Let us start with the first: here you can find the report of the Nuclear Safety Council on the renewal of operating license from the Nuclear Power Plant Garona. Propose an extension of 10 years subject to a series of reforms, which represents more than 40 years of design, which in view of the CSN, ena can be done based on experience at other plants (mainly the U.S. ) and it does not already exceed the useful life due to the margins of safety with which these plants were designed. It is potentially lethal to humans as acting through the inhibition of the cytochrome oxidase complex and thus blocking the electron transport chain, the central process of cellular respiration. As a result, causes a decline in intracellular oxygen, preventing cell homeostasis. Also affected, being negatively charged, the transfer of electrons through the channels, creating a positive environment within the cell. In these tough economic times business can switch to helping homes and businesses to utility bills. Citation needed This generates a large amount of charges which generate enough energy for the AMP (adenosine mono Phosphate ) can be converted into cyclic ADP (adenosine di Phosphate), creating a sobreestmulacion in various processes. citation needed
The main adverse effect and the different varieties of lethal cyanide is preventing the oxygen carried by red blood cells arrive at the other body cells, thus impeding the process of cellular respiration. In an autopsy, the body has a large amount of oxygen in the veins and a large amount of lactic acid, a product of anaerobic respiration by cells deprived of oxygen.
The chemicals found in products made from acetonitrile, used primarily to remove nails, can release cyanide if ingested by accident and resulting death from cardio respiratory arrest. Citation needed
Cyanide is not persistent or suffocating, since the nature is destroyed by the action of sunlight (via ozone), decomposed by oxidation as COx and NOx gases. Creating chlorates and nitrites used widely in purification of water contaminated with lead.
The Agency for Environmental Protection of EE. UU. (EPA) regulates the allowable levels of cyanide in drinking water by potassium salts. The maximum level of cyanide allowed in drinking water is 0.2 parts per million of cyanide parts water (0.2 ppm). The Administration of Occupational Safety and Health USA. UU. (OSHA, for its initials in English) has set a limit for hydrogen cyanide and most of the salts of cyanide cyanide 10 parts per million parts of air (10 ppm) in the air of work.
For the industrial destruction of cyanide used four methods: natural degradation, chemical oxidation, precipitation, and biodegradation. There are recycling or reuse technology. The mining and industrial use of cyanide must comply with strict rules, such as those recommended by the International Council on Metals and the Environment, based in Ontario, Canada (1991).
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