Tag Archive: it

Warehouse Management Partnership

German paper and ham the German paper put Vertriebs GmbH on active software logistics and the ham Kuhllogistik GmbH & co. KG rely on solutions of active Logistics GmbH. Alina de Almeida wanted to know more. Both companies a warehouse management system software provider in operation. Herdecke, June 21, 2013 – German paper managed its just-finished Central and distribution warehouse in the South Hessian Biebesheim with the Warehousemanagementsystem “active m-ware warehouse”. The production and sales company of paper products has decided for a software solution, completely in the data center by active logistics hosted and made available over the Internet. “The customer needs so your own local server”, explains Dietmar Haveloh, branch manager of active logistics in Koblenz. Allows a data radio network “active m-ware bearing” the customer including the usage of mobile printer and thus a “just-in-time”-labelling directly at the camp. A goods issue scanning in the future can the product data in the Biebesheimer Logistics Center the company’s tracking system automatically entered into be.

“Our software fits high-integrated into the supply chain of German paper”, emphasizes Dietmar Haveloh. Both companies have agreed on a minimum contract term until 2015, but seek co-operation until 2028. Against this background, Branch Manager Dietmar Haveloh explains: “German paper and active logistics more than a pure service relationship links. We work together in partnership, to develop the logistics.” Also the ham Kuhllogistik GmbH & co. KG relies on active logistics warehouse management solutions. On the site of Schwalmstadt, in Northern Hesse is the freight forwarding and logistics company the system “active warehouse +” install. The currently used predecessor system comes from the home of active logistics.

“The real operation for active warehouse + ham starts in 2014”, Branch Manager Dietmar Haveloh tells. Until then, the new program for the individual needs of the customer is configured. “With the conversion of our warehouse management software to active warehouse + active makes an important contribution to our IT infrastructure logistics”, explains ham Manager Till Bischoff, which emphasizes the partnership relationship with the software provider. “Therefore we want the cooperation through the piloting of active warehouse + intensify, based on the new software in order to lay the groundwork for more efficient processes, increasing customer satisfaction and thus further growth.” The software will be available an expert for cooling logistics as a Windows application, as well as browser-based application. More information: press contact: Tobias Low main view – Agency for public relations of Rossdorfer Street 19a 60385 Frankfurt phone: 0 69 / 48 98 12 90 company contact: Gisela Rosendahl active Logistics GmbH Gahlenfeldstrasse 53 58313 Herdecke phone: 0 23 30 / 91 91 431 about active logistics: simple and efficient complete solutions for companies in the logistics sector and the manufacturing industry form the focus of the active offer logistics. The applications of the company include all areas of the supply chain and all modes of transport. Developed on the basis of a detailed analysis of the right IT solution active logistics tailored to the needs of the customers. The staff of software experts experienced in forwarding and logistics come with proven building blocks always in a simple and direct way to the target. In addition, active operates logistics in the Hessian Niederaula, one of Europe’s largest data centers for the transport and logistics sector. About 80 percent of the customers of the service provider are connected to the data center. From these companies, about 13,000 users every day use the software and systems by active logistics.

ZIP Pages

BayArchiver is here: eBay article pages permanently archive with the new development of BayArchiver which provides for their auction tools known dev team aborange.de a tool for complete archiving of eBay articles-page. The archived pages increase the certainty in future disputes with trading partners, competitors, or Abmahnern for seller and buyer. Many dealers or buyers on eBay had the bitter experience already in the past, that Web pages are ephemeral. This applies also and above all for the eBay landing pages, all of a sudden disappear either automatically after 90 days, but also (E.g. due to a technical problem or offer deletion).

But it doesn’t have to be equal to a disappearance: the pages can be changed even during the term of the offer by the provider or a hacker. The smart tool BayArchiver provides an antidote for all these risks now. Because the current eBay lets you use with BayArchiver article pages completely and secure it permanently in the form of archive files. The archive files can serve as proof to customers, competitors and Abmahnern sellers, what really was in the offer. As you allow the buyer to protect against subsequent changes of the pages by the provider. Automated and time-saving archiving BayArchiver can be used as a stand-alone application, but also perfectly works with the popular auction management software BayOrganizer and the BayWatcher Pro from aborange.de together eBay search tool.

