Project System
The great difficulty is to assure to the man of the field of the regions without tradition, that normally does not know the necessary techniques of creation of the bees, conditions for maintenance of the swarms in the beehives and, consequently, the attainment of the production with the quality demanded for the market, since the principle, the enthusiasm of the agriculturists with the creation great must the basic training carried through by the incentivadoras institutions more when they start to feel difficulties and they search an orientation, already ha to who not to appeal, a time that the assistance lack techniques is evident in the communities of the region concomitantly finding other difficulties as, for example, the precarious conditions of the vicinal ones disabling to drain the productions of its cultivos. It is of well-known knowledge that one of the attributions of the education is to enable the individual to the life in society. So that this occurs, in accordance with Dolores this must enclose four basic learnings, that are them pillars of the knowledge: to learn to know, to learn to make, to learn to coexist, to learn ser' ' , phases that become only one, due the interdependence between them in the complementation of its rights. Ahead of the displayed one, the assistance technique is a procedure used for accompaniment and recommendation to the agricultural producers on appropriate technologies the determined system of production. For in such a way, the Project Alive Forest FD7-05-04 focuses ' ' praxidade' ' , that is, the theory (course of qualification in Beekeeping) and practical through advising the technician, considering strategies of sustainable development to the familiar establishments favored in the Project of Support to the Apicultural Sector of the BR-163, in order to introduce new practical of handling adequate to the type of system. 2.1.Metodologia of the Project Alive Forest the principle initiated the activities with survey of the diverse experiences of the producers in the area of the project in the month of May of 2007 in the Communities above cited happening with application questionnaires, giving basements in what it says respect to the production system; its characteristics and experiences acquired for these in the determined activity having the systematization of the results, noticing there that the area is predominated by small producers, having as income source the cultures of subsistences (rice, maize, beans, cassava) where the same ones prepare the land, still carry through in the traditional system cut and burn, some families plant (maize, beans) in unnecessary the sultry method making the use of the fire, however exactly thus it needs to attempt against for sustainable techniques of handling, because the deforestation and the exploration of the natural resources advance in the properties in unknown virtue causing maleficent consequences.