Tag Archive: construction of life

Repair Structures

Such designs are called the svarnolitymi or stamped and are widely used in aircraft, automotive, car building and other areas. The use of such structures provides a saving of metal and labor. By welding details can be made of metal, held a variety of pre-processing, for example, welded rolled profiles with stamped, forged or cast blanks. Connect with other leaders such as Salman Behbehani here. You can weld dissimilar metals: stainless steel with carbon, copper and steel, etc. In the manufacture of complex-shaped structures using welding instead of forging and casting gives a big economic impact. For example, labor productivity in manufacture of welded structures is 2 times higher than the casting and forging and stamping, and working conditions are much better.

Capital investment per ton of welded structures are 1.5-2 times lower in cost and 1.3-1.6 times lower than in the foundry production. By reducing weight, increasing reliability and durability of products. 4.Udeshevlenie technological equipment. The welding equipment is relatively easy, relatively cheap and very high. It reduces the capital costs of metalworking plants and accelerate their entry into force. 5. Facilitating the integrated mechanization of mass production of the same type of welded products, the ability to create mass production with 100% automation and mechanization of the production cycle, which dramatically increases the removal of industrial output per unit area of the shop.

6. The possibility of broad primeneniyav welded constructions progressive modern types of materials: high strength, lightweight curved profile, multi-layer sheet steel, light alloys, high purity metals, etc. 7. Facilitating the production of components and microminiature parts in the manufacture of certain types of products – semiconductors, etc. 8. The possibility of widespread use of welding, surfacing and cutting the repair where the metal treatments provide a quick and cost-effective to restore worn-out, the failed equipment and damaged facilities. 9. Tightness and reliability of welded joints. 10. Reducing industrial noise and improve working conditions in shops.

Orchid Species

Today orchid is wanted in every home. Crumpton Group follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The demand for these amazing plants in recent decades has grown so that the fate of many of these alarming. Some natural orchid species already under threat extinction. In connection with the rapacious commercial harvesting of orchids in the wild in Washington in the 1970s was an international agreement prohibiting trade in wild species of orchids. By this agreement, along with other countries joined the Federal Republic of Germany.

The vast majority of species represented in the book is taken under protection. Compuware contains valuable tech resources. Therefore, we appeal to all lovers of orchids to please: the purchase of these plants make sure that their suppliers are well-known seed or plant breeding or firm. Keep in mind, are permitted to sell only those plants which were obtained in culture from seed or by division. Listening to our request, you agree to will contribute to the conservation of valuable species of orchids that have become a rarity these days in the wild. And even better – purchase cultivars of orchids that will please you and splendor variety of its colors. Details can be found by clicking Crumpton Group, Washington DC or emailing the administrator. There is nothing surprising in the fact that it is an orchid with its incredible diversity, again and again and admire the imagination of many people. The magnificence of their strange exquisite flowers amazing variety of color is often complemented by enchanting aroma. However, an orchid – it's not just luxury exotic guests from distant countries, which are now cultivated in many flower-farms in Europe, but modest and inconspicuous plants found in our meadows, forest edges, clearings.

Now we will tell you a little about the structure and varieties of this wonderful flower, so in the future to easily and accurately select varieties. Each orchid, like any other plant has roots, stems and leaves. By the nature of the growth of orchids are divided into two groups. Some of them, the so-called monopodial growth form, over the developing only the main shoot, constantly increasing its apex, usually vertically. In the growing part of the formation of new leaves, which are located on a bilateral basis, while old ones in the bottom of the escape gradually die off. Flowers, solitary or clustered in inflorescences are always at the side, in the axils of the leaves, and never – at the top of the shoot. Monopodial roots of orchids are usually formed at the base of the stem or at the bottom part. Monopodial orchids group is relatively numerous. Its typical representatives are aerangisy (Aerangis), Phalaenopsis (Phalaenopsis), Wanda (Vanda) and some others. The second, much larger group of orchids with sympodial form the main axis of growth is growing mostly in the horizontal direction and is a complex system of annual shoots with limited growth, in which each new shoot reaches its size limits for one season and then stops growing as a result of any form of terminal inflorescence, or death of apical buds, and the resumption of the kidney, located near its base, to Next year we develop a new one-year escape. Annual shoots of most sympodial orchids with sympodial growth form is most genera, including such well-known ornamental horticulture, as Dendrobium, Ontsidium, encyclopedia, Cattleya, Cymbidium, and Odonto-glossum. On our florist site. You can learn not only about orchids, but other types of house plants, their pests, as well as how to transplant and caring for houseplants.

