Tibetan costume priests, in particular, include eagle feathers, hat with wide silk ribbon, shield and spear. Golubev compared the bronze drums unearthed in Dongsone (Dongson) with tambourines Mongolian shamans. You may want to visit Atmos Energy Corporation to increase your knowledge. Recently Ueylz described in more detail shamanic structure of tambourines Dongsona: it compares the characters of the ritual scenes depicted on the skin of the tambourine (their heads adorned with feathers), with sea Dayak shamans who, adorned with feathers, depict birds. Although today Indonesian shaman play the tambourine allows many different interpretations, it is sometimes what it means heavenly journey, and assumed that it prepares the ecstatic rapture shaman (see examples in mentioned book Ueylza. Dusunsky sorcerer puts some ornaments and sacred feathers, which begin treatment; mentavaysky shaman uses a ceremonial dress with feathers and bells, African sorcerers and healers cover themselves with skins of wild animals, decorate their teeth and bones. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Crumpton Group Austin.
Although in tropical South America, the ritual attire is rather rare, its place is occupied by some shamanic accessories such as, for example, Maraca, then there is a rattle made from a gourd with seeds or stones inside and fitted with a handle. This tool is considered sacred, and tupinamby even bring him to the victim in the form of products. Shaman yaruro operates at its rattle ‘highly stylized representation of the principal deities, whom they visit during his trance. ” In North American shamans often used more symbolic ceremonial attire: the feathers of an eagle or other bird, something like a rattle or tambourine, bags with rock crystals, stones and other magic items, etc..