Monthly Archive: February 2010

Cond Nast Spain opens new website

Cond Nast Trade (www.condenast arises as a new channel of information for professionals in the fashion and beauty. Collect high quality and visual style of Cond Nast publications with information from its two professional journals, and MMModa Fragrances Cosmetics. Beauty In the channel will be available the latest news on perfume and cosmetics sector (results, agreements, communication), launches high selection, FMCG and pharmaceuticals, new distribution channel and the professional, the findings from R D and updated information on trade shows. Fashion in the channel, along with previews of trends and extensive coverage of national and international gateways, the user will find latest information about store openings, gateways and trade shows. There will daily news or related company launches and the communication of fashion companies.

finish complete the

finish complete the work, whether as a making-off or as counterpoints integrated into the entire plant. The event will close with a holding a large party where there will be live entertainment and performances on stage at the climax of the intervention. You are all invited to be part of the process and the closing party on Wednesday 26 August at 20:00 h. Dogs Fashion Gallery: C / Francisco Giner No. 15. Metro: Diagonal (L3, L5)

The Holy Shroud of Turin

Those who believe, no explanation needed for those who doubt there is sufficient explanation. The Robe or Shroud. A strong and sustained tradition identifies as the cloak that wrapped the body of the Lord Jesus, is a fine piece of linen 3 feet and 7 inches wide and 14 feet three inches long (exactly 8 by 2 cubits, the ancient measurement used in Israel). The mantle is in Turin, Italy, since 1578 and is made public exposure about once every generation. The last exhibition before the extraordinary being done in preparation for the Jubilee was held in 1978, and in five weeks, about 3 and 1 / 2 million pilgrims visited. To determine how how the image is printed on the sheet, more than 1,000 scientific research of many different specialties have been carried out and photographs have taken 32.000. These investigations have made the Shroud studied the relic of history. This is an image of the true face of Our Lord Jesus Christ, printed on the Holy Shroud. For those who believe, thank you very much they are granted. The cause was disfigured by the beatings. This presentation does not go into scientific details associated with the Holy Shroud, the intention is that you become more familiar with it, to increase your faith in the Son of the Living God, who also was a man. 2 John 7 Many seducers are gone out into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. That is the seducer and the antichrist.

Art Exhibition Art

Art Exhibition Art Exhibition is a place where traditional art objects (in the most general sense) are made known. An exhibition is universally understood as temporary unless indicated as “permanent exhibition”. The presentations may have images, pictures, videos, sounds, interactivities, sculptures, etc.. individual artists or groups. The art work can be presented in museums, art galleries, art clubs or private galleries. There is a distinction between exhibitions where the works are for sale and those inthe no.

DEFINITION small, medium and large corporations

DEFINITION OF SMALL BUSINESS Small business is a separate entity, created to be profitable, which dominates the industry it belongs, whose annual sales value does not exceed a certain threshold and that is comprised of a number of people that does not exceed a certain limit, besides aspirations, accomplishments, material goods and technical and financial capabilities, all of which allows you to engage in production, processing and / or services to meet specific needs and desires that exist in society ” – 57k DEFINITION OF MEDIUM ENTERPRISES According to the OCEI (Central Bureau of Statistics and Informatics), the median company is one that employs more than 20 to 100 employees.Midsize businesses are divided into two “tiers”: the lower layer that includes companies with between 20 and 500 workers, and the upper layer to between 50 and 100. la Empresa/Mediana empresa/237D4B0DFC8543BA41256B65003BB1C1!opendocument DEFINITION OF MICRO It is defined as micro-enterprises or small enterprises in an enterprise that operates a natural or legal person under any form of organization or business management, and develop any producing or marketing of goods or services.

Viral marketing (viral marketing)

Viral marketing and viral advertising refers to marketing techniques that use preexisting social networks to produce increases in knowledge of a mark or to achieve other goals such as product sales through a process of self viral replication, analogous to the pathological spread of disease and viruses. It may be by word of mouth or through the Internet network effects. The viral marketing is a phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to review a marketing message voluntarily. Viral promotions may take the form of video clips, interactive games, images, or even text messages. It is claimed that a satisfied customer tells an average of three people about a product or service he or she likes, and eleven people about a product or service that did not like. The viral marketing is based on this natural human behavior. The aim of merchants interested in creating successful viral marketing programs is to identify those with high potential to work in social networks and create viral messages that get caught in this segment of the population with a high probability of being approved and that the benefits Commercial endure for long periods of time. For people who are involved in affiliate business, this tool is essential to get traffic to their sites and catching promotional leaflet which can give out their ventures by email, information dissemination among their friends interesting or funny that he brings links that connect to its website. Interested in Extra Income Visit: 1

Organizational measures

Typically, large organizations have a department organized attention to its impact on user posts. Is often called help desk and incident management and can be outsourced. This department is usually divided into two levels of support.

