Information Technology Infrastructure

Information Technology Infrastructure Library Library Information Technology Infrastructure, often abbreviated ITIL (English Information Technology Infrastructure Library) is a framework of good practices to facilitate the delivery of services to information technology (IT). ITIL outlines an extensive set of management procedures designed to help organizations achieve quality and efficiency in IT operations. These procedures are supplier independent and have been developed to provide guidelines covering all infrastructure, development and IT operations. Although it was developed during the 1980s, ITIL was not widely adopted until the mid-1990s. This increased adoption and awareness has led to several standards, including ISO / IEC 20000, which is an international standard covering the elements of IT Service Management with ITIL.ITIL is often considered along with other frameworks of best practices as the Information Services Procurement Library (ISPL, ‘library information services acquisition’), the Application Services Library (ASL, “Application Service Library ‘), the method of dynamical systems development (DSDM, Dynamic Systems Development Method), the Capability Maturity Model (CMM / CMMI) and often relates to the governance of information technology through COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and related Technology) . The concept of IT service management, ITIL related but not identical: ITIL contains a section specifically entitled “IT Service Management” (the combination of the volumes of service and Service Support, which are an example ITSM framework specific). However it is important to note that there are other similar frames.ITIL Service Management is now integrated into the standard ISO 20000 (formerly BS 15000). ITIL is built around a process-based view model of control and operations management often attributed to W. Edwards Deming. The recommendations of ITIL were developed in the 1980s by the Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) of the British government in response to the growing dependence on information technologies and the recognition that without standard practices, contracts for State agencies and private sector independently created their own IT management practices and duplicating effort within their ICT projects, resulting in common mistakes and increased costs. ITIL was published as a collection of books, each dedicated to a specific area within IT Management.The names ITIL and IT Infrastructure Library ( ‘IT Infrastructure Library’) are trademarks of the Office of Government Commerce ( ‘Office of Government Commerce’, OGC), a division of the Ministry of Finance in the UK. In April 2001 the CCTA was composed of the OGC, disappearing as a separate organization. In December 2005, the OGC issued notice of an update to ITIL, commonly known as ITIL v3, which was planned to be published in late 2006, having been held in June 2007. It was hoped that the publication of ITIL Version 3 includes five major books, including: IT Services Design, Introduction to IT Services, Operation of IT Services, Improvement of IT Services Strategic IT Services, consolidating much of the current practices of version 2 around Lifecycle Services.One of the main benefits advocated by proponents of ITIL within the IT community is that it provides a common vocabulary, consisting of a glossary of terms precisely defined and widely accepted. A new expanded glossary has been developed as a key deliverable of ITIL version 3. Other models: CMMI for software development and s3m, for software maintenance