Monthly Archive: November 2012

Car Life

And the car must be newer and greater than the one of the colleague, then everybody must realize that one is not any lagaa of mico. And the family demands and presses, because there is to occur to cache and estatus and the experience sample that is nobody no more self-seeking, snobbish and exhibitionist who the middle-class when she gives him by the social ascent. Then it is a vicious circle that never finishes, get into debt itself, consuming without limits, working without rest to be able to fulfill, etc. Often the unique thing that makes us stop to us to reflect, is not the product of a rationalization or a philosophical lucubration that makes us fall in account of which we are little less than slaves, but an sudden infarct, a demurrage in a unit of intensive cares, a separation, an infidelity, delinquency or drug addiction in the home and thousand tragedies more, each worse one than the other. It has that to remember that when we dreamed about studying and specializing to us, we among others made things to have one better quality of life.

Perhaps we have obtained yes it? Yes we lived better? Or simply we are enslaved with university title without time for we ourself, nor for our families, without place for the intellectual growth, the worldly enjoyment and aesthetic rejoicing, to feel in the body and the senses the sublime one to please to feel us alive and healthy and vigorous and to be thankful for to the life by so many privileges and benefits to him that have given to us and that often we wasted very stupid idiotly without at least giving account us. It is not necessary to try to become rich in the first year of exercise. The things are arriving, the rewards are obtained when the work takes control of responsibility, certainty and dignificando to the person like an integral being.

Office Equipment

Someone liking bright notebooks, pens and pencils, notebooks, diaries and note books. To focus and not be distracted by color and pictures, someone chooses stationery in military style. It all depends on the nature and needs of the owner. To date, over the external appearance of the office works great Number of firms, but that we choose what a pen would lie in the portfolio, what the place of honor on the table, with coca to negotiate and sign documents. The success of a businessman, his independence, and emphasizes the character designer stationery, made from the best material, with inscriptions or logos, ideal size and shape. The original designer of stationery can brighten up the student and the student academic year. Pencils and pens with colorful tips in the form of animal figures cheer up and not give the bored in pairs. After all, enough to have only one handle and a pair of notebooks for notes.

Surround yourself with the necessary design things and feel the richness in their lives. Leather diaries, desk sets – it is necessary assistants in the work, which should ideally coincide with the needs of the owner. Holder for pens, palm documents skrepochnitsa, photo frames, paper tray, card holder, vase, Staple, Stapler, diary, punch, a knife for opening letters, staples – is not only the right things, they provide your interior, emphasizing style and character of the owner. Well have all that regularly need to hand. Various office supplies – an essential attribute of our lives, more in technological progress, where computers have replaced us all accessories to the letter. But more than that in fleeting hectic days it is hard not to notice how important it is to have a clerical assistant beside him. Because these products are not longer update, modernize. Constant novelty stationery and design know-how created in the Depending on the needs and concerns of our time. We strive to keep pace with the times, keep up, be stylish and modern. Every to do their methods, but inspire us to reach peaks, whatever they may be, first of all office supplies.

Advice Research

In accordance with the text of tetraidrocanabinol, that it is the responsible active principle for its effect, more powerful will be the cannabis. Thus, being, the hashish makes use of a great portion of this active principle, whereas marijuana is composed for a dose lower (TO EAT, 2003). In view of the effect of marijuana it can be said that this less modifies the chemical environment of the brain, becoming the individual most susceptible some activities and others (BURGIERMAN, 2002). The use of marijuana can bring some consequences to the user and these will be in accordance with the situation, the dose and the frequency. some of these consequences can be the physical and psychic dependence, cancergenas injuries, alterations in the brain, suspicion of sexual disfunes, possibilities of infarto, panic, madness, comprometimentos with the pregnancy, and others. To if thinking about these consequences it can be understood that it will be able to exist or not Pr.

A questionnaire elaborated was used for this research through> bibliographical analyses previously raised, composed of 19 closed, objective questions and some referring half-open dependents and to the subject. After the approval of the project for the Advice of Ethics with Human beings and by means of the term of assent signed for the representative who answers for the direction of the institution. The graduation courses had been chosen randomly, giving to privilege the pupils of 18 the 20 years attending a course the first year and of 21 the 35 years attending a course the third year, as well as that if they had declared through the questionnaire using of drugs. In the collection of data the identification of the citizens was not demanded, nor questions that would come to cause possible exposition of the same ones and these had been applied of collective form in classroom, with a previous communication on the objectives of the research and after the signature of the term of assent for the participant citizens of the research.

Our Relationship with Nature

Anaximander analyzes the material things of the world and they made some abstract representations. In nature we do not see an immediate no perfect geometrical figure. These figures are in our thoughts. But the same have a great relationship with nature, as the original image is that we see, based on the experience we went to the infinite universe of metaphysics where abstract reason develops its practices, then adapt to the experience where those entities take shape and consistency with the sensible reality we live every day. And what once seemed impossible or element of fiction becomes reality.

This is where science and technology play a decisive role, in order to implement the thoughts of reason in the fields of metaphysics. Note that based on the experience we can highly abstract systems of thought, and the domains of reason in the abstract fields that seem to be very far from reality we can get very complex material systems. Which we can provide different interpretations of nature and its alleged link with physical energy levels having a transformation different from ours. When we observe the movement of a mobile, three-dimensional study. Science and technology we can provide the discovery of other dimensions that have a direct relationship to objects in the universe. Since the discoveries of scientific philosophers of nature, applied to the universe, to the practice and demonstration.

Can now be applied to any object on earth. That is the great mathematical and philosophical complexity that handle the sciences. The infinite is characterized by no limits, that is what has not ended.

Mediating Process

Why to investigate the evaluation in the school? This thematic one it is argued in the half academics with deepening so that to the difficulties of the quantitative evaluation and its transistion for the qualitative way are identified. An immediate transistion of a meritocrtico and classificatrio avaliativo system for a cooperative and formative system would practically be impensvel. The qualitative evaluation still is atrelada to the behavior of the pupil, taking itself in account since its physical presence in room until the delivery of the pertaining to school activities with pontualidade. One searchs to understand the theoretical evidences so that if it considers a system, mixing and initially gradual, of evaluation. A procedure is considered in this research in order to make use itself of an only characteristic in the avaliativo process: to become instrument of accompaniment and development of learning. In practical pedagogical that evolved socially conceptual and, the educational axle passed of the centralidade of knowing in the figure of the professor, for the centralization in the citizen of the process of learning, the learning, placing itself currently practical the pedagogical one as product of the professor-learning interaction in partnership with important institutions as the proper school, in a vivified performance, and the society that it of the support. Studious of the area they estimate the existence in two ways of evaluation, calling the first way of ' ' tradicionalista' ' , where the professor represents a personage who if believes the center of the process when transmitting knowledge. The pupil, comumente represented as the social agent who learns, receives passively the knowledge that in it is deposited. The measure and the classification in this boarding are: the test, the test and ' ' trabalho' ' (a supposed research where the pupil copies the consulted workmanship textualmente). Of another luck, it has blunted a new speech of the formative evaluation, considered progressive or construtivista, preceituando that the professor is the mediating personage who carries through the diagnosis of the process teach-learning, instrument of reorientation in the process of appropriation of the knowledge for the evaluated one.