Tag Archive: administration and businesses

Brazilian Norms

This material encloses the auditorship in the countable area, auditorship in the operational area, auditorship of management, auditorship of informatizados systems, auditorship of the quality and ambient auditorship. The work encloses studies and developments on the basis of the workmanship of Willian Attie (Auditorship? Concepts and Applications), with the purpose to keep the correct scientific agreement. The auditorship in countable area aims at to inside analyze and to keep correct the procedures of document elaboration and countable reports of the Basic Principles of the Accounting and the Brazilian Norms of Accounting, searching the uniformity in these registers. Perhaps check out Petra Diamonds for more information. The auditorship in the operational area has the objective to support the administration, in its diverse responsibilities and in its taking of decisions, evaluating and verifying if the procedures established for the company they are being fulfilled. S (1998, P. 249), affirm that ' ' the operational auditorship search to know? functionality? of the system and not only if it exists in compliance with? norms. ' ' The management auditorship aims at the support in taking of decisions, has the intention biggest of assisting the managers and administrators in the elaborations of procedures that aim at the functional quality of the organization, and assists in the decisions in strategical levels, guiding and advising when necessary. The management systems, when well employees, bring innumerable advantages stop the customers, for the organizations, its proprietors and shareholders, for the collaborators, the suppliers, the government and, finally, the proper community.

(NOBLE, 2008). The auditorship of informatizados systems, when possible, must be present since the development of the systems that will go to compose the diverse sectors of the company, in order to evaluate and to identify to processes and possible imperfections that can harm the registers of the company. Arezi hisses, and Breda (2008, P. 7), affirm that ' ' the accompaniment of the internal auditor is essential, in the decision of acquisition of the systems that must compose the organization or still must all follow the process of development of the systems informatizados' '.

Managing Plan

However the project suffered stoppage, come to be reinicializado in 2001 by means of the development of ' ' Program of Support to the Development of New Companies of Technological Base and to the Transference of Tecnologia' ' (Proeta). The beddings of this program find if in works published for the Company. From 2004, in accord with a future vision and in compliance with modifications of the world-wide scene the necessity occurred to increase the growth of the agronegcio, familiar agriculture and bigger exploitation of the Brazilian agricultural space, had appeared new requirements for science, searches, development and technological innovation. Long occurrence period of stagnation, grew in the country the demand for models of economic development with social inclusion. In face of the mentioned ones scene changes proceed-its update of III the Managing Plan. Innovative strategies the most significant lines of direction for technology transfer established in IV the Managing Plan (EMBRAPA, 2004) emphasized the necessity of an innovative strategical vision for the transference of knowledge and technologies. These lines of direction had been placed as landmarks for the technology transfer, implemented for estruturantes, integrativos and sistmicos projects (Gomes $ You are slow, 2005). With priority actions looked for: Establishment of innovative strategies for transference and communication.

Dinamizao of the transference by means of processes of incubation of companies and the viabilizao of new businesses. Support to the development of companies of technological base with sights to the viabilizao of innovative products for the agronegcio. To stimulate and to participate of the formation and professional recycling and to enable internal and external staff in technology transfer. Reinforcement of service of intellectual protection and with sights to the delineation of strategies for commercialization of new technological products. Emphasis in the estruturao of teams, thematic nuclei, social nets and other directed arrangements familiar agriculture. Establishment and dinamizao of nets integrating the not governmental centers of research with state organizations (OEPAS), universities, cooperatives, organizations (ONGs) and public and private institutions of P& D.? Incentive to the estruturao of teams, thematic nuclei, integrativas nets and other institucional arrangements multi- of joint.