Monthly Archive: April 2016

Eurofighter Sukhoi

Currently, they are capable to use missiles and modern bombs, as the powerful antiradar missile Russian Kh-31 Krypton. However, the hunting has little reach and capacity of limited load, beyond low ascent reason. However, three multi-functional huntings of combat if detach in the inventory of the Air Force of China, although to be in service in small numbers: the Shenyang J-11, version of domestic production of the Sukhoi Su-27, the Sukhoi Su-30MKK, of Russian manufacture and the Chengdu J-10. Certainly such aircraft represent the most powerful vectors of the PLAAF, capable of, with adequate training them pilots, if to impose in any scene of modern combat. The hunting Shenyang J-11 was produced under license, being in the truth a Sukhoi Su-27K. The capacities of the aircraft Sukhoi Su-27 and its variants are recognized world-wide, being considered capable in operation today in the planet, therefore, excusing bigger commentaries. The project of the J-10 aircraft was made in Israel that, together with Russia, made use the Pequim the ways necessary to construct such aircraft.

They had it to the Israelis projected as a national version of the American hunting F-16. The J-10 is one modern hunting that represents a great advance for China. However, the aircraft is in service in limited numbers, and the progress of aircraft of the call generation 4++ and the fifth generation in Russia, the Europe Occidental person and the United States denotes that its potential can be contained. Stories exist of that the Chinese would be projecting an aircraft of fifth superior generation to Eurofighter 2000 and the Rafale Frenchman. The proper net of Chinese state television already cited the existence of the project, however the information, not-officer, of whom one future aircraft comes to be superior to Eurofighter 2000 is contestvel. The new and modern light aircraft Chengdu FC-1, not-operational in the PLAAF, are being tested.

The Autonomy

Thus, it is perceived social dimension, and politics, obviously, that this project has. It does not aim at only the managing organization of the school, but, more beyond: it searchs the construction of goals, disposals and abilities of a honest form stop with the society, therefore it leaves that this has the chance to participate of this taking of decision in a public school. The author (DAYS) (2003, P. 5) it affirms, still, that: The school while one ‘ ‘ parelho’ ‘ of the State, it aims at to reproduce the social relations of production, making it difficult with this its autonomy politics, where the education of quality anger to search overcoming of these social relations of production. The Autonomy of the School while institution that it forms for the life appears as the exit most cautious for the limitation that is imposed to it by the State and its search for an identity condizente with the current scene politician where we live not it leaves any another alternative that is not to fight for a more independent positioning, of this form, in the process to educate.

It needs to walk with its proper feet, in order to go of meeting to a place that is so only its. Thus, one more time she fits to point out that the Project Pedagogical Politician seems to follow in two directions parallel bars in face of the necessity of that the democratic management happens in one definitive institution of education: in the search of this institution for its autonomy politics and in the consolidation between what it offers and what its society really needs. Corroborating with the words of DAYS (2003, P. 1), ‘ ‘ The school is a social and democratic space, composition for the pupils and its familiar ones, professors, employees and beside the point members of comunidade.’ ‘ , it is opportune to remember that this democratic management does not only become in the seio of the school or the moment of the teach-learning, but in all the space that the school must enclose, that pupil is the social environment it, being here with priority related by the author as the family.

Presidency Time

Journalist Vladimir Herzog was at the time of the fact the director-responsible one of the Department of Journalism of the TV Culture of So Paulo and publisher of culture of the magazine Vision. Its death would cause great impact and repercussion in the public opinion what it would come to cause fort suspicion to the official version. Sources according to cited, the secretary of the Press of the Presidency of the Republic, Humberto Barreto, would disclose then for the first time to the climate of existing confrontation between the president and the agencies of repression politics, especially of So Paulo, on contestadores of the distenso and to the minister of the Army, general Slvio Fleet. In result of this fact its secretary of the press Humberto Barreto arrives to ask for resignation of its position, but it are presumptuous to remain for the proper Geisel, that discloses to need people fidiciary offices to disarticulate the project adversary. Geisel already wise person who some military of high patent of the Army already articulated a military blow for dep it, but had a man of extreme loyalty and confidence that already came has much time monitoring all the events: this man was nothing more nothing less than its minister Head of Security of National, general Joo Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo who would succeed in the presidency of the Republic leading Brazil to it to the return to the democratic system. With the approach of the mass of seventh day for the soul of Journalist Vladimir Herzog, then the Golberi minister of the Couto and Silva transmitted recommendations to the So Paulo Journalists so that they did not accept and they prevented provocations capable to radicalize the situation still more. The mass would be praid by the cardinal-archbishop of So Paulo, dom Pablo Evaristo Arns, one of the critical greaters of the Military Regimen and would congregate thousand of people in the Cathedral of If in an environment of great tension, finishing for becoming it first manifestation politics of spread against the government of president Ernesto Geisel. . .


