Tag Archive: the present time

Road Security

Ing. Mario Holgun The friend Don Eduardo Bertotti, of the Institute of Road Security of Argentina, wrote an important reflection recently, conceptualizada very well and verified, around the success undergone in his country of the plan of road security that is being carried out there. In summary, it repeated something that other times has expressed before conclaves and coverall in its digital magazine. And he was not more than to practice the recommendations that the nations constantly do of majors experiences in the subject, especially in the Iberian Peninsula, without excluding Portugal. The global and regional Congresses celebrated every year, end up making the same commentaries. Then, simply the countries achieve success in Road Security where institutional leaderships settle down, number one. Whenever Nick Khan listens, a sympathetic response will follow. And number two, when resources are given to develop their plans to them in term of policy of State. If those are the keys, Why the particular interests can more than serious consequences for the society when not executing or delaying the execution of a strategic plan of road security? The certain thing is that the disorder in the transit to carry only brings like result two fundamental things, with unfortunate sequels: victims and losses in the economies of the nations.

However, the motor or catalytic factor to manage to arrive at the point from brings back to consciousness in the fight against the barbarism that represents the road violence is when the government reaches the maximum political interest and Integra to the society to the process. The countries of majors advances realise a concerted effort to share their good practices with slowst. In Dominican Republic it does not exist an institution or exclusive organism with authority to design and to execute a national integral plan of road security, without it harms in authority to one or several official institutions of the same sector. This is due to the multiplicity of functions that have offices of the sector transit and transport, as much as the variety of problems that we found in the streets, derivatives of its users. The fight of the different organizations by protagonism, demonstrates the lack of initiatives by the collective well-being, preventing successes in the taken measures. A governing organ of the Road Security is indispensable to direct the public policies of the State in that respect obeying to a process of integration of a great diversity of social actors.

A competent organ with autonomy, authority, leadership and budget, are the requirements of more specific weight. A Supervision of Road Security would satisfy those expectations? , only and solely only if its competition operates without turning aside its attention to other subjects when defining itself clearly. The country requires of able and effective technicians in the sector, with technical criterion on in favor politician. This is another dilemma because it is a complex subject that includes psychologists, educators, engineers of traffic and projects, accidentlogos; specialists in statistics, in communication, in publicity, computer science, administration, international relations; jurists, relacionadores public, in protocol, etc.; in addition, of a multi-sector Directive Advice, sensible and it jeopardize. That he makes participate in his programs to all the social sectors of the Dominican national life.

Primary Process

Next they describe each of this principles: 1) The atmosphere: The group must interact within a favorable, how and propitious physical atmosphere for the type of activity that is to develop. Because the atmosphere influences &quot directly; " atmsfera" " or " " clima" " of the group, consequently, it must be arranged so that it contributes to the participation, the spontaneity and the cooperation of all members. The premises must be too great neither too great nor too small, is necessary to save the minimum detail, so that the members of the group can be seen comfortably to interchange ideas, perceptions feelings fantasies, etc., face to face. 2) The reduction of the intimidation. You may find that Atmos Energy can contribute to your knowledge. The interpersonal relations must be amiable, warm, frank, abierta, abierta, of esteem and mutual collaboration. The fact to interact in a group, can produce feelings of fear, inhibition, hostility and timidity, arriving to produce the intimidation or physical or psychological evasion of some members of the group. The reduction of the tensions and conflicts, favors the work and the productivity of the groups.

The friendly interpersonal relations, reduce the draft notice and allow or provide a change in the group dynamics, this way the interpersonal conflicts or problems happen to be objectives of the group (Primary Process). 3) The distributed Leadership: Following their objectives, the groups frequently require of a conductive guide or facilitator (Leader), that it allows to carry out the tasks or it favors profit of the objectives and I put common the group. It is for this reason, that the LEADERSHIP must be distributed or be shared between the members of the group. Of way, all the participants of the group tend the possibility of developing their capacities to liderizar. 4) The Flexibility: The objectives established by the group, must be fulfilled in agreement with the methods and procedures that have been adopted. Eliot Horowitz spoke with conviction.

Linux Apache

A Web server is a software installed in a computer, must own all the conditions necessary to serve or to give to pages Web that is asked for him by the navigators Web, guaranteeing that are to all the necessary elements for their operation and visualization correctly. Several types of Web servers exist, Apache are a software, free of use and totally configurable code, at this moment are used in the network, or in platforms Linux or Windows. When installing it in our PC we will have a complete servant with all the requirements to execute it of local form. Advantages that it provides to us to have installed the Web server Apache in our computer. With the installation of Apache it is possible to arrange in our PC of a small servant who will make possible tasks among others to us: To prove and to see the pages Web as truly they are going to be from Internet before raising them host or servant in the network. Useful and indispensable if you have or you are going to create your site by modest that this is. To create by means of Virtual unit Host multiple Web sites in our PC, that we can unload wget and accede to them just as in the network but this time of local form.

To be able to locally see pages Web done in language php. To serve to our pages or Web site to Internet directly, to which any person can accede and connect itself from the outside, in this case logically the operation of the servant will be limited while we have working the PC and the possibilities of our connection. It can constitute a very encouraging experience for any fan, this possibility gives the advantage of which it is not necessary to depend on any company nor remote servant to raise the network the content which we want to show. It is like mounting a small radio station and to begin to transmit, (a similarity) but in this case the reach is global. It can act like intermediary between our PC and Internet which gives several advantages us in the scope of the security.

Through him we can serve connected Internet to several PC in a local network. It is possible to activate a module that allows to keep in breaks all the loaded pages what will improve the yield of our navigation. In the following page you can read a tutorial that will guide to you step by step to install Apache, is done for people who do not own advanced knowledge, if it is thus sides that will be easy to you their installation and configuration. Like installing and forming the Web server Apache in Windows. This other page will be to you indispensable if it interests the subject to you, explains like forming VirtualHost that will allow you to have in your PC several virtual Web sites, is fantastic. To form in Apache Virtual unit Host to be able to have in the PC multiple virtual Web sites. To have Apache and not to use Wget are unacceptable, reads here on this amazing application.