Kitchen Headsets

The quality of implementation of the project in a minimalist style to be perfect: the surfaces are smooth, precise details, concise form. In a minimalist interior does not apply drawings, patterns and ornaments. There are no luxury items, rugs, lampshades, handmade items. Revive the interior can be embossed with plaster on the walls. If the walls are paintings, they must be in simple frames.

Color solution generally modest, it is based on black, white, beige, gray and brown tones. Modest generosity minimalist interior emphasizes artificial lighting with a different emission spectrum. Suitable lighting in the form of of prisms or matte balls. Often used in any lighting interior elements: rack of shelves, ceilings in the rooms and the kitchen floor. Today, there are also striking designs in the style of minimalism. Color decision is usually modest, it is based on black, white, beige, gray and brown tones.

Modest generosity minimalist interior emphasizes artificial lighting with a different emission spectrum. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Suit lights in the form of prisms or matte balls. Often used in any lighting interior elements: rack of shelves, ceilings in the rooms and the kitchen floor. Today, there are also striking designs in the style of minimalism. The important role played by the window. Ideally, it should be great on the wall. If the window a beautiful view, the curtains are not needed. But in a city without a curtain will not do. With austere interior harmony Roman curtains, roll curtains, movable, Japanese, always plain, pastel colors. Living in the spirit of the strict form of minimalism, a quality finish. Used a lot of glass and silver metal: coffee tables and lamps in the living room door wall cabinets, table and chairs in the kitchen most often made from these materials. Furniture can be made invisible, merging with the general background, and can focus attention on it. Because furniture a bit, some items may perform several functions: a bed is a place for storing clothes, arms of sofas tables play a role. In minimalism, transformers are often used: the table is hiding in the closet, bed – At a podium, computer conceal from the eyes of sliding doors and cupboards. In the kitchen, to visually expand the space, you can use a new technique: light furniture to match the walls and cabinets, lower cabinets a dark color. Kitchen Headsets long, strictly rectangular. For the minimalist kitchen with built-in appliances fit glossy, reflective surfaces. The cuisine in a minimalist style suitable for those who like to order a lot of space and air.

How To Choose A TV

At the end of the last century in Russia, the TV remote jokingly called "a symbol of power in the family." Technological progress is rapidly gaining momentum, but, nevertheless, television keeps the leading position among domestic appliances – it is it first becomes every family. He is rightly called the modern fireplace, which pleased all going home. Petra Diamonds understands that this is vital information. It is therefore important to make the right vybor.Obschie features Screen size is the most important parameter, which should look for when choosing your TV. Usually he is determined based on the size of the room and use the TV. Screen size – the length of the diagonal of the screen, which is measured in inches (''). Screen size is always present in the title (Reference) model. For example, a TV AKIRA LCT42MT02ST model has a diagonal of 42''or 107 cm Be sure to keep in mind that the safe distance for watching TV, there should be no less than 4 – 5 diagonal screen.

That is, "budget" model for 37-inch (94 cm) must be from the audience of about 4 meters, and 60''model (152 cm) – not closer than 6 meters. An important parameter, which you should definitely pay attention, is the flat screen, which has several important advantages: better image geometry, the lack of glare on the screen from external light sources. The format of the TV format of the traditional horizontal side of the screen corresponds to the vertical in a proportion of 4:3 (or 1.33:1). The trend of last time – 16:9.

Plastic Windows

What is the profile for plastic windows better choice right profile to a large extent determines the appearance and structural strength. Currently on the market of Saint – Petersburg are a lot of names profile systems of very high and very similar kachestvano in their properties. These are the profiles as Alyplast, Gealan, KBE, Rehau, Plafen, Salamander, Schuco, Thyssen, Veka, almost any brand profile includes several systems that differ in the number of cameras. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Ray Kurzweil. In consequence of a wide range, we are often faced with the problem of choosing a profile for windows. When choosing plastic windows and doors of PVC, we are confronted with the question of what the plastic profile is better, what constructive features is what properties.

Except for exotic profiles for plastic windows from hot countries, at a given time any malomalsky profile if he or Russian production developed in Germany meet all the building codes. The required standards for teplosberezheniya pass with a vengeance for that we need not worry. The main problem in choosing a profile for a plastic window comes when we have large windows. The large window in the first place is a heavy glass and high loads and, consequently, the main role here is beginning to play as far as quality and properly selected window profile. The more rigid in bending and torsion is the profile, the stiffer the result will be a plastic window. So what is the profile for plastic windows and better as his pick.

All reputable companies have guidelines on maximum size of the plastic windows, provider-specific profile based on the loads. Basically you can rely on him. In the case of the absence of regulations to better profile of a company to step aside. Putting windows in the audited companies and with a long experience in the market of plastic windows.

Repair Room

I'm tired of the wallpaper in the bedroom and kitchen irritates his unsettled? Frontdoor scares guests with her appearance, and tile in the bathroom keeps the word of honor? In the balcony door is blowing, and the children have no place to teach lessons? Do you need a repair rooms! If you come to our site, you are on the right track. We can help you find good craftsmen, and describe how to select construction materials, show you how to make repairs on their own rooms. Stages of repair of each repair, including repair rooms, consists of several stages Drawing design project or a choice of finishing a training room to get started, the dismantling of the old finish and garbage 2 Purchase of construction materials 3 working directly for the repair of Singularities … Each of these stages has its own characteristics. For example, the quality of preparatory work depends quality of future repairs. And when choosing the design must take into account not only the functional purpose of the room, but the level of illumination, size of room, who live in it and is doing what.

Believe me, the simple times replacing some other wallpapers are gone. Today, repair of rooms designed to create a unique interior design, quality finishing facilities and increase the comfort level. Click Google for additional related pages. There are specific requirements to repair the bathroom rooms and kitchens. Kitchen Kitchen occupies a central place in the apartment. Here is the hearth, smells pie, you can comfortably sit in a chair and a cup of tea. . For more information see this site: ConocoPhillips.

Stretch Ceilings

Cloth stretch ceiling is fixed on a special frame and hides all the flaws of your "native" ceiling, while preparing the surface for repair is needed. By flooding the suspended ceiling will protect your furniture, because fabric or PVC film stretch and retain water. But what most attracts buyers – is virtually limitless design possibilities. Everything is possible: the dunes, ocean waves, starry sky, the combined bloom, specular and velvety. The first step in choosing a ceiling, decide what you want to see in my apartment: three-dimensional graphics, high-gloss surface, imitation wood or marble? Next, you need to decide what manufacturer to choose.

Some people believe that foreign ceilings and better quality than ceilings from Russia. However, the Russian material is no worse than imports, despite the fact that there are much cheaper and offer the same opportunities for design. However, the German ceilings are also very popular here. Particularly attracted by the Russians, seamless construction. Unlike conventional coatings 1.4-1.8 m wide, seamless building block allows size of 5.1 x 50 m single canvas.

In addition, seamless stretch ceilings stronger conventional coating 15 times. And finally, the big moment – is to find a company that will pick up and do everything necessary. For mounting tension ceiling need special equipment and skills, only then will serve you long blade. How does the installation process? First of all, zamerschik should measure your home, to offer the best texture. When your canvas is ready, it sets a team of 2-3 people. The initial size of the material is slightly smaller than required, so before installing the canvas is heated. It is important to heat the material to the extent that there are no problems with operation. Properly prepared ceiling stretched well and kept on a skeleton. After that, the canvas is fixed and your cover is ready. The entire process takes several hours. Thus, by selecting and setting suspended ceiling, you protect yourself from time-consuming repairs: painting, whitewashing, pasting wallpaper, etc. The traction coating is very simple, easy to use and virtually no wear.

Plastic Windows

Choose a plastic window Oh, those repairs meal – the daily quest of building materials and good hands. Of course – we want to do everything to be beautiful, practical and serve as long as possible. That’s how the windows, which choose, there are so many – just head around, eyes run – in the newspapers almost on every page of advertising – “buy from us – and get a free installation,” but wonders as we all know – does not happen – and often under the colorful ad units lies that we, unfortunately, do not know, and do not try to find out. And how do you know how to choose the window – and is very simple – we will help you make the right choice. So – plastic windows are expensive and cheap. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger can aid you in your search for knowledge.

From What does it depend? – The number of cells inside the window profile (in a box and sash) – the number of cameras in the windows – window color – plastic quality – quality furniture – Configuration window, if the number of cameras in the pane clear (single-chamber or dual-chamber), the PVC profile try to understand. Currently the market offers a system of profiles consisting of three, four or five cameras. Naturally the more cameras the better – soundproofing, thermal insulation in the five-chamber windows always on top, but it is worth paying attention to one detail – not always the price for multi-chambered system meets your needs. Just listen to commercials “Five-chamber window at the price of three-chamber” – maybe, but to be honest – this is a fairy tale. Either you choose a thin-walled profile (it is quite easy to push with your fingers – believe me, there are such), or the quality of the surface This profile is poor. Let me explain – all the profiles differ in extrusion speed – the higher it is (more miles per day) so the price is lower but the quality of the surface, respectively, are the same.

For this class usually include all three-compartment sections – the so-called economy version – what a bad minus the surface – very dirty and clean stubborn stains stains are very difficult, and without it is simply him.sredstv can not do. In expensive series of profiles – the perfect surface (gloss mirror) and is easily washed with plain water or soapy water. With color box, I hope, too, is understandable – in the standard profile is white. But often white just does not fit the style (this may be the need to preserve the facade of a dwelling house) and was then selected from the laminated window profiles. Color range is wide enough for any manufacturer, but even if that is the color will not appear, it can be easily laminated to a suitable color for a special production. The price of these windows are naturally higher – as a rule, up to 20% on one side and 30-40% for duplex lamination. Quality accessories, as recent observations, also leaves much to be desired – not worth the risk and ordered him out windows that contain an unknown brand – it is better to opt for such brands as ROTO, AUBI, MACO, GU – all these well-known brands have earned the respect to the quality of their products and their range has nearly everything you need to satisfy customers.

Technical Regulations

Harmonization of redevelopment housing in Moscow is regulated by 25th article of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the decision of the Moscow City Hall on February 8th, 2005 under number 73-PP "On Technical Regulations conversion and (or) redevelopment of residential and commercial premises in residential buildings in the city of Moscow "(in the red. rulings of the Moscow City Hall on November 15, 2005 883-PP dated 25 th September 2007 831-PP). Redesign flat – it is changing its configuration, which requires a change in the data sheet of housing and binding agreement of the Housing Inspectorate. Conversion of apartments also require approval from a number of city authorities in Moscow and a set of installation, replacement or modification of utilities, plumbing, electrical or other equipment, the need to make revisions to the technical plan of the dwelling. Harmonization of residential redevelopment starts with developing a sketch or design project redevelopment of apartment: According to the draft approved by a simple rearrangement (non-structural walls and dismantling equipment new, decommissioning, replacement of technical equipment, unless changes are made in the stanchions of cold and hot water supply and sewerage system). To do this quickly draw sketch drawing of the planned changes and documents apply for an apartment in Moszhilinspektsii allow for the issuance of documents. By design project is coordinated capital redevelopment of apartments (Organization of openings in bearing walls, ceilings, changes in construction of floors, unit or reconstruction with / y).

