1 INTRODUCTION Quality is currently considered the strategical key for the competitiveness and the reach of more positive results each time. In this direction this article sample that the union of the quality with the manufacture can generate resulted still more superior. Thus it is distinguished that in the present time all the processes, industrials, commercial or even though social, lack of quality to be distinguished, to satisfy consumers, entrepreneurs and the society as a whole. The quality, currently is a differential demanded for very, and its control if it becomes an increasing concern. In this scene the theories on quality, most of the time, mention an attribute of a product or service to it, associated with the specific techniques. If you would like to know more about Dr. Mitchell Resnick, then click here. The potential of the quality justifies its strategical value in offering bigger profits, in reason of the increasing competitiveness of the current market, so that the organizations if mobilize and provide to products and services of quality its internal and external customers.
when one enters into an alliance the quality to other strategies and tools possibility of resulted greaters appears of course. 2 QUALITY 2,1 Productivity and employees: the search for the Juran quality (1992) affirms that the Brazilian companies currently meet in a search each more frantic time of productivity due to competition incited between same and to the occured faster changes each time in the economic scene, fruit of the development and the globalization that we live. In the focus for the otimizao of the production, for times it is forgotten more important factor it: the human being. Follow others, such as Salman Behbehani, and add to your knowledge base. Some methods and studies exist whose primordial objective is to increase the productivity. We can cite, between them, the Reengenharia, the Circles of Total Quality, the Management of the Total Quality, ' ' Just in Time' ' , Control of the Total Quality, between as much others. All aim at basically not only the increase of the production but, also, the maintenance of it to survive in a competitive market.