Periods in Argentine nuclear development Following exposure and Carlos Castro Madero Takacs into “nuclear policy in Argentina.” Step forward or backward “Have distinguished four periods of nuclear development until 1983. The Ambassador Julio Carasales in: “Rivals or Partners …” proposes adding two further phases from 1983 to 1999. We propose to extend this last period until the year 2002 – covering the entire government of Carlos Menem, and add another stage of completion of the de la Rua to the present. Each of these periods, for its part, is paralleled by a specific nuclear policy which, in turn, is part of an energy development model supported by the current government. Here, we present the different periods of nuclear development and state policies regarding nuclear energy with its main features: The nuclear activities began in Argentina, a very modest level, shortly after the outbreak in 1945 of the first atomic bomb .Efforts were institutionalized and consolidated after the establishment in 1950, of the National Atomic Energy Commission (hereinafter CNEA), leaving behind some successful activities carried out by an Austrian scientist Ronald Richter, who had won the support of then President Juan Domingo Peron. From there, CNEA became a focus, direction and development of nuclear activities in Argentina. In the city of Bariloche, Province of Rio Black, CNEA Atomic Center established its first. Meanwhile, in Buenos Aires, creating another Atomic Center, the Constituency, where jobs were concentrated metallurgy and nuclear reactor physics and engineering. Also in 1954, he inaugurated the first particle accelerator, which led to excellent papers on nuclear physics, as well as radiochemical equipment, which formed the basis of the applications of radioisotopes in multiple activities.Between 1958 and 1967, highlights the development of applications of radioisotopes, the internal sources of radiation and the experimental reactor engineering. Was designed and constructed a reactor irradiation and testing of a power of 5 M. The first plants were established concentration of uranium ore in Malargue (Mendoza) and the reservoir Don Otto (Salta). In particular, we initiated the development of numerous applications of radioisotopes in medicine, biology, science and agriculture industry. Also conducted feasibility studies for building the first nuclear power plant in Argentina. Since 1958, begins a new phase: the construction and operation of nuclear plants, participating in power generation in the electricity market.For the generation of electricity was decided from the beginning, by using natural uranium as fuel and heavy water as moderator, taking advantage of the fact that Argentina has large reserves of uranium on its territory. In this same period, built a plant to purify the uranium concentrate in Cordoba and a pilot plant for reprocessing of irradiated fuel elements in the Ezeiza Atomic Center. As for nuclear plants were built during the period under review include: View of the Central Atomic Atucha from the Parana River ATUCHA I. The CNEA signed with Siemens in late 1967, the contract for the supply of ATUCHA I. In 1968, we began to build – 40 of its cost was Argentina’s participation, which included 13 of the electromechanical components, and begin operations in 1974. The first nuclear power plant, ATUCHA I is a power of 340 MW, installed in the town of Lima, Partido de Z rate, Province of Buenos Aires.This was not only the first nuclear power plant in Argentina but also in Latin America.
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