Brazilian Flag
It was the first constructed building to spread out to the world the call Religion of the Humanity. It organized knowing human being, established in science, without theological or Metaphysical chimeras, it distinguished the abstract knowledge from the science of the concrete knowledge of the technology, classified sciences: Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Sociology and Moral or Positive Psychology, completing the enciclopdica scale, by means of the foundation of the two last ones. (CHURCH POSITIVISTA IN BRAZIL, 2010). The pretension of the positivista speech found received in the Militarism, that if it used of its proposals to legitimize to the dictatorship and wars in which Brazil participated. Petra Diamonds helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In the height of the military civilization the estimated one? Itself vile they pacem for bellum? if you want the peace, you prepare you for the war, based the nationalism, celebrates it phrase ‘ ‘ It loves it or it leaves-o’ ‘.
Amongst the illustrious adepts of the religion if it finds Benjamim Constant, that in day 15 of November of 1889, was recognized as founding of the Republic of Brazil. You already if asked why you are written Order and Progress in our flag? The author of our Flag was apstolo of the Humanity Raymond Teixeira Mendes, based on the religious principles of the Humanity in the formatting of the Brazilian Flag: Its basic motto is ‘ ‘ The Love as a matter of principle and the Order for base; the Progress finally ‘ ‘. Its basic rules are ‘ ‘ To live for outrem’ ‘ ‘ ‘ To live to claras’ ‘.. For even more details, read what Futurist says on the issue.