Captain Silver was demoralized, but he masks he did not leave it to fall and he allowed that I and my team embarked for the treinos, to only avenge itself later. After to embark, I grouped my team in the load compartment 11, in order to inquire the state of the suits supplied the groups of the training, and observed that they were old suits and in pssimo been, almost impracticable for use, readily I started to fix the suits together with Arthur and Erik, while it protected the door Well, I ordered Jack to place explosives for all the ship, without nobody perceived. Meanwhile, Arthur obtained to invade the system of security of the ship and he became in them invisible for the cameras and he placed in them in the command of the audio system of and video of the ship. I all removed the extra material that brought hidden in my suit and initiates the repairs of the suits that we had available, raising its levels of energy and offensive and defensive capacity, it was when Arthur and Erik had asked to me as my suit obtained to resist the detonation of the captain and of it did not resist mine, it was when I explained what it is force and pressure. That it does not advance to apply a great force in a great area, because the damages will be minimum, however, if to apply the same force in a small area, the damages will be well extensive, and were this that occurred, I were inside of a plasma ray very great that was not focado in me, that is, the detonation reached the soil, and not it me. No longer mine in case that, I concentrated almost all energy of my suit, the point to activate the energy auxiliary, to attack of a time alone, in an only point, where if he finds the point weak of the armor of the captain, since I myself I projected the model of the suit of it, although to be modified, still wise person which age the weak point of model ST-511, cofabricado for the StarTec, without counting, that the suit I medicate is stronger and resistant that the too much suits, already that the doctors need to arrive in the combatants wounded, going then the fire line, for saved them; I had made alterations in mine, as of custom.

Dream Balloon

Dynamics: My dream also can be its N of participants: 10 the 30 The ministrante will have to deliver to the participant empty balloons and a piece of blank paper. In the piece of blank paper to write a dream that it desires to carry through, to place in the empty balloon and later fulling it. Soon after, to initiate the dynamics with a music, the participants will have to play its balloons top and not to leave them to fall, also they must help ones to the others. To the end of music each one must catch a balloon that will be more available (it can be that it catches the balloon of the other). To blow up the balloon that will be in its ownership and to count what it is written (which dream) that it could still be its or of its colleague. Moral: All must be helped mutually, also contributing in the accomplishment of the other people’s dream. This dynamics serves to work democratic management (work in team, project pedagogical politician, meeting of parents and masters, meeting with the pertaining to school community, pedagogical meeting, among others).

The Social

The author uses ' ' espetculo' ' of the ignorance and alienation of the people to its destination, the social classrooms of this period still in formation and below of its mission, being valid this in such a way for the commercial bourgeoisie as for the sectors most popular, to suggest one total disarticulation of the people with the leading classroom, classroom that was vain of whom objective the ideas of a national project of identity would command devir historical. The intellectuals would have the priority of saying on behalf of a nation, producing ' ' myths unificadores' ' that they would facilitate the creation of an identity. A hierarquizada and authoritarian joint. We cannot disrespect for where ' olhos' of these intellectuals they were come back in that historical context, produced in its time, could not be different, had more privileges produced for the proper knowledge and therefore, many times if they pointed out to the front of its contemporaries. The author indicates us that for in such a way if these intellectuals they did not make use of knowing on the logic of the Real who were integrated, always had the resource to come back its eyes toward the developed countries.

