Monthly Archive: December 2012


This morning I read a Tweeet which took me to one of the blogs of policy of the newspaper La Opinion de Murcia. The owner took advantage of the recent Championship of Europe achieved by the selection of football and said, Spain, unemployed, champion! and gave the latest Eurostat data which reflects that Spain is the leader in unemployment rate already reaching 24.6% of the active population, i.e. 1 of every 4 Spanish age work, cannot find work! The rate is higher even than the Greece which remains at 21.9%. Lejisimos therefore the enviable Figure 4.1% of Austria or 5.1% of the Netherlands. In terms of youth unemployment, the picture is even more bleak.

Among children under 25 years of average European unemployment rate reached 22.6% but in Spain reached 52.1%! MORE THAN DOUBLE! There, now you, see if he tie us Greece. In short, on the other hand leia and retuiteaba another tweet from @GustavoSBR in which was spoken that the Government rehearses the clipping of officials in public managers. In other words, cuts in the number of public executives as proof to officials cut that is to come and at this time a large number of paradosse is devoted to prepare oppositions! Ultimately a bleak panorama, companies that have closed in Spain since the beginning of the crisis are already close to 200,000! and Spain is once again in recession. They are therefore, and as they said my admired (and viejisimos) already low blows (the group name also comes also to the hair), bad times for poetry and for almost everything. From here they are no longer data, but my thoughts and reflections.

The consequences of all these data for the future are clear, the labour market, as we knew it in Spain, has changed forever. Nothing will be the same again, ran good salaries by working 8 or 9 hours a day, 5 days a week, fixed work ran, go all those comforts olvidandonos that enjoyed. It is untenable for any company to keep costs so high personal if these they are not productive. From that can get out of the crisis, which will come the day, think that we should all be freelancers and charge depending on our production, if we sell charge, if not if companies we generate them revenue, we will have income. But we will not be burdens for undertakings. And do the Spaniards to emerge from the crisis and preparing for what awaits us? That friend is another story! and I will give you my opinion in a following post. But it is time to invest in profitable businesses that you think the reflection? Do people conmmigo or on the contrary think that not be what I say?

Saturday Heart

Bendito is God for this couple that dared to trust that the Spirit of God could change my life! My Uncle was to search me back in the quarter of Saint Augustin, periphery of Manaus, in yellow its fusquinha that it was a taxi blessed in day 26/11/1981, in a thursday. God was changing history of my life in that day when I entered in that one fusquinha of Mr. Mario Bonetti. I did not have idea of he would go what you to make from that date. I liveed in the house of the Bonettis for almost eight long years and in day 25 of May of year 1985, 8 days before completing 18 years, I accepted the Christ as my only saving enough in the Tabernculo Church Baptist with the Shepherd Pablo Hatcher. Mr.

Jesus entered in my heart he made and me to be born of new for the power of its Spirit in that inesquecvel Saturday. It was a inaudito joy that felt at the moment that I relieved my heart to Salvador. I felt me as Christian, the personage of Jonh Bunyan, that to if approaching de a Cruz fell of its coasts the pack of the sin. How I alliviate indizvel I felt in that night of conversion! The words of reverendo I appeal making it echo until today in my interior, said it: ' ' If you desire to accept the Christ as only enough Salvador of its life then if income it of all heart. He changes its pack for the one of it, therefore He is written:? You come me, all the ones that tired and oppressed stays, and I will alliviate to you. You take on you my yoke, and learn of me, that I am tame and humble of heart; you will find rest for your souls. Because my yoke is soft and my pack is light? (Mt.11: 28-30) ' '.


It does not have nothing more important and satisfactory for a man of what to serve an ALIVE GOD, who born in the kingdom in a perpetual throne; in this life of obedience to the celestial disappear-priest, the corporeal properties will be rejected and give to place to the goods spirituals. these are (or they would have to be) the only objectives of all the humanity. Before knowing this my ALIVE GOD, I felt an enormous emptiness in my life and he did not matter how much I tried to fill this gap with the mundane diversions. Everything seemed useless and worthless.