Dragon Data For

Dragon Data For other uses, see Dragon (disambiguation). Dragon Data was a Welsh company manufacturer of home computers Dragon Dragon 32 and 64, based MC6809E Motorola microprocessor, the SN74LS783/MC6883 Synchronous Address Multiplexer (SAM) and the Motorola 6847 Video Display Generator (VDG). The input / output is carried out two PIAs (Peripheral Interface Adapters) MC6821. Both are pseudoclones the Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer ( “CoCo”), different enough to avoid legal problems, but both based on the same components for Motorola. The Dragon also have additional circuitry to convert the output of the chip NTSC to PAL. A Dragon 32. 1982 Dragon Data was a subsidiary of toy Mettoy.This Motorola England achieved a line of cr and special prices for Motorola chips use only (the English market was virtually divided between Zilog and MOS Technology), licensed with the Extended Microsoft BASIC (which takes full advantage of the chips and helps avoid legal problems, rewriting all the tokens) and thanks to its distribution network manages to place the computer in the chain Boots. In October 1982 Mettoy finances were not going very buoyant. If banks provide the necessary funding to expand the production line of the Dragon everything would be solved, but they refused. Dragon Data’s address by Tony Clarke, persuades several lenders to refinance Dragon Data. Thus Mettoy is with 15.5 , the Welsh Development Office with 23 and Pru-tech (high technology division of British insurer Prudential Insurance) package with a 42 higher.As part of the agreement with the Welsh Development Bureau, the production moves to a larger factory abandoning of Mettoy (whose failure will contribute to the fall of the toy), 1983 starts well. Following the Christmas campaign has sold some 40,000 Dragon 32, Dragon Data is the largest private company in Wales, and chains Spectrum, Dixons and Comet had joined Boots. Some experts argue that it should improve the design of plate to compete with the Commodore 64 and Spectrum, but receive a small allocation, it is not in the plans to compete on price. In March, they plan to spend from 5,000 to 10,000 Dragons every week, it was naive to pretend that it would maintain the level of Christmas sales, but eventually helped to extend the range of hard, and new accessories are planned. A simple floppy drive face with the operating system OS / 9 Microware is pertende launch for 275 in April. Also planned expansion to 64 Kb, two RS-232C and a 80-column card.It is also defined a computer to compete with the BBC Micro and other to compete for the market the IBM / Sirius April came with a late drive, which favors Premier Microsystems offering that takes months to Dragon, Dragon Data is at that time facing a problem that Premier already been fixed. It reaches an agreement with Tano Corporation of New Orleans to distribute the Dragon 32 in EE. UU., Which contributes to Tandy declines to exercise that legal action (Tandy CoCo no patent in England and ended the trial when both machines would already be outdated). Dragon Launches User, a magazine that specializes in Dragon. In May it announced a change of motherboard to extend to 64 KB serial interface and give it for 75, but the replacement concrete finishers by Dragon plate 64. this prevents inconsistencies and having to maintain two product lines. Definitely closed the deal with Tano, responsible for distribution in USA, Canada and the Caribbean.He has chosen to have experience in maritime automation equipment based on 6809, and for distributing its own clone of the Apple II (designed in Holland and manufactured in Korea). The Dragon 64 manufacturing facilities in USA will sell for 399. 4,000 potential distributors 400-500 are selected (which will be expanded to 1500 when the weekly production will increase to 2,000 machines per week) In August the Dragon 64 is beginning to sell for 399 in USA and 225 in England. But the American manual is improved, including spreadsheet, mail-merge and word processor Telewriter 64. It was publicly justified by lower costs by not having to adapt to PAL video signal. But otherwise identical machines. Tano starts designing with the new Dragon Dragon Data 128, which will have 128 KB, two processors 6809, numeric keypad and you can choose to boot OS / 9. The bad decisions made over-spend bill and agrees to Tony Clarke to resign.It calls on GEC (General Electric Company, England’s largest power with interests in defense and satellites, among others) to provide a new executive, and so does (not surprising since Prutech is one of the largest shareholders of GEC). The delay in the disk drive is used by Cumana to launch its own unit, with Delta as a system disk.


The most beautiful classic boats of the international fleet will challenge in the second edition of Classic Sailing Regatta Puig of Barcelona from 15 to 18 July. The elite of the sailing era, classical and tradition will gather in the city. Glamourous, elegant involving race in the real gems of nautical history.More than fifty boats from ten countries, doubling the participation of 2008. Capitalizing on the post to wish the best of classifications to my good friend Joaquin Miguel engaged with their newly restored “Resaca de Kimberley.

Leisure is called

Leisure is called the leisure or free time devoted to activities that are neither working nor essential chores. Recreation is a time that is used at their discretion. It is different from time spent on mandatory activities such as eating, sleeping, homework, etc.. Leisure time is taken by Hegel as an activity to rest from work. Must be at every activity, meaning and identity, because if they make sense is boring. The distinction between leisure and compulsory is not strict and depends on each person and study, cooking, or making music can be entertainment for some and work for others, as the latter can take pleasure in addition to its usefulness in the long term. At leisure you can use in motivating and productive activities. On the other hand, entertainment in Greece was considered the time spent, mainly by philosophers to reflect on life, science and politics.