To assume professionalisation commitments institutionally, to harness structures cooperative work and to generate processes of internal invigoration is not possible without modifying the present conditions in which the teachers move. A greater commitment with the institutional autonomy, that allows differentiated projects, to establish compensatory mechanisms and to assume control processes, completing itself with the taking of brings back to consciousness collective, claiming criticism and of the professional ones on its conditions of work but also on the exigencies of the new professional profile that is to allow the configuration of curricular projects. The exigencies of a greater coherence of the initial formation with the new proposals must be completed with a modification of the permanent formation, that is to be contextualised in center, starting off of the reflection on the own practice and incorporating cooperative methodology. The greater demand of catalytic scholastic autonomy as of a new concept and you practice professional, must affect the formation of advisers and also take to the pedagogical reframing of the direct rolls. One needs at this level of one greater professionalisation than respects the school model in which we move and harnesses more plus the exercise of the function (making possible suitable conditions on formation, a certain stability and the administrative recognition) and to make of the function a profession. The greater problem than is necessary to surpass in all this process is the one to avoid the vicious circles, thus, the search of the efficiency and of the quality they can indirectly take to an automation, harnessing directly or a classification and a super specialization to us within education.
Paralelamente, the distribution of tasks with major or minor autonomy degree can impel a desprofesionalizacin of the lowest links, is first factor in the loss of quality. The reflection on the autonomy and its relations with the professionalisation cannot be the excuse that allows to derive the speech on aspects that are latent. Bibliography Davini, Maria Cristina the educational formation at issue: Policy and Pedagogy. Paids editorial. Buenos Aires. Barcelona. Mexico.
Of the Carmen, Luis Meant and felt In Notebooks of Pedagogy. N 223. March of 1994. Madrid. Spain. Diker, Gabriela. Terigi, Flavia. Formation of Teachers and Professors: Trip ticket. Paids editorial. Questions of Education. Buenos Aires. Barcelona. Mexico.