It was then that my former-pupil. the G., took me stops next to the feet of my Salvador. I knew it truily and since then I did not leave it more! It is an immense joy to live under the orders Of it, exactly knowing that my nature human being insists making to sin on me, then I remember that the divine mercy is well bigger of what my sins. I also know that to Its infinite it will fortify me goodness while to live. I am not worthy, for me exactly, of being called son of God, but why this heading me was given by the Saint unignito son of God through the baptism, in which also I demonstrated before that I am a sorry pecador and that I walk in search of the Salvation.

Value of RSS

RSS is an underused and underappreciated technology by most Internet users. There is a small minority who are just beginning to appreciate the benefits RSS can have on personal and professional life. It is hard to define RSS, you really can not do it until you see in action. The main use of RSS syndication is, but it can realize itself in many different uses. The most popular RSS format for syndicating blogs, blogs and RSS are very closely aligned as RSS feeds are a construction option for most if not all blogging software. Because of its close integration with blogs and the ease with which you can make a power supplied to your blog means many blogs have RSS.

Blogs offer your content in RSS format. Search is also becoming a popular use for RSS, take a look at in any kind of search at Yahoo and return to the top 10 results, you can now subscribe to a feed for that search. True not make it obvious, but if you look at the bottom right of your Firefox browser you will see an orange button. The button displays an orange RSS feed is available on this page, subscribe to it and you have the constant updating of the results of your search. Social bookmarking, newest and most modern traditional search brother also makes use of RSS. If you can see in the bottom of each results page is an RSS link to subscribe to a feed of that tag. You can subscribe to the labels for your interest in keeping abreast of what is new and recently passing or popular.

This is useful as you can get faster results than they appear in traditional search engines. It’s not just search for blogs and syndication that are benefiting from RSS. What if you need to have a look out for new content for your site without having to constantly trawl the Internet. With RSS subscription for any specific topic you may be aware of the new articles are added. This area is useful not only for new content, but also as a research tool of interest to you. I have covered just one example of how some RSS is now being used and how it can benefit you if the content from various sources delivered to your RSS feed aggregator. Imagine how long it would save having to seek out this content. Conversely for the RSS editor have a subscription basis satisfied users who may not have been able to attract before without it so easy to digest its contents.

Automatic ABC

The cognitivo-mannering therapy (TCC) works with the hypothesis of that our cognitions influence our emotions that in turn influence our behaviors and physiological reactions. On the basis of this, differently of what many believe, is not the situations or events that define as we feel in them or as we act, but yes the perception or interpretation that we give for these events, that is, the explanation that for us is given. This perception or explanation of the objective reality comes from thoughts (also called cognitions), which give the tone of as we see the things. Being thus, we directly do not relate in them with the objective reality, but with the interpretation that we make of it. These interpretations appear in our minds, being able to come in form of thought or image. P.A are called automatic thoughts (.) and differently of the conscientious and voluntary thoughts, on these we do not have control.

They come in the same way they are gone, without many times in giving account to them of them. Simply, ' ' they appear in ours cabeas' ' , without being fruit of the desire or reflection and, exactly that let us not know of its existence (therefore generally they are brief and fugazes), they influence our state of mood and they can cause or influence certain emotions. For not terms ' ' conscincia' ' of its existence, generally they are not questioned and they are accepted as true. The all moment we are having different types of thought and when we perceive some alteration of mood, a new emotion appearing, a physiological reaction or still an intention to emit a behavior or the action in itself, all these phenomena had been fruit of the thought that if anticipated they. The description below demonstrates this sequence in more visual and didactic way: Activator: Event or activator situation (Trigger/estmul B – (Beliefs) Beliefs and Thoughts: Question key: ' ' What it is passing in mine head? ' ' C? Consequences: Emotion, physiological reaction, behavior. In this way, if to perceive that ahead of an activator situation (a), we have an automatic thought (b), that generates consequences (c), we can in them make use of this information. It is exactly this that the TCC makes soon at the beginning of its process. It considers that if she monitors (attention is useful) whenever it has some change in the mood or a new emotion, what if ' ' she finished to pass for cabea' ' or, if she makes the question: ' ' What she was passing in my head still now? ' '. This is the beginning of a process of cognitivo-mannering change.