United States

In others words the price of a product is always the maximum value that the public will be made use to pay! It is thus with the majority of the products of marks: digital cameras, tablets, cellular and until cars! How to change this situation if the products of mark are really better e, go to admit, are our object of thus same desire? My personal reply he is a sonorous one I DO NOT KNOW! To boycott these products in a coordinate action certainly would change the situation, but we are made use e, worse, we have time to invest in this fight? This is a personal question whose reply it varies with the profile of each person and it does not fit to nobody to judge the position of each one. What I can make, and tried with this article, I am to divulge the information to the possible maximum of people so that all have conscience of this situation and can know a way to prevent the abusive prices practised by great marks in Brazil. Whenever to want to buy an electronic product and it will be able to wait a little more prefers the option to matter directly of the United States or China. He is easy, safe, and exist some idoneous virtual store that can help you. If you to find that valley the penalty, please shares this article with its friends. One I hug to all! Joo Almeida.