How much to bedding of the legitimacy of the power of the intellectuals on the society verified that these did not present formal headings, that is, they did not make use of an identity principle sent that them to the institucional bonds as diplomas or headings, however, the power consisted of the ownership of one to know on social the recognized one and valued for ample sectors of this society, she concludes that on the recognition and valuation of these social sectors it was based legitimacy of these intellectuals in if exactly making representatives or interpreters of the popular masses, or still ' lugar' of social definition that the same intellectuals attribute itself and to that they recognize or they legitimize the power to them. The intellectuals, culminate Pcaut, had a leading vocation because they obtained that any better another elite, to catch and to interpret the signals that demonstrated that already an underlying nation existed, enrolled in the reality. ' ' Everything served to prove: the ways to be, the culture, the people, the development of the forces produtivas' ' (p.29). At last, he ponders the author, with the imbalance between the social one and the politician, is not of mold to discourage the intellectuals. The ideology allowed, over all, to be the when necessary elite and to when convenient people them. In function of this social imbalance between and politician, the intellectuals still obtain to elevate themselves in indispensable mediators, substituting, are because possibly they identify themselves with the State or if they more good present as against-Estado.classes since that same they, affirm to know its deeper interests and placing themselves in the position of the Power, therefore in such a way how much this if projects above of the social one. However if they place so frequently so ' ' acima' ' of the society

Social Service

Not forgetting that in eight years members of the house of representatives can guarantee a retirement being enough to follow some requirements, good lesser what a worker ‘ ‘ normal’ ‘ he needs to fulfill. Today with the advent of the Internet, of the use of vdeoconferncias in the judiciary one also, he would not be reasonable of to be used this way also between the Members of the house of representatives and Senators to diminish the expenditures with trips for Brasilia or its States? thus also to leave that each one of these politicians make politics of inside of its proper offices and not needing in such a way to perceive the highest wages to represent the people, representation this, many times forgotten as soon as installed it elect position. They could dislocate only one time for month until Brasilia to make a speech its projects and to guarantee support of its colleagues. With this technology that we possess in programs of computer, the example of the Brazilian federal prescription, the politicians could be folloied of house for any citizen and thus to be valued for the personal works of each one, in detriment of this people chose who it, would be one politics much more valued, therefore it would make for the people something that would like that they made for it, and this only for the will to make and not unchained for the patrimonial ascension, then would not need to declare its good in manchetes of periodicals therefore all profit would be through its proper profession..

Martin Wegmus

Therefore when searching history for the elaboration of its subject, it discovers that two very influential people in the society were hiding and occulting a great truth, one of these people was the professor and priest Mr. Juckenack (Hans-Rernhard Muller) and the Brummel priest (Willy Schultes). Without success it exhales the time and Sonia does not obtain to in time deliver its work due to information yielded by its city. Sonia decides to be married professor Martin Wegmus having had two children for name of Sarah and Rebecca. Not very livened up with the lack of information on its city during III the Rench it decides to restart its research stopping great battles to unmask the kept secret of its proper city. Deciding to look for through some institutions as the family, archives of periodicals, archive of the church, archives of the city hall and finally in the archives confidences of the state. Sonia is an example of that history can be searched independent of the work that is, but the search of history is not lost, can reconstruct, is enough to want. In its search for the Sonia truth it emerges of immediate form the necessity of the reconstruction of the past, the access to the information, the Institutions of Memory, etc.

and discovers that they were occulting the truth. Sonia decides in a exasperada attitude to process the state, so that it allows to the access the information it ties then restrained as archives confidences, and the city of Pfilzing is rebelled with its attitude, being Sonia the center of great persecutions. But it does not fear, and without fear she decides to all unmask the past of its city. It concludes its work with great success showing to all the true facts occurred in its city during III the Reich, bringing for all the past of its small city of Pfilzing. The city of Sonia decides to make a homage for it, placing its bust in the city hall, for all its effort in unmasking the past of a city that pparently did not have past, not for never having existed, but for its past to contain truths that would go to the failure in meeting of that important positions in the city galgavam. But Sonia in a desperation attitude pparently, refutes that homage disappointing all that were present there. When relating the film ' ' A city without passado' ' , with the history course we perceive that we can be transforming agents in the society where we coexist and live, and that history cannot stop in the discovery, but always to continue to be searched, was what it happened with Sonia Wegmus, it together with did not accept the end of the history of its city the homage, history does not have end, needs to know the past to understand the gift and to project the future.

