Tag Archive: philosophy

Colliding Particles

If the colliding particles are moving at low speed, then the energy of each gamma ray of 0.51 MeV. This energy is the "rest energy" of an electron, or its rest mass, expressed in units of energy. If the colliding particles are moving with great speed, the energy of the gamma rays will be more due to their kinetic energy. Annihilation occurs and the collision of a proton with an antiproton, but the process in this case proceeds much more complicated. As intermediate products of interaction generated a number of short-lived particles, but later a few microseconds as the final conversion product remain neutrinos, gamma rays and a small number of electron-positron pairs. More information is housed here: Justin MacGregor. These couples may eventually annihilate, creating additional gamma rays.

Annihilation occurs and the collision antineutron with neutrons or protons. As long as there is an antiparticle, the question arises whether the form of antiparticles antinucleus. The nuclei of atoms of ordinary matter consists of protons and neutrons. The simplest kernel is the core of ordinary hydrogen isotope 1H; it is a single proton. 2H deuterium nucleus consists of one proton and one neutron, it is called a deuteron. Another example a simple kernel – the core of 3He, consisting of two protons and one neutron. Antideuterons consisting of an antiproton and antineutron was obtained in the laboratory in 1966, the core of anti-3He, consisting of two antiprotons and one antineutron was first obtained in 1970. According to modern physics of elementary particles, with appropriate technical means could be obtained antinucleus of ordinary nuclei.

The Phrase

Leaving of the opposition it enters the sphere of the nature and the sphere of the society, we find the man wild living of the fruits of the land, not being necessary to force it, nor neither to use too much effort to get its sustenance. On the other hand, after innumerable progressos, increased of generation to the generation with the advent of agriculture and the metallurgy and the consequent division of the work, the man in the society state starts to live under the principle: ' ' Who does not work does not eat! ' '. With the development of the arts and the industry, the man, delivers the extreme works, degnerates and loses the vigor of the body at the same time where if he becomes morally depraved. While in the nature state ' ' the wild man, after having eaten, is in peace with all the nature and is friend of all its semelhantes' ' , the man of the society, satisfied its primary necessities, it is launched in a search desperate for the superfluous one and the wealth. ' ' It does not have a moment of descanso.' ' 5 Proud of its scientific and artistic knowledge, the men exaltam the society of the work, without attempting against for the miseries that this way to live causes. Strongest they enslave weakkest, appears the competition and the treachery, the ambition and the rivalry. Thus, since the agricultural society until the industrial society and arriving finally at a well recent past, the work appears not alone as the main claim of emancipatrias fights, but also as a terrible form of oppression and exploration. This contradiction is exemplificada by the phrase that could be chore in the high one of the gates of Auschwitz: ' ' the work liberta' '. If to launch a look to our redor, we will see that the work, such we conceive it to which, is an activity exclusively human being, not existing in the nature none another animal practises that it. Salman Behbehani may help you with your research.

The Philosophy

Moreover, the philosophical problems also appear in our reflection on sciences, the religions and the arts. Here it is some examples: – The one that is really the art? music? – The one that is really the numbers? It will be that the mathematical theorems are inventions of the human beings or discoveries? – How we can conciliate the existence of a good and powerful and utmost wise God with as much suffering in the world? – The one that is really a physical law? as we can have certainty of that these laws are true? Although the philosophy to be a reflection that appears nor all of course the reflection that appears of course is philosophical. Many times I fear personal answers for philosophical questions as: ' ' Which is the direction of the life? ' ' or ' ' It will be that everything is relative? ' '. These personal answers, however not yet are philosophical. They can be the starting point of the philosophical reflection; but they are not the arrival point. This wants to say that pods and must leave of your personal certainties. these justifications have to resist the critical one. We go to see what this wants to say.

The philosophy is a critical activity the first thing to make before a philosophical affirmation as ' ' Everything is relativo' ' it is to try to know accurately what we are to say. Everything mentions it what!? what it wants to say ' ' relativo' '? In the study of the philosophy, this work of interpretation is crucial. We have to know with precision what really this to be affirmed to be able to argue this firmao. It is therefore that in it I capitulate 2 we will go to distinguish phrases from proposals, and will go to see what is ambiguity and other traps that do not allow in them to correctly interpret the ideas of the philosophers.


Writing and Reading ‘ ‘ In the reading they are implied the citizen that it writes leaving in the writing its marks and the citizens that when reading they bring up to date, give to life another one what he was escrito’ ‘ (You mark in Frantz-Relfexes, 2008, P. 14). When reading the present work, is perceived how much it is necessary the writing for the register and transmission of facts and for the presentation of theories; as well as quo is observed is estruturante to have been carried through bibliographical research concerning the subject. In mine to understand, reading and writing occupy 90% of the factor importance for the understanding of the world; 10% represent the individual transitory abilities as the verbal communication.

