Nursing Technician

ANA CAROLINA AMARAL APPEARED SAINTS DAYANE OF BIRTH DILENE FRANCISCA OF THE WEDGE SUMMARY: The present study one is about a carried through qualiquantitativa research with ten Technician of Nursing of the diurne planto of the UTI of the Saint Casa de Misericrdia de Barbacena-MG, that objectified to determine the reaction of the professionals by means of the implanted strategies of humanizao in the unit, as well as the influence of these in the patient taken care of in this sector, beyond analyzing the happened benefits of the insertion of the familiar one in the hospital context. She considers yourself that to humanizar she understands the act of ' ' to become human being, to give to condition human being, to humanar … ' '. In this way, taking care of is determined as being the direction biggest of the nursing and we, professionals of the area, are co-responsible for the quality of the assistance given to the patient. In this totality, he verified himself that the strategies implemented in the unit are recognized and accepted, not confusing the performance of the nursing technician and yes characterizing the assistance.

The union between familiar nursing team provides to the patient biggest comfort, tranquilidade and security, getting itself thus a satisfactory prognostic and a precocious reestablishment of its condition of health. WORDS KEYS: Humanizao. Unit of Intensive Therapy. Technician in Nursing. Family. ABSTRACT: This study is qualitative-quantitative research conducted with ten nursing technicians working day shifts in the ICU of Saint Casa de Misericordia of Barbacena – MG, which aimed you determines the reaction of professionals on the strategies implemented in the humanization of the unit and the influence of the patient treated in this sector, and analyze the benefits from the inclusion of family in the hospital. It is considered that humanize includes the act of ' ' becoming human you human condition, human …