Acquiring Knowledge
The question may arise – if the goal is not stated, then, that – do not read a particular book / article? Not exactly. As we know, there are four stages in the process of acquiring knowledge: 1. Unconscious ignorance 2. Conscious ignorance 3. Conscious knowledge 4.
Unconscious knowledge of one. Unconscious ignorance. Not only do you not know about something, but you do not even know that you do not know it. The pun, of course, but you think about it. Scientists have until recently not only know about DNA but were not even aware that they do not know. This level of ignorance of the unconscious. Another example, you do not know about palm reading, but if you had not had to deal with this phenomenon (or even a word), then you do not even guess that such a phenomenon exists.
It is out of your outlook. That is why in order to pass this stage, it is useful to expand their horizons by reading books by completely unknown to you themes. And the goal here is present – broaden my horizons. And suddenly, this is exactly what will fill the additional meaning of your life. 2. Conscious ignorance. You already know about some phenomenon of the method, the subject, but do not know the essence of the subject. Ie You generally have the representation, such as about the same damn stuff, but do not have the depth of knowledge on this subject. Think of how much is useful at this level you have. You know a lot, heard, but do not know it so deeply, but surface. A man of broad vision, so talking about him. Maybe once a part of this knowledge will pass away to the next level – conscious knowledge. 3. Conscious knowledge. You have studied in detail and a deep subject, acquired skills and use them in practice. Option with palmistry – you practicing palmist. Know the essence of technology solving a fate's hand, and have experience. 4.Neosoznannoe knowledge. Having studied the method, acquired skills. Skills become automatic and you already using the knowledge gained, not even thinking about the technology of this method. This level – the level of master, expert. It is like driving. After all, you do not think, when to press the pedal, it all happens automatically according to the traffic situation. You are at – the unconscious knowledge. For clarity, offer a useful tool for self-control. I call it – Funnel knowledge. Level 1 – Level 2 unacknowledged ignorance – deliberate ignorance of the three levels – the conscious knowledge of the Level 4 – the unconscious knowledge is currently in its state of each funnel. Some knowledge is at the 2nd level, some at the 3rd, in something you master it, and fourth level. You constantly expand their horizons and start a new knowledge level. Some knowledge and remain at 2nd level, this is normal – it is important to have a general idea for a complete picture of the world. How important and constantly replenish their The funnel of new knowledge. You can take a short summary: aimless reading should not be. Even if you do not know what took up a particular book, it is important to understand that the goal may be – to provide new knowledge, you thought you no idea.