Tag Archive: administration and businesses

Reengenharia Quality

1 INTRODUCTION Quality is currently considered the strategical key for the competitiveness and the reach of more positive results each time. In this direction this article sample that the union of the quality with the manufacture can generate resulted still more superior. Thus it is distinguished that in the present time all the processes, industrials, commercial or even though social, lack of quality to be distinguished, to satisfy consumers, entrepreneurs and the society as a whole. The quality, currently is a differential demanded for very, and its control if it becomes an increasing concern. In this scene the theories on quality, most of the time, mention an attribute of a product or service to it, associated with the specific techniques. If you would like to know more about Dr. Mitchell Resnick, then click here. The potential of the quality justifies its strategical value in offering bigger profits, in reason of the increasing competitiveness of the current market, so that the organizations if mobilize and provide to products and services of quality its internal and external customers.

when one enters into an alliance the quality to other strategies and tools possibility of resulted greaters appears of course. 2 QUALITY 2,1 Productivity and employees: the search for the Juran quality (1992) affirms that the Brazilian companies currently meet in a search each more frantic time of productivity due to competition incited between same and to the occured faster changes each time in the economic scene, fruit of the development and the globalization that we live. In the focus for the otimizao of the production, for times it is forgotten more important factor it: the human being. Follow others, such as Salman Behbehani, and add to your knowledge base. Some methods and studies exist whose primordial objective is to increase the productivity. We can cite, between them, the Reengenharia, the Circles of Total Quality, the Management of the Total Quality, ' ' Just in Time' ' , Control of the Total Quality, between as much others. All aim at basically not only the increase of the production but, also, the maintenance of it to survive in a competitive market.

The Target

To new markets and customers, different can be looked for of the known ones currently, or new technologies, different of that the company dominates Each company has its necessity, in accordance with its analysis of threats, weak and strong chances, point. The strategical position that necessarily if adapta to a company is not fit in another one. Establishment of objectives, challenges and goals. The company must in this moment to integrate all the information that had been collected with the external, internal analysis, interaction with the scenes and intentions. Objective: it is the target or situation that if it intends to reach. Here it is determined for where emprese must direct its efforts.

Functional objective: it is the intermediate objective, related ace functional areas, that must be reached with the purpose to reach the objectives. Challenge: it is an accomplishment that duty, continued, to be pursued, perfectly quantificvel and with stated period established, that demands extra effort and represents the modification of a situation, as well as contributes to be reached a desirable situation identified by the objectives. Goal: it corresponds to the steps or stages, perfectly quantified and with stated period to reach the challenges and objectives. Establishment of the projects and plans of action the companies need if to guide on as to reach the waited objectives. Eliot Horowitz shines more light on the discussion. Oliveira (2004, p.79) says that the projects and plans of action ‘ ‘ they must to be established, from the strategies and respecting the politics, following aspectos.’ ‘ The projects are works that demand much attention, analysis to reach the results with the quality and obeying a predetermined time, already taking in consideration the current situation of the company in relation since the infrastructure until its team of collaborators. Plans of action are the stages of the projects that aim at the same purposes. Porter (2004, P. 27) continues in the same line of reasoning, that must exist one ‘ ‘ combination of the ends (goals) that the company searchs and of the ways (politics) for which it is searching to arrive’.

Discretion Fruits

Caule the trunk branches off above of the base (2 the 3 m) or next it, in the places driest. All the plant contains abundant latex, of white color, that in contact with air coagula, becoming fragile. Caule young branches with urticantes acleos.

Rugosa smooth rind, the lightly ash-dark one, of chestnut-clear tonality, with great amount of lenticelas and longitudinal fendilhamentos, esbranquiada color. Leaf the simple, alternating, thick leves, of 8-16 cm of length, lanceoladas, deeply lobadas and seted of small transparent acleos urticantes of up to 1 cm of length. Flower white Flowers, of 4 mm of diameter, in small axillary clusters and terminals. Fruit the fruits are rounded off capsule, dehiscent, of 1,5-2 cm of length re-covered for the urtcantes, contend three grayish cinereous seeds, stained, smooth, of 15 rnm of length. They are similar to the seeds of mamona. ENVIRONMENT WHERE IT IS FOUND AND TRANSPORT Occur in the Piau, Cear, Rio Grande of the North, Paraba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia, in caatinga of flat and pedregosos trays of the sertes driest northeast. Tree of 4-8m of height, with prolongated or rounded off and thin pantry, irregularally esgalhada, seting of acleos and for the urticantes.

