Nurse Technician

The preservation of the residues must be made in resistant and impermeable contenders, at the moment and place of its generation, in the measure where they will be generated. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Nurse Technician of nursing Nurse aid 53.85% 76.93% 78.26% 46.15% 23.07% 21.74% Not Yes 13 Graph 05 – temporary Storage of the residues generated for the institution When analyzing graph 05 is verified that 30.77% of the nurses, 38.46% of the technician of nursing and 34.79% of the nurse aid know the place of temporary storage of residues generated for the institution, however 69.23% of the nurses, 61.54% of the technician of nursing and 65.21% of the nurse aid do not know the place of temporary storage of residues. The lack of this can cause risk to the involved professionals in the generation and manuscript of the residues, seen that the temporary storage must be executed at the moment of its generation, in its place of origin, or next, to reduce the contamination possibilities ( NAIME, 2004). Graph 06 – Place of final storage With regard to graph 06, where it is asked if the nursing professionals know the place of final storage of the residues in the institution, 76.93% of the nurses and the technician of nursing and 73.92% of the nurse aid had answered that they did not know the place, and only 23.07% of the nurses and the technician of nursing and 26.08% of the nurse aid had said that they knew. 30.77% 38.46% 34.79% 69.23% 61.54% 65.21% 0.00% 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% 80.00% Nurse Technician of nursing Nurse aid Yes 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Nurse Technician of nursing Nurse aid 23.07% 23.07% 26.08% 76.93% 76.93% 73.92% Yes 14 According to ANVISA (2006) the place of final storage do not consist of definitive disposal of residues in the ground or places previously prepared pra to receive them. .