ANGICO Lucas Kennedy Hisses Rasp Alexander Eduardo de Arajo angico-yellow Popular Name, angico-white, angico-brabo, angico-chestnut, angico-cedar and etc. Scientific Name colubrina Anadenanthera Leguminosae Family botanical Discretion (root, caule, leaf, flower, fruit) Root the plant young form small lenhosos tubercles in the main root, that pivotante and is accented in relation to the laterals. In the adult plant if it does not find more tubercles and the superficial roots more are developed. Caule In fertile and deep ground, has caule erect, however in tray ground, in slopes, it has caule crooked. The rind has many variations, as much in the color (clear, acinzentada, colored chestnut, dark) as in the texture (completely covered of acleos, dark, deeply gretada, rough, presenting salient edges; or with few acleos; or smooth total unprovided of acleos and with little deep longitudinal fictions).
To the wounded exsuda it gum-resin yellowish and colored being. Composed leaf bipinadas, with up to 30 pairs of opposing pinas, these measuring the 4 8 cm; fololos of 50 the 80 pairs, the opposites, ssseis, in general measuring 3-6 x 1-2 mm; pecolo with black gland eliposide, located next to the insertion and plus some minors between the last pairs of fololos. Yellow-esverdeadas White flower or, teeny, made use in globosos chapters auxiliary or terminals, of 3 the 5 cm, co I smell soft characteristic and. Fruit the Fruit and a string bean chestnut-colored, flattened, great, up to 30 cm of length, with surface rugosa and endowed with small excrescncias and with espessados and lightly constrite edges between the seeds. They will count the 8 15 seeds and if it opens, of the beginning, only for one of the sides. ENVIRONMENT WHERE TRANSPORT IS FOUND AND Is one of the species of ampler distribution in the space of caatingas, more inhabits also the deciduous forests high, the Atlantic bush, the rupestres open pasture, Pantanal Weed (in the limy dry parts) and fields or of altitude, occurring since the Maranho until the north of Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, and of Minas Gerais until Mato Grosso. Group Crumpton, Washington DC gathered all the information.