The speed with that the changes have occurred in the informacionsociety, which had to the technological advances, demands that the decisions are taken, practically, the box touch, what it requires ability. To be competent is to possess a set of abilities and aptitudes constructed throughout the life. In this context, sobressai it travelled person more, who knows the world and its facetas, not necessarily for having busy its physical spaces, geographic, actually, but mainly for having travelled through the romances, of the chronicles, stories, narratives, at last, through the letters; having concentrate, it saw letramento, knowledge enough to raise, to plan, to convince and to execute of efficient form considered projects, commission agents or for itself elaborated, with sights to a general society more joust and human being. To write ‘ ‘ it is to come close themselves to the others, to communicate truths, feelings, fidgets to them, to remain in the others through the word, to perpetuate themselves in outros’ ‘ (Periss in Frantz-Relfexoes, 2008. p.17). The qualitative capacity of the individual for the reading and writing, although the banalizao of the virtual communication? dialects only understood by users of the virtualismo Express-passenger? still it defines position and it consolidates functions, but it continues generating the auto-exclusion, the reduction of the individual by itself, the auto-depreciation, on account of the limitation of the vocabulary and the short vision of world, consequncias of the lack of practical of reading and to write.


Democritus de Abdera (460-370 C) believed that in the universe the atom and the vacuum exist only; vacuum becomes the possible movement. oughout. Anaxgoras de Clazmenas (500-428 C) was the first philosopher to live in Atenas; it tried to synthecize Heraclitus and Pitgoras and it concluded that the Nus was intelligence organizer of everything in the universe (Cabral, 2006). 2.PERODO ANTROPOLGICO OR CLASSIC In this period the philosophers had created new a thematic one for its speculations: the man. The philosophical knowledge change its geographic space (of the Jnia for Atenas? the cultural center of Greece), and from there appears the necessity to study the man and its life politics, therefore, in you polish, the convivncia human being needed to be based. They participate of this period the sofistas, Scrates and Plato (Cabral, 2006). 2.1SOFISTAS the precursors of this school had been Protgoras de Abdera and Grgias de Leontini. While the excessively thinking ones of the period if presented as persecuting of knowing, of the truth, the sofistas if announced possessors of knowing.

They were professors and remunerated by the profession, and as they understood of rhetoric oratria, could not announce that they do not possuam what they vendiam. Thus, they prepared the young Greeks so that they were projected in the society, over all in the politics. The young searched ways to be successful, and the sofistas offered the necessary tools for the concretion of this objective, since that if it could for them pay (Nunes, 1986). Protgoras de Abdera (485-410 C) had antropolgica conception, was indifferent to the religion. Grgias de Leontini (487-380 C) was adept of the skepticism absolute, and considered the creator of the rhetoric (Cabral, 2006). 2.2SCRATES (469-399 C) Son of a sculptor and an obstetrician, was poor and it did not write no book (the poor persons were not alfabetizados, only the aristocracy could pay for this activity).

Internet Electronic

In today we are going to speak on like developing a selling product in the smaller possible time. One of those products that are sold on a daily basis in Internet. For this moment we hoped that you already have decided what will be its niche of market and verified its yield of the way that we suggested in previous chapters, so that we only have left TO CREATE that product. But what is sold in Internet? One exists varied digital product range that you can create, but for the objective that we have seted out in this brief course, we have been decided by an electronic book or " ebook" and right here we will give him you rule so that you can create excellent ebook even if she does not have too many knowledge on the subject at issue. The reason by which always we recommended to create an electronic book like first project is without doubt by the facility that nowadays is possible to produce this type of products. And the reason is that an electronic book is a product that is sold in Internet. And it is sold with facility if we managed to create a USEFUL book! If its niche of market offers wished results, always it will be possible to him to begin to create additional products like videos, audio, courses online or teleseminarios, but at the moment we will focus in the electronic book.

We are going to begin! First that we needed for our book they are chapters! How to know what chapters to place in its book? Well. What we must find out now is envelope what concrete points the readers of their niche of market are looking for answers. And for that we have to Yahoo Answers: Additionally also it counts on local sections for Spain, Mexico and Argentina: Yahoo Answers is an excellent resource to know as they are those questions by which the people are constantly waiting for answer in a certain activity or our case, in a certain niche of market. It is an incredibly useful tool to decide which will be the chapters or sections that we will include in our new electronic book.

Project Singularidades

The Project of the Multitude the project of the multitude not only express the desire of a world of equality and freedom, not only demands a democratic global society that is opened and inclusive, as it provides the half ones to reach it. (HARDT; NEGRI, 2005, p.9) Hardt and Negri give the name of Empire to the new order that currently regulates the circuits of production and the international market world-wide, without respecting the national borders and establishing a command center. The Empire, the production of wealth is translated as biopoltica production, a time that is not limited to its economic aspect, but engloba also the politician and the cultural one and in this way appears as the production of the proper social life. It is the age of the control society, in which the power leads the people to a state of independent alienation by means of machines, as systems of communication and nets of information, that directly organize the brains and the bodies. From the diagnosis above, Hardt and Negri defend thesis of that the power of the Empire, that if all spreads for the globe looking for to keep the order through new mechanisms of control and conflict, if oppose to a force that makes possible the creation of communication nets and cooperation that make possible the concretion of joint actions. This force comes from the set of singularidades that compose what Hardt and Negri call multitude: To understand the concept of multitude in its more general and abstract form, we initially go to contrast it with the one of people. The people is joins. The population, of course is composed of numerous individuals and different classrooms, but the people synthecizes or reduces these social differences to an identity. The multitude, in contrast, is not unified, remaining itself plural and multiple (…) the multitude is composed of singularidades? with singularidades we want relating in them here to a social citizen whose difference cannot be reduced to the uniformity, a difference that if keeps different.