Portuguese Kingdom

E in other countries, the republic also elapsed in the truth of illegitimate Coup d etat, as it occurred in Brazil and Portugal, in this with the right to a previous regicide. Thus, we see that the republican system in some hypotheses can until being natural for a people who suffers from ' ' Syndrome of Ado' ' , or either, that orphan of institutions is and necessary if to raise front to the international community. This is the situation of the too much American countries (except Canada and others in Central America), but is not the case of Brazil. Brazil yes, as excessively, it was during three hundred years a Portuguese colony. However, in contrast of the other colonies, it did not have an institucional rupture, in which the country left of being a colony and politically passed to one republiqueta independent but dependent economically. Brazil was the only country in Americas that the part of the Kingdom evolved (in contrast to rebelling itself) of a colony, also more independent of what the European part of the Portuguese Kingdom, therefore that one arrived to be busy for the Frenchmen during certain period. From then on, the independent Brazilian entity of Portugal continued its true evolution, when breaking up itself of its European part it continued with its system of total legitimated monarchic government, being that also the first state to recognize the independence of our American Monarchy was exactly the biggest example of republic, that had been the United States. By the way, this was not the only independence with monarchic continuity, therefore when the Norway was seen independent of Sweden, independent Belgium of Holland and independent Greece of the Ottoman Empire, all had opted to the monarchic continuity, through the choice of real houses that had given to continuity to the project politician of those countries (being that Greece unhappyly finished victim of one another republican blow).

Jonival Lucas

In 2006, in fact, Wagner was the great winner. Using the popularity of president Lula, institutionalized the call protest vote, with that Squid in 2002 chooses, and penetrated deep in the redoubts of the Carlismo. Weaveeing alliances more esdrxulas in order to take ahead its project to arrive at the government of the state, as of> in the measure where they had not claimed to gain election, to only mark position finishes for stimulating the petista candidacy. For all the effect, the PT dragged part of the right, stimulating the imagination and the opportunism of adventurers of some matrices, being that some had finished defeated as what it happened with Jonival Lucas, Benito Gamma, Udurico Young chicken among others. The victory of Wagner if of the one in the Bulge of a process of national transistion, where the government of President Lula places the social one as flag,> that is, significant advances in the social field (as the stock market family, for example), had been obtained and evidently very it is for being made still in as a government (as to teach to fish, for example) without, however, to have an institucional expression that becomes them irrevocable rights. The consolidation and magnifying of these rights, or better, distribution of income, will depend on the form as it will express itself institucionalmente in the federal and state level: moreover, these distributions of income will be given for the specific weight that each one of the component forces of the alliances politics will have in the process of this institutionalization. In this direction it is only possible to admit that the conjunctural changes of the victory of Wagner in the last bahian lawsuit will not only have a national dimension as it also tends humilhadamente to have influence in the internal hegemony of the party of the workers defeated in So Paulo. ghts.

Having important tax it defeats to the section best structuralized and more advanced of the DEM, in one of the main states of Federacy, the emergent joint of the left center in the Bahia, necessarily unbalances the estruturador axle of the right with the victory of the Squid in 2o turn of the 2006 elections. It was necessarily the So Paulo section of the PT that almost obtains, paying with the local defeat, to express with bigger clarity that, in the game politician is necessary very well-taken care of not to ruin all a done joint. However, beaten in the last elections the Carlismo it is not deceased, however, it dives in its deeper crisis and starts to have its internal unit not only eroded for the natural tension of the defeat for the government of the state and the Senate, as well as for the age and state of health where if it finds its leader bigger. A time conquered the government of the state, will fit to the PT to determine that model of active state economically and with distribution of income if desires that ones of the problems most serious of our state is the concentration of income in the hands Jeorge Cardozo Luiz Professor, Graduated Filosofia (UCSAL/2000), Specialist in Educao (UNEB/2003), Special Pupil of the Mestrado in Public Politics (UNEB).