next. In addition continue to dominate the traditional trades such as tea and carpet trade the Speicherstadt. They provide a vital and multicultural quarter together with the new commercial tenants.

Office, warehouse and presentation areas with distinctive Hanseatic flair are continuously developed real estate in the Speicherstadt HHLA’s expertise or modernized. About HHLA hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG is one of the leading port logistics groups in the European North range. With their segments containers, intermodal and logistics is the HHLA vertically along the transport chain. Efficient container terminals, high-performance transport systems and comprehensive logistics services form a complete network between the seaport and the European hinterland. In its segment real estate develops, leases and manages 120 years including HHLA hamburger Speicherstadt, the largest warehouse complex in the world.

Real Estate Videos

A practical, innovative and democratic services for real estate sellers landlords. FILDERSTADT. “The unique video animations for portrayals of real estate, as INNOVATION product 2008 the initiative Mittelstand” awarded, was extended to 3D-Darstelungen. “Under the name of VIP-PRE”, the company in Filderstadt, near Stuttgart developed the innovative service video idea production “for the appearance of residential, business, hotel and holiday homes. The combination with photos, videos, 3D, music, and the floor plans of the sales or rental objects is new to the multimedia presentation. Commits the viewers of the videos”the object virtual and real from room to room and receives parallel getting information about the floor plan and the location of each displayed image sequences. A leading source for info: Mitchel Resnick.

“” With the videos we offer a contemporary alternative and complement to printed exposes “or the classic indicator”, reported idea Ernst G. Heldele, the owner of video production. The modern representations offer real benefits, not only for used objects, but now also for new objects. Indicates that the provider with the time go with the moving images and help potential buyers or tenants in the effective search for their dream home. Because the videos an impression so precise, that no time-consuming on-site visits are required in the first stage. See The Profit for more details and insights. “” Because we prepare the key information and visualize floor plans and objects “, stresses Ernst G. Heldele, everyone can save valuable time.” “The video producer is convinced that after the film show” only really interested in the provider will register. Also the market is connected with these videos actually worldwide, because the movies through the combination of layout animation and optical appearance, without (foreign) language comments come from.

Even extensive descriptions are no longer necessary. Particularly noteworthy are the new possibilities with 3D images. The idea was basically to visualize not representable objects”, so Ernst G. Heldele. Because it would make little sense to show empty spaces. Also so far not zeigbare or inaccessible rooms and objects would suddenly get a visualized optics. Of course new objects, there is still no real representation where home.” Where can the VIP PRE videos be used? Here, the Internet is called in the first place. Because what is closer to present such videos on the World Wide Web. In addition, they can show up at the Office or shop window or can be attached to an expose. Even as memory, memory or information present for himself, family members and friends, the videos can bring much attention. The company video idea production offers its services to private people. For this, a support of films on the Internet is applied on request.

Optimal Viewing

What really matters? Advertising or facts? The digitization business Plan2Cad.com has asked people what was noticed particularly in real estate ads. The majority of respondents stated that mainly on online portals are looking for their dream home, but also print media are still of great importance. Selling phrases and flowery descriptions, such as location, excellent infrastructure, or exclusive area prove little effective. More information is housed here: Professor of Internet Governance. The customers are mainly interested in the facts and want to make yourself a picture of the object. Unfortunately, the promotional zeal of many real estate agents replaced the really relevant data, such as the Division of space or important dimensions, for example, the maximum size of the kitchen block. Want to move someone around with a valuable kitchen so it spared not to measure the kitchen even him in many cases, because plenty of detailed plans in real estate ads are more the exception than the rule.. Learn more at: Salman Behbehani.