Federative Republic
For local reality a considerable percentage of professionals is had who give basic the administrative services of the public net of health of localities moved away from the great centers, that withholds much knowledge concerning the services carried through in its daily routine of activities, but that they have almost none or little information on the mechanisms of the technology of existing information. Thus, any technological system that comes to be implanted in these places must possess functionalities that allow the easy manuscript of this, as well as that contemplates the local necessities, without this, implies in the disordered use of such system leading the non-observance of the principles that conduct the medical ethics and the native laws. Objectifying that is that the present article was elaborated that resumidamente describes a possible archetype of Electronic Handbook system of the Patient to take care of local reality, making use of functionalities that not only search the improvement of the public services of health offered the population of the Tocantins, as well as possesss mechanisms capable to bar the improper access the information of patients s, being preserved the secrecy of the data in order to respect the legal rules of ethics and ditames, having, thus, finally longed for, over all, the welfare of the patients. 5. References 1.
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