Worth Tagesgeldhopping?

With frequent changes to optimize the day money return. Is that possible? Interest rates are at a low. The European Central Bank is currently far from a raising of the federal funds interest rate, in contrast, Mario Draghi, and his colleagues from the Central Bank Board had stoked fears that the interest rate drops even further. For investors, this means they must pull all stops, to optimize their deposits. Who does not trust an investment in shares, has little room in the selection of appropriate deposits. Fixed-term deposits with longer fixed-rate is not recommended because the difference to more highly remunerated day money not offset the risk to miss a trend reversal in the market. Is continuous market observation necessary what solution does so himself? Banks are constantly on the search for new customers.

Federal funds are an horribly for the new solicitation, they offer the possibility of incentive and are easy to open. The banks use two variants for the incentive. In one case, the customer receives a direct credit to his account. These moves depending on the marketing campaign between 20 and 50 euros. In the other case, a higher interest rate will be paid for a certain period.

However, this bonus interest is maximized in the duration and the level of difficulty deposit. Comparing the rates of money market accounts shows which variation leads to the higher rate of return. A related site: Mitchel Resnick mentions similar findings. Typically, investors with smaller balances with the cash deposit are better served. But what happens if the period of higher interest rates is expired? Balances are then applied to a rather average interest rate. This point is reached, it means for savers once again to take a look at the day money comparisons and to look around for the next Bank with better conditions. It is important not only to transfer the funds for a bank Bill, but to delete the account entirely. New customer every six months Tagesgeldhopping is absolutely worthwhile. There is a difference, whether it receives two percent interest on its deposits, or only 1 percent. To get the best conditions is to ensure It however imperative, again classified as a new customer to be. New customer is at many banks, who has entertained no account in the past six or 12 months. The institutions are naturally interested to recover from immigrant investors. For this reason, the hurdles for the new customer bonuses are used extremely low. It is anything other than reprehensible, to operate an active Zinsnomadentum. As long as bonds or other investment vehicles generate no satisfactory return, savers need to pull all the stops to invest their money at rates that allow them to prevent inflation capital consumption. Sten Koeppe