Johannes Scholtes Gartner

“Magic honors Quadrant for E-Discovery, the comprehensive approach as well as the sales and support behavior of ZyLAB Frankfurt, 30 may 2012 ZyLAB, solution provider for E-Discovery and information management, has today its positioning as a leader” in 2012 Magic Quadrant for E-discovery software “announced (by Debra Logan and Sheila Childs, May 24, 2012). In its report, the renowned IT market research company Gartner presents the analysis results for a total of 21 E-Discovery provider. Harmony is one of the six companies in the highest quadrant of the leader”were placed. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger may find this interesting as well. The positioning of ZyLABs is based on the analysis of the company with regard to its sales and support behavior (ability to execute”) as well as its implementation ability and understanding customer wishes (completeness of vision”). Therefore, harmony has a comprehensive understanding of customer requirements and is able to translate this into products and services. In addition, various other led Technology features to classify as a leader”by independent analysts at Gartner: 1 the comprehensive functionality that covers both the left and the right side of the electronic discovery reference model (EDRM), 2. the machine-supported test or automatic encoding functionality, 3.

the market presence in the field of enterprise information archiving, as well as 4 sound financial position and corresponding growth rates. We owe our positioning in the leader quadrant of our mission, to enable companies to manage infinite types and amounts of data right sure unless in the context of a forthcoming E-discovery process or in the context of long-term governance initiatives,”explains Johannes Scholtes, ZyLAB’s Chief Strategy Officer. That many customers trust us already so long, together with this top position by Gartner confirmed our strategy and is a great achievement, of which we are proud.” ZyLAB offers leading enterprise information management solutions for nearly three decades and has been selected for significant E-Discovery and compliance projects all over the world.