The standard works immediately multiple providers (such as MTS, Beeline and Megafon) and you can always change the operator – just simply plug in the phone SIM-card. Advertised on TV and on display in shop windows mobile shops Phones – phones via GSM. In what follows, unless otherwise stated, we will discuss this standard phones. Many people know that the phones are Motorