Today orchid is wanted in every home. Crumpton Group follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The demand for these amazing plants in recent decades has grown so that the fate of many of these alarming. Some natural orchid species already under threat extinction. In connection with the rapacious commercial harvesting of orchids in the wild in Washington in the 1970s was an international agreement prohibiting trade in wild species of orchids. By this agreement, along with other countries joined the Federal Republic of Germany.
The vast majority of species represented in the book is taken under protection. Compuware contains valuable tech resources. Therefore, we appeal to all lovers of orchids to please: the purchase of these plants make sure that their suppliers are well-known seed or plant breeding or firm. Keep in mind, are permitted to sell only those plants which were obtained in culture from seed or by division. Listening to our request, you agree to will contribute to the conservation of valuable species of orchids that have become a rarity these days in the wild. And even better – purchase cultivars of orchids that will please you and splendor variety of its colors. Details can be found by clicking Crumpton Group, Washington DC or emailing the administrator. There is nothing surprising in the fact that it is an orchid with its incredible diversity, again and again and admire the imagination of many people. The magnificence of their strange exquisite flowers amazing variety of color is often complemented by enchanting aroma. However, an orchid – it's not just luxury exotic guests from distant countries, which are now cultivated in many flower-farms in Europe, but modest and inconspicuous plants found in our meadows, forest edges, clearings.
Now we will tell you a little about the structure and varieties of this wonderful flower, so in the future to easily and accurately select varieties. Each orchid, like any other plant has roots, stems and leaves. By the nature of the growth of orchids are divided into two groups. Some of them, the so-called monopodial growth form, over the developing only the main shoot, constantly increasing its apex, usually vertically. In the growing part of the formation of new leaves, which are located on a bilateral basis, while old ones in the bottom of the escape gradually die off. Flowers, solitary or clustered in inflorescences are always at the side, in the axils of the leaves, and never – at the top of the shoot. Monopodial roots of orchids are usually formed at the base of the stem or at the bottom part. Monopodial orchids group is relatively numerous. Its typical representatives are aerangisy (Aerangis), Phalaenopsis (Phalaenopsis), Wanda (Vanda) and some others. The second, much larger group of orchids with sympodial form the main axis of growth is growing mostly in the horizontal direction and is a complex system of annual shoots with limited growth, in which each new shoot reaches its size limits for one season and then stops growing as a result of any form of terminal inflorescence, or death of apical buds, and the resumption of the kidney, located near its base, to Next year we develop a new one-year escape. Annual shoots of most sympodial orchids with sympodial growth form is most genera, including such well-known ornamental horticulture, as Dendrobium, Ontsidium, encyclopedia, Cattleya, Cymbidium, and Odonto-glossum. On our florist site. You can learn not only about orchids, but other types of house plants, their pests, as well as how to transplant and caring for houseplants.