The Target

To new markets and customers, different can be looked for of the known ones currently, or new technologies, different of that the company dominates Each company has its necessity, in accordance with its analysis of threats, weak and strong chances, point. The strategical position that necessarily if adapta to a company is not fit in another one. Establishment of objectives, challenges and goals. The company must in this moment to integrate all the information that had been collected with the external, internal analysis, interaction with the scenes and intentions. Objective: it is the target or situation that if it intends to reach. Here it is determined for where emprese must direct its efforts.

Functional objective: it is the intermediate objective, related ace functional areas, that must be reached with the purpose to reach the objectives. Challenge: it is an accomplishment that duty, continued, to be pursued, perfectly quantificvel and with stated period established, that demands extra effort and represents the modification of a situation, as well as contributes to be reached a desirable situation identified by the objectives. Goal: it corresponds to the steps or stages, perfectly quantified and with stated period to reach the challenges and objectives. Establishment of the projects and plans of action the companies need if to guide on as to reach the waited objectives. Eliot Horowitz shines more light on the discussion. Oliveira (2004, p.79) says that the projects and plans of action ‘ ‘ they must to be established, from the strategies and respecting the politics, following aspectos.’ ‘ The projects are works that demand much attention, analysis to reach the results with the quality and obeying a predetermined time, already taking in consideration the current situation of the company in relation since the infrastructure until its team of collaborators. Plans of action are the stages of the projects that aim at the same purposes. Porter (2004, P. 27) continues in the same line of reasoning, that must exist one ‘ ‘ combination of the ends (goals) that the company searchs and of the ways (politics) for which it is searching to arrive’.