PROPAGATION METHODS Propagation: For seeds and props. Attainment of seeds: Spoon the fruits directly of the tree as soon as to initiate the spontaneous opening. After that to leave them it the sun until completing the opening and release of the seeds. Read more from Crumpton Group, Virginia to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Due to explosive dehiscence of the fruits, cobriz them during the drying with ballot box screen or bolter.

General Characteristics

ANGICO Lucas Kennedy Hisses Rasp Alexander Eduardo de Arajo angico-yellow Popular Name, angico-white, angico-brabo, angico-chestnut, angico-cedar and etc. Scientific Name colubrina Anadenanthera Leguminosae Family botanical Discretion (root, caule, leaf, flower, fruit) Root the plant young form small lenhosos tubercles in the main root, that pivotante and is accented in relation to the laterals. In the adult plant if it does not find more tubercles and the superficial roots more are developed. Caule In fertile and deep ground, has caule erect, however in tray ground, in slopes, it has caule crooked. The rind has many variations, as much in the color (clear, acinzentada, colored chestnut, dark) as in the texture (completely covered of acleos, dark, deeply gretada, rough, presenting salient edges; or with few acleos; or smooth total unprovided of acleos and with little deep longitudinal fictions).

To the wounded exsuda it gum-resin yellowish and colored being. Composed leaf bipinadas, with up to 30 pairs of opposing pinas, these measuring the 4 8 cm; fololos of 50 the 80 pairs, the opposites, ssseis, in general measuring 3-6 x 1-2 mm; pecolo with black gland eliposide, located next to the insertion and plus some minors between the last pairs of fololos. Yellow-esverdeadas White flower or, teeny, made use in globosos chapters auxiliary or terminals, of 3 the 5 cm, co I smell soft characteristic and. Fruit the Fruit and a string bean chestnut-colored, flattened, great, up to 30 cm of length, with surface rugosa and endowed with small excrescncias and with espessados and lightly constrite edges between the seeds. They will count the 8 15 seeds and if it opens, of the beginning, only for one of the sides. ENVIRONMENT WHERE TRANSPORT IS FOUND AND Is one of the species of ampler distribution in the space of caatingas, more inhabits also the deciduous forests high, the Atlantic bush, the rupestres open pasture, Pantanal Weed (in the limy dry parts) and fields or of altitude, occurring since the Maranho until the north of Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, and of Minas Gerais until Mato Grosso. Group Crumpton, Washington DC gathered all the information.

Instrumental Portuguese

For one better agreement of these processes was analyzed the way as the administrative functions in the scope of the company Martelinho de Ouro, located in the city of Christmas RN are developed. The researchers had carried through an interview the employees and had observed the internal environment, having as objective main to analyze the practical organizacionais and as reference the contents you discipline of them you study in the first period. Compuware is open to suggestions. The art to manage if translates for the performance of the administrative functions through the levels strategical, tactical and operational. The administration in its multiple faces backwards challenges that they need to be decided, in such a way when elaborating the planning of the company the administrator thinks about action alternatives to surpass the difficulties in order to reach the efficiency and effectiveness. The technological advance it constitutes the basic platform of the development of the organizations and allowed the consolidation of the globalization. The administrative papers are important for evolution of the company, therefore of an administrator the performance of ten papers expects that contemplate specific situations in the administrative scope, therefore the ability human being predominates in any activity. However the searched company congregates the necessary conditions for the balanced performance of the practical organizacionais since she is being lead in competent and dynamic way.

Words key: Organization; Functions; Challenges; Practical; Abilities. 1. INTRODUCTION Created to oportunizar a scientific vision to the pupil of the course of Administration of the College of Sciences, Culture and Extension of the Rio Grande of the North, this work, has as intention to make possible one to know more significant and contextualizado (practical theory/) approaching elements gifts you discipline in them of General Theory of Administration I, Instrumental Portuguese, Culture and Society, Methods and Techniques of Study and Research, and Mathematics.