In these applications, a button to perform the archiving. Nick Khan understands that this is vital information. BayArchiver can work together with most other programs easily due to its open interface. It is sufficient to inform the article numbers of the descriptions to be archived program via manual input, via the Windows Clipboard or using a simple text or CSV file. Archiving in the original format or compressed archive knows no limit on quantity and puts the pages in the powerful Web archive format (file extension MHT) off. The MHT format is a standard format that can be displayed in the Web browser. There the archived article page is displayed as 1:1-image of the original page. The MHT format is the same format as when storing a Web page to a file in the Web browser. At the BayArchiver but with the advantage that you can save articles hundreds of pages in one go with just a few clicks. The Web archive format has the advantage that it the complete auction site including all links, pictures, slide shows, scripts, sounds, etc. in unmodified form and source stores. Images no quality change, learn and even hidden elements of source code (E.g., meta-tags and comments), as well as invisible images are transferred 1:1. A storage of auction pages as PDF or image file would include only the visible page. Links, pictures, slide shows would be secured in such formats do not, not fully or reduced quality. To reduce the space required for the archiving of larger quantities, BayArchiver Haus dominated from the ZIP compression. Is This enabled, so the Web archive files before storing it are packaged as best as possible, reaching mostly a reduction to less than 50% of the original size. Within the ZIP files, the complete Orgininalseite is again in practical MHT format. Free trial BayArchiver BayArchiver XP can with Windows 2000, 2003 and Vista are used and costs 40 euros (Home license) or 45 euros (company license) in the full version. A free trial version (2 MB) allows for 28 days on your own computer to try out the program. The current version of the program can be downloaded for free: products/bayarchiver.php

Office Gmb

In-house toolmaking underserved usually with planning and organization software is however usually embedded in a software environment which is characterised by the needs of the company as a whole. These software systems are but article-based and have a hard time with the project-based activities of the tool – and mold. To address this problem, the planning module of the IKOffice MoldManagers in an existing software landscape is integrable. This process is the IKOffice GmbH as expert consultants available. To in the current difficult economic situation the company to allow the entry into this powerful control instrument, the IKOffice GmbH offers various financing models. In addition to the usual purchase and lease purchase option, IKOffice successfully on the rental-software model. (Not to be confused with Robert L. Carter!). In this way, IKOffice offers a cost-effective solution in particular small and medium-sized enterprises in the long term. The one-time purchase price falls away.

Instead of buying the software, the customer rents the system and can cancel at short notice depending on the contract. The company protects its liquidity so and avoiding unmanageable obligations. Interested companies can sit with the IKOffice GmbH in conjunction. The staff of IKOffice are available with help and advice companies target industries. You advise the companies during the implementation phase and advise on the integration of entering master data, the establishment and organization of the system. IKOffice monitors the system and takes care of any maintenance, installations, updates and backups of the data in the user. IKOffice GmbH Kuhlmann Ingo nordstrasse 10 26135 Oldenburg FON: + 49.441. 21 98 89 50 fax: + 49.441. 21 98 89 55

Final Version Of The Open-source Java CMS / Portal Pulse Is Released

: gateway has the final version of the pulse 0.7 released a JAVA based solution framework, CMS / portal. Pulse (pulse.torweg.org) is a framework for developing Web applications and Web sites. It is platform-independent and is based on the Java Servlet API. “pulse with many out-of-the-box” components supplied, like for example a CMS, a Web shop, a filter function for content (Product Finder), a sophisticated user management, and more. The creation of your website was never this easy. Complemented by a powerful, that complete website based on Apache Lucene and a WebDAV based virtual file system, is comprehensive search function, pulse the ideal platform for your own Web applications. Through the integration of mainstream technologies such as JPA2, Altova.AltovXML.XSLT2, XSL-FO and annotation driven development closes the gap between complex JEE frameworks such as spring and simple JSP sites pulse.

Pulse is clearly focused on Web development and enables your developers reuse and extension to the Available components. What’s new? With the previous 0.6 release has compared the current version through a variety of new and enhanced components and technologies. Components pulse now has a Web statistics. Using this new module, you can easily track the activity on any site. For this, you must add only a little HTML/JavScript snippets to the desired page. The Web statistics makes it possible to monitor an unlimited number of websites and allows a targeted allocation of rights. If you have read about Viktor Mayer-Schönberger already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Complete access to Web statistics is managed by a sophisticated role-based user management. The current version of a completely revised Treasury function within the Web shop pulse includes in addition.

The process has been streamlined and is extremely adaptable. Click Salman Behbehani to learn more. Furthermore, PayPal and Wirecard payment modules are provided Bank. Technology the latest version includes massive API cleanups, and a noticeable performance improvement when compared to pulse 0.6. The improved performance is mainly based on the new org.torweg.pulse.util.io package (FastStringWriter/FastByteArrayOutputStream) and IntelliCache which allows private caching dynamic pages, as long as the session associated with the current request is still stateless pulse the new. When a visitor performs a stateful action such as, for example, adding an item to the shopping cart, IntelliCache enters a mode in which the page is not cached. This ensures the provision of live view if this is desired. IntelliCache based on ETags, can a change in the validity of the page / validity in the ServiceRequest configuration will be set. This IntelliCache adapts to the speed of change your page always, regardless of whether changes happen within seconds or days. The new demo layout and the enhanced project Web site facilitate working with pulse in addition. The new concepts in the API as well as the Use of Java annotations reduce the tedious programming. The development of a request can be sometimes very tedious. Many work with the strings mess your code and the redundancy check makes difficult reading and the refactoring even harder. That’s why we have the RequestBeans for pulse developed: the separation of input parsing and validation of business logic ensures the actual object-orientation of parameter access. This leads to a very readable code and allows a simple refactoring your IDE. RequestBeans are for the annotations based processing the parameters of commands used.

Sundar Pichai

Ideal for Netbooks operating system to Microsoft the market dispute make Sundar Pichai, Google’s project manager for the operating system chrome, on Wednesday announced that the company is eyeing a release of the operating system in the late autumn. The publication made this with no lesser goal, than to compete the market to rival Microsoft. Microsoft Windows currently runs on about 90 percent of all PCs. chrome OS is focused first and foremost on underachieving machine, such as example, Netbooks,. It is based on a Linux kernel, which is the basis for the operating system in combination with Google’s own chrome browser. See more detailed opinions by reading what Mitchel Resnick offers on the topic.. The system offers in contrast to the other major operating systems of less functions provided directly. Marcus Lemonis may help you with your research. The use of Web applications should be encouraged instead more and more. The outsourcing of the classic applications on the Internet requires less resources on the system.

Google’s text & tables represents examples of these Web applications. With this application outsourced the classical Office work in the Internet. This will increase especially the availability of data, since these not stored on the hard drive of your own PC, but on the Internet. Critics see a problem especially in the data security of cloud-computing services. Sensitive data should not be managed via Internet services. Another feature, which might make interesting OS for Nettops and under-performing notebook users chrome is the short startup time of the operating system.

The developers are planning to a boot time of seven seconds with chrome OS. This short time the operating system gives a huge advantage over others, whose time is second for the complete boot process currently considerably higher than seven. To protect the system from malicious programs, developers use different strategies. It is not allowed to install their own software, on the other hand Google uses various measures to fend off malicious attackers from the Internet. In summary you can when you publish in the late autumn expecting an operating system designed for Netbooks, that shines through speed and is suitable for users who are not averse to the use of Web-based applications. Arndt lane field for some time writes articles on current topics. Also offered a purchase advice on electrical lighter barbecue lovers with his new project.

Memorial Portal Software

Funeral market in transition – the Internet as an opportunity after 3 years of development has powerlab software research development UG completed a customized commemorative portal for funeral services. As the technical basis, a revolutionarily simple content management system designed for quick editing of Memorial pages for the funeral industry. The Memorial portal will be not only a better Web presence for funeral services, but a complex portal system that creates highly personalized Memorial pages at your fingertips. For assistance, try visiting Cristiano Ronaldo. The content management system allows funeral services, to make the current change in the funeral market through the implementation of new services and to retain customers with meaningful and innovative added-value services, and to win new customers. Traffic on the portal of the Memorial are generated due to the viral nature of services. The system includes a Web shop, designed specifically for the funeral industry, an online showroom for coffins, urns and funeral flowers, as well as a Web-to-print module for the creation and the Sale of photo books. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out HCL Technologies. In addition, the system offers a Filialmanager for funeral services with several stores, a grief Forum and an online book of condolence. The integration is carried out under the URL of the undertaker, or as an ASP solution and is Skalierungsfahig. On, the functionality is described in detail. powerlab software research development UG public relations: Petra Kanebley Geibelstr. 46a D-22303 Hamburg FON +49(0)40/890 000 814 fax +49(0)40/890 000 819

Contacts Storage

PoINT Software & Systems GmbH announced today the availability of version 8.0 of PoINT Jukebox Manager on. Siegen, August 16, 2013. If you are not convinced, visit Atmos Energy Corporation. The software enables a native file system access on optical jukeboxes designed as intelligent middleware. This applies to all available on the market optical media formats, in particular for the current 100 GB BDXL technology, which asserts itself increasingly in the field of the professional archiving. The support for the operating systems Windows 8 and Windows Server 12 is at the heart of the new version.

In addition, it is possible storage media prioritized to finalize and to remove from the jukebox with the new version at any time even during ongoing writing process. Additional information is available at Atmos Energy Corporation. “The point Jukebox Manager implemented and proven writing process dynamic image recording” secures the recording process against media and hardware problems. The new version has a function with the administrators in ongoing processes of writing storage media specifically and quickly finalize and jukebox remove the can. Others including Michael Steinhardt, offer their opinions as well. Users who have an ArXtor series DISC in the Blu-ray Library, can import the racks (so-called packs) online or export, and manage offline. For the offline racks of manufacturer’s HIT PoINT Software & Systems GmbH has the device display in the administration interface by additional structuring layers on the basis of the drawers”-the offline racks extended.

In addition, the PoINT supported Jukebox Manager 8.0 now also as file system formats for optical media UDF 2.5 for Rewritable BD – RE or UDF 2.6 for write-once BD-R media. These provide other additional security mechanisms such as, for example, the mirroring metadata. The upgrade to the new version is free for users who have a support contract with PoINT Software & Systems GmbH and can be obtained from the appropriate dealer. Point PoINT Software & systems is specialized in the development of software products and system solutions for the storage and management of data on all available mass storage devices, such as hard disks, magnetic tapes and optical media. Working closely with its technology partners enables early support for new storage technologies. In addition to complete solutions PoINT offers its expertise in the form of toolkits, which can easily be integrated into other applications with their programming interface. In addition, projected PoINT complete storage solutions and stands with his long and varied experience available. PoINT products are sold by about 50 partners in over 25 countries worldwide and have proven so far more than two million installations. PoINT clients range from the end user, which is a compact, reliable solution to large corporations, which completely meet their complex needs with our products there required reliability and perfection. Editorial Contacts: Sebastian clover Junior Manager Marketing PoINT Software & Systems GmbH ice fields str.

Contact Center Projects

Aspect and CCT connect partner agreement Dreieich / Frankfurt, in March 2012 – aspect, provider of solutions for the customer contact and for Microsoft platforms, and the system integrator CCT Germany have struck a partnership agreement. Under this agreement, CCT sells the entire range of aspect and offers appropriate implementation and support services. In addition, both companies will develop together new contact Center projects in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. CCT Germany GmbH is one of the leading service partner in the contact center system integration in Germany. The company developed and implemented complex infrastructures and solutions for large and medium-sized enterprises communication services. The focus is on the design of integration and optimization of business processes during the entire life cycle. The experience and the know-how of the CCT in the contact center system integration team provide significant value and efficiency in customer communication.

Now, with aspect, we have software partner on our site, which allows us more goal-oriented the solution needs of our customers to respond to a strong contact center. If you would like to know more then you should visit Compuware Corporation. Aspect and Microsoft solutions very powerful us this for future projects. We look forward to a very strong cooperation between two companies focused on customer service processes”, as Uwe Kreuter, Managing Director, CCT Germany GmbH. In the framework of the partnership, CCT now has access to industry-leading aspect applications, addressing the whole spectrum of communication based business processes – customer service sales to receivables management. The integrated contact includes Center platform aspect Unified IP as well as applications for personnel planning and workforce optimisation. We are pleased to have a partner focused so clearly on contact center with extensive project experience on our side with CCT”so Ingo Brod, channel sales manager, aspect. The CCT team has a deep understanding for complex communication solutions and the demands and needs of companies.

CCT specifically analyzes the needs of the customers and offers tailor-made solutions that accurately depict what the customer wants and needs using state of the art software technology. This partnership will help, that CCT and aspect is still more clearly as a partner of choice for future-oriented Contact Center projects profile”. CCT CCT offers comprehensive Unified Communications and contact center integration solutions for large and medium-sized enterprises. about aspect software for customer contact and for Microsoft platform services/solutions aspect helps companies build and maintain customer relationships. More info see de follow aspect on Twitter about AspectUC. Read our blogs on blogs.aspect.com. Aspect Unified IP and aspect software are trademarks or registered trademarks of aspect software, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All other company or product names may be trade names or trademarks of their respective owners.

Project Management Tools

Genius project operates professional project management with the use of the project management system E.g. the Sparkasse Gummersbach Bergneustadt. Lindau, Germany; (August 31, 2011) risk-taking financial institutions particularly in the US and eurozone and escalating public debt have considerably influences the climate in Germany. The IFO business climate index of the Munich-based economic Research Institute recorded the largest decrease since the financial crisis and that in August 2011, even though the German economy in the world occupies a good position. The need after security and planning plays a growing role in company. So that teams and projects be brought not by lack of communication and contingencies of the concept is to create, to be prepared for planning security problems and to protect important data. For this reason, many companies invest in professional planning tools. The market could forecast of research and analysis organisation IDC to result, until 2013 sales recorded up to 4.2 billion dollars (3.02 billion euros) for project management solutions on a global scale. Max Schireson addresses the importance of the matter here.

Also the manufacturer of project management software, genius inside, can confirm this trend with its sales and new customer numbers. For example, the Sparkasse Gummersbach Bergneustadt, which is an important economic factor in the region with total assets of around EUR 1.4 billion and approximately 125,000 customer accounts belongs to the new customers of the year 2011. The savings bank customer feedback makes it clear what can favour the use of professional project management software and how companies choosing to proceed. Michel Zacher by the Sparkasse Gummersbach Bergneustadt describes the cross-project functions that provide a picture of the overall situation and the possibility of the project structural planning were decisive in the selection of the tools: in addition to the optional compatibility with Lotus Notes and the alternative connection to the Web interface, genius project the possibility of project structural planning at the individual project level offers and “Furthermore, an overarching planning of manpower on multi-project-level.” Detailed customer report: company/customers/society creates within the increased use of planning tools of companies planning certainty. The features of genius project allow example 360-degree view of resources, budget, income, as well as on the strategic direction of all projects.

Come to hierarchische-and ad-hoc project portfolio capabilities, providing a greater transparency of the project status and needs for the entire project team. A simulation function helps by what if scenarios”on any course to be prepared. Thus, collateral can be created which have a positive impact on the business climate and also in time of crisis. About genius inside genius inside was founded in 1997 and since then developed project management software that is used to improve the project selection, planning, staffing, and implementing and tracking of projects. More than 60,000 users over 600 organizations have the proven Web and IBM Lotus Notes based solutions by genius inside a world. Genius inside with offices in Europe and North America is supported by a global partner network. Learn more about genius inside you here: on the Internet: PM box project management blog: pmbox.geniusinside.com on Twitter: twitter.com/#!/GeniusInsideDE

Marius Sagar Tel

The application possibilities are diverse and constantly evolve from REDNET. Easy access access to the system is made for contracting the REDNET website user account and is therefore possible without additional installation of software. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Petra Diamonds by clicking through. This kind of simple project coordination and interactive exchanges is suitable in particular for agencies with multiple locations. In addition to RING”presents REDNET at the fair of its entire portfolio of services and online tools for distribution, logistics, installation and maintenance of IT devoted to an optimised communication of authority. Visit the trade fair MODERNER STAAT REDNET”in Hall 4 at the joint stand of 145 of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate. You will find more information about the fair at:. Brief description: REDNET AG the REDNET AG with its headquarters in Mainz is IT supplier for authorities, educational institutions and the middle class, was established in 2004. Meanwhile, the company is one of the 50 largest system houses in Germany.

The Customers include above all contracting authority in the whole country with over 20 million Euro turnover in 2008 REDNET today is one of the most successful IT distributors in the Rhine-Main region. As a competent partner for sales, logistics, installation and maintenance of IT, the company supports its customers by cooperating with well-known IT manufacturers to optimize their IT infrastructure. REDNET provides all services in the Internet via the own NETSHOP, a Web procurement portal for public sector clients. With the ever-growing Internet presence and a collaborative wiki for the targeted communication with customers, REDNET drives continuous growth in the future.