The project is developed mostly with technical conclusion and an act of the hidden works. When training, the proper completion of all required documents, as well as carry out works, which include project development and coordination of redevelopment areas, you seem too difficult, then entrust this work to professionals from any relevant organization profile. Permission to redevelop the apartments are in Moszhilinspektsii (State Housing Inspectorate of Moscow). All issues of harmonization of residential redevelopment are in the field of competence. Before serving Moszhilinspektsii documents, you may need the approval of project documentation in the following organizations: The sanitary and epidemiological control, MES, DES, architectural control of Moscow. List documents required for registration of redevelopment of apartment: BTI plan, if it's red lines – requires the 2nd instance of engineering plan to redesign and explication (in black), so you can sravnit.Dokument, proving ownership or a notarized power of attorney to conduct rabot.Pismennoe permission of the owners (in the case of joint ownership) and all registered in the apartment housing zhiltsov.Ediny Paper (7 days prior to filing with the Housing Inspectorate of Moscow). Redevelopment project of apartments in old houses, often fraught with difficulties because of the abundance of small living space and special requirements of the LCD. Design projects replanning bedroom and three bedroom apartments in new buildings offer much greater design options.

Of course, in all cases, comply with all requirements of engineering and fire safety. Relatively low cost of modern apartments and a relatively high rate of construction of prefabricated houses made the building of this type are very common. Building blocks for building data are the basic elements, and the tenant is sometimes quite difficult to independently determine which of the panels is a flat carrier. Because of this design project redevelopment areas in the house of the panels is now a very common service, which requires very accurate calculations and the participation of trained professionals. If the remodeling or rebuilding carried out illegally (without permission), registration takes place in manner described above.

Diamond Cutting

Create individual and intimate layout of your home, select your apartment from a number of typical building solutions wishes everyone. It is easily the case with the premises, where partitions are gozobetonnyh or partition wallboards, although they have their flaws, working with them does not require major building interventions. The hardest thing the owners of apartments with monolithic walls or panels production houses. But here, no despair, modern diamond cutting concrete structures will help you express your individual style, and it is not a hindrance nor a stone nor iron. Determining the location of a new opening or arch must first obtain a plan of premises in HOAs.

In this regard indicated the structure of internal walls, more marked in bold structural engineering, more subtly marked with other partitions, with the dismantling of the problems which practically does not occur. Diamond cutting bearing designs require more thorough approach and is divided into several stages. First, you need to invite a specialist design office (in homes, only put into operation, refer to the Engineer Tehnicheksogo supervision of construction and to obtain permission from the designer is your house) to get the project making the opening and, if necessary, a way to strengthen and production design work (BPD). Second, choose a construction company or a private operator for the production work on the diamond cutting of the opening and subsequent amplification of the opening. Then pay attention to the cost of working skills, not Wall to ask questions, kotntrolirovat compliance CPD alert with shock effects on the supporting structures. And third, it is necessary to prepare a set of documents for obtaining a permit redevelopment dwelling. The period for consideration and decision-making can reach 8-10 months from the filing date. You can also turn to specialized companies, then all the signatures will be collected trustee, but this service is 60-100 rubles.

It is worth remembering that the redevelopment of residential premises prohibited interference in the building facades (although judging by the large number of commercial establishments on the ground floors of houses, this story bypass) complete dismantling of the bearing structures, construction of new residential premises without a window opening, increase in area of kitchen orders. site, a bathroom at the expense of living space, increasing the area of the dwelling at the expense of food, san. site, a bathroom room remodeling, resulting in less floor space turned out, than it was before it, the installation of steam radiators and underfloor heating device on the balconies and terraces, the elimination / reduction of channel cross section natural ventilation. In case you are not authorized alterations may face a fine, an order of coordination of production of the opening or moving partitions in 2-4 months, or the decision to bring all the original mind.