Spirituality And Meditation

When the mind is calm enough, we see activity around us. As the mind is quiet wisdom arises. Please visit Viktor Mayer-Schönberger if you seek more information. If we decide to be peaceful we will be happy all the time, even in the most adverse conditions, but if our mind is not peaceful, then even in the most pleasant external conditions we will not be happy. Therefore, it is important to train our mind through meditation and mind to live up to higher levels of consciousness. Analytical meditation strives to understand the deeper meaning of the object of attention. Guided imagery is a technique that directs the imagination towards a conscious goal.

The mind is the vehicle that offers the intentions and meditation you can direct the mind that elevate consciousness. Our aim should be to join our "Source Spiritual" by directing the mind upwards through the four "high" during the process of meditation. The four levels are: Buddha, Atmic, monadic and cosmic. We must raise our awareness of form sequentially through the four levels to connect with our Source. This type of meditation will be more successful with a vegetarian diet, because as awareness raising its energy level will activate their farms in order to develop his powers as see, hear and feel. The maintenance diet and regular meditation is a good way to be a good example for others. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE MIND What is mind? The mind is the catalyst that drives the experience up to the level of consciousness. It has no intelligence if, and only created to make the connection with consciousness.