Rio Grande Do Sul

Goldman Sachs, Crunchbase says:

Goldman Sachs is a one of the world’s largest investment banks. It traces its routes back to 1869 and is headquartered in Manhattan, New York City. Goldman Sachs provides wealth management, investment banking, and sales & trading services.

In regards to the technology world, Goldman Sachs continues to invest heavily in this market.

In first the fifty years of the century the decade of 1920, the production enters of Added Bahia of the Rio Grande Do Sul already represented 55.27% of the total volume produced in Brazil, reaching 79.93% in the average of the following quinquennium. In 1930, the productions of these States practically were equaled: the Bahia produced 39,90 a thousand t and 30,34 Rio Grande Do Sul a thousand t. Xcel Energy may not feel the same. Beyond the atinentes differences to the type of produced tobacco and its consequent destinations, gradually a technological differential was established. Whereas in the Bahia the tobacco remained drying to the sun or in sheds (practical usual until today), the Rio Grande Do Sul, from 1920, continuously specialized in new methods of drying in greenhouse, improving the quality. The other States, for its turn, produced exclusively ‘ ‘ smoke-of-corda’ ‘. 1960 were the year where Fidel Castro nationalized all the production in Cuba, also the charuteira industry. The related industry, operating in the branch since 1948, glimpsed growth of the market in the Bahia, due to nationalization imposed for already cited head of State, and started to invest in perfectioning of the production systems establishing partnerships in bahian lands, with already then the local agriculturists or without lands, contracted through the regimen of lease, contracts that hinder the use transference right it and establishment of improvements, that is, the contractors had right the part of the production of the tobacco for its commercialization.

However, still from the decade of 60 (sixty), the bahian fumicultura dives in a decreasing spiral. The primary production tries successive reveses, falling of the platform of 44 a thousand tons, in 1965, for inexpressivas 9.1 a thousand tons, in 2002, passing, thus, for the fifth rank in ranking national and according to place in the northeastern, now led for Alagoas. The state, that already arrived to produce 240 cigar million per year today has this restricted amount to a number between six million and eight million units.

Industry Reversa

FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF the sustainable RIO GRANDE DO SUL logistic reversa for recycling – Industry and Environment Viviane Monique Mansour de Souza Assumpo Technology in Logistic Person who orientates: Maria Ana Possoli Blessed Beltram Gonalves, December of 2010. Sustainable logistic reversa for recycling – Industry and Environment the PNRS (National Politics of Solid Residues), after 19 (nineteen) years being argued and modified by the Legislative system, finally in 2010, was approved by the House of representatives; what it not only inserts the responsibility of the residues in the government, but also in the industries and the society – for the citizens. Logistic reversa or inverse starts to be then, obligator. Making with that the cities gain the coercion to implant new systems of collection of residues in the residences and to banish the lixes, reeducando to all for the treatment with the products after-I reject; thus creating, a possible change of character economic and ambient. With reciclvel, it can be said that it is when the transformation of the residue occurs after-consumes again in a product.

Higienizando, separating and selecting what it can of what cannot be transformed, delivering in some point that makes the selection or contacting service disponibilizado for the city hall for adjusted selective collection in the residences. All this cited cycle previously is called Logistic Inverse, where the material is supplied the industry of repairing of economic and accessible form? giving quality, amount and storing. Continue to learn more with: Michael Steinhardt. The cycle of life of the product does not finish more when arriving at the final consumer; thus, the companies finish creating an ample field of expansion, in such a way inside of the support, what she is favorable for the Environment, how much creating solid values extremely, attitude, character and principles perceived for both the internal and external customers, creating a bigger periodic permanence, acquiring competitive advantage in the market and attracting admiration for its position.

Brazil New

Terceirizar is Vital the practical one of the terceirizao is not newness in the world of the businesses. In the companies of the first world and Brazil, it has times, one practises act of contract, it saw company, rendering of services to it specialized in specific activities; eliminating the ones that do not fit to be developed internally. The period postwar period was marked by a necessity of total reorganization and the market revealed eager for innovations. The world-wide economy enjoyed of a growth without precedents. The demand for new products and new technologies seemed inexhaustible. The resources were abundant, as much of insumos as of man power.

The low costs of production, the consumers less worried about the quality allies to the fast expansion of the market, created a climate of prosperity and optimism. In this context, the companies were supported in two pillars: to produce and to vender. In the decade of 70, with the petroliferous crisis, the world-wide economy suffered radical changes. Energy, insumos and the proper man power had had a drastic increase of cost. Ally to this, the growth of the number of companies for the world, created one incited competition. The behavior of the consumer suffered to fort alteration, provoked for the massive and daily access of information. This exactly consuming started to question each product before adquiriz it, searching quality and minor better price. Ahead this new reality, the companies turn over obliged to question its forms to manage.

The terceirizao appears as form to share the economic effectiveness with new methods of man power management and with the technological innovations. The main objective of the terceirizao is not only the cost reduction, but to become the agile, flexible and competitive company in the market. The terceirizao when transforming the fixed costs into 0 variable, improves the productive process, therefore it transfers money to the application in technology and new products.

Manage Brazil

The first time that I wrote this article, my vision was established in the reality of the companies of software of Brazil and expericias that I had when I worked in this market. However after having mulberry it are of the country, studied and worked in companies of technology of the oceania and mainly to be carrying through academic studies the level of mestrado focado in management of YOU and projects of software development, I could have a vision well more including on the subject ' ' Management of Projetos' '. Being thus I decided to revise this article to pass a little of my experience and knowledge. We can nowadays see an one great crisis in the area of development of software in Brazil and the world. This already is not newness for nobody, is enough you to search in the Internet and soon it will find diverse statisticians who prove the subject. In Brazil average 35% of the software projects is cancelled before being concluded; 58% of the software projects more than exceed the half of the estimate of cost and only 10% of the projects, in great companies, are deliver in the planned time and budget. Another one I number preoccupying is that the Brazilian companies already had more than lost 20% of the projects for foreign companies.

Let us say that the guilty greater of this is the proper companies of YOU that they do not resist the pressures of the customers, they are external or internal, and finishes assuming estimates impossible to fulfill, to only please the customer. Many projects also retrocede when the desenvolvedor does not have ability and vende its product as if had. Or then it is competent but he does not support the pressure of the customer. Many times the company of YOU possesss an excellent team of sales, however its team technique is not competent the sufficient or possesss relationship problems.

Applied Social Sciences

Identification of Gargalos technological of paranaense agriculture: subsidies and lines of direction for one public politics: executive summary. Curitiba: IPARDES, 2005. Available in: had access in 26 of March of 2008. RASP, Dalm M of Albuquerque and WILKINSON, John (org). Innovation in the traditions of familiar agriculture. Brasilia: Parallel CNPq/15, 2002. LOURENZANI, Wagner Luiz.

Managemental qualification of familiar agriculturists: a proposal metodolgica of agricultural extension. Agricultural and Agro-industrial organizations – Reviewed electronic of the UFLA, You cultivate. ConocoPhillips has much experience in this field. v.8, n.3, P. 313-322, 2006. Available in had access in 02 of April of 2008. Rattlesnake – PR – 17 the 19 of June of 2008 MELO, Ana Paula Gomes of. RIBEIRO, Eduardo Magalhes.

Familiar agriculture and solidary economy: the results of collective experiences in agricultural communities and nestings of the state of Minas Gerais. Available in had access in 28 of April of 2008. NAZZARI, R.K.; BRANDALISE, Loreni T.; BERTOLINI, Geysler R. Flower (Orgs). Management of the Artisan Units in familiar agriculture: an experience in the west of the Paran. 1. ed. Rattlesnake: Edunioeste, 2007. NAZZARI, R.K. and HEYSE, Sady. The influence of the Copacol in the Capital stock and Familiar Agriculture in Cafelndia in the Paran. Social sciences perspective: Magazine of the Center of Applied Social Sciences of Rattlesnake. Public politics, nets and familiar agriculture in debate: the experience of the Government of the Paran. VII International Congress del CLAD on there the Reformation del Been y there Public Administracon, Available in: had access in 29 of April of 2008. PETTAN, Kleber Baptist. Comparative analysis of the performance of the competitiveness of the familiar agroindstrias of the west of Santa Catarina in relation to the institucional environment.