
Democritus de Abdera (460-370 C) believed that in the universe the atom and the vacuum exist only; vacuum becomes the possible movement. oughout. Anaxgoras de Clazmenas (500-428 C) was the first philosopher to live in Atenas; it tried to synthecize Heraclitus and Pitgoras and it concluded that the Nus was intelligence organizer of everything in the universe (Cabral, 2006). 2.PERODO ANTROPOLGICO OR CLASSIC In this period the philosophers had created new a thematic one for its speculations: the man. The philosophical knowledge change its geographic space (of the Jnia for Atenas? the cultural center of Greece), and from there appears the necessity to study the man and its life politics, therefore, in you polish, the convivncia human being needed to be based. They participate of this period the sofistas, Scrates and Plato (Cabral, 2006). 2.1SOFISTAS the precursors of this school had been Protgoras de Abdera and Grgias de Leontini. While the excessively thinking ones of the period if presented as persecuting of knowing, of the truth, the sofistas if announced possessors of knowing.

They were professors and remunerated by the profession, and as they understood of rhetoric oratria, could not announce that they do not possuam what they vendiam. Thus, they prepared the young Greeks so that they were projected in the society, over all in the politics. The young searched ways to be successful, and the sofistas offered the necessary tools for the concretion of this objective, since that if it could for them pay (Nunes, 1986). Protgoras de Abdera (485-410 C) had antropolgica conception, was indifferent to the religion. Grgias de Leontini (487-380 C) was adept of the skepticism absolute, and considered the creator of the rhetoric (Cabral, 2006). 2.2SCRATES (469-399 C) Son of a sculptor and an obstetrician, was poor and it did not write no book (the poor persons were not alfabetizados, only the aristocracy could pay for this activity).