Project Management Tools

Genius project operates professional project management with the use of the project management system E.g. the Sparkasse Gummersbach Bergneustadt. Lindau, Germany; (August 31, 2011) risk-taking financial institutions particularly in the US and eurozone and escalating public debt have considerably influences the climate in Germany. The IFO business climate index of the Munich-based economic Research Institute recorded the largest decrease since the financial crisis and that in August 2011, even though the German economy in the world occupies a good position. The need after security and planning plays a growing role in company. So that teams and projects be brought not by lack of communication and contingencies of the concept is to create, to be prepared for planning security problems and to protect important data. For this reason, many companies invest in professional planning tools. The market could forecast of research and analysis organisation IDC to result, until 2013 sales recorded up to 4.2 billion dollars (3.02 billion euros) for project management solutions on a global scale. Max Schireson addresses the importance of the matter here.

Also the manufacturer of project management software, genius inside, can confirm this trend with its sales and new customer numbers. For example, the Sparkasse Gummersbach Bergneustadt, which is an important economic factor in the region with total assets of around EUR 1.4 billion and approximately 125,000 customer accounts belongs to the new customers of the year 2011. The savings bank customer feedback makes it clear what can favour the use of professional project management software and how companies choosing to proceed. Michel Zacher by the Sparkasse Gummersbach Bergneustadt describes the cross-project functions that provide a picture of the overall situation and the possibility of the project structural planning were decisive in the selection of the tools: in addition to the optional compatibility with Lotus Notes and the alternative connection to the Web interface, genius project the possibility of project structural planning at the individual project level offers and “Furthermore, an overarching planning of manpower on multi-project-level.” Detailed customer report: company/customers/society creates within the increased use of planning tools of companies planning certainty. The features of genius project allow example 360-degree view of resources, budget, income, as well as on the strategic direction of all projects.

Come to hierarchische-and ad-hoc project portfolio capabilities, providing a greater transparency of the project status and needs for the entire project team. A simulation function helps by what if scenarios”on any course to be prepared. Thus, collateral can be created which have a positive impact on the business climate and also in time of crisis. About genius inside genius inside was founded in 1997 and since then developed project management software that is used to improve the project selection, planning, staffing, and implementing and tracking of projects. More than 60,000 users over 600 organizations have the proven Web and IBM Lotus Notes based solutions by genius inside a world. Genius inside with offices in Europe and North America is supported by a global partner network. Learn more about genius inside you here: on the Internet: PM box project management blog: on Twitter:!/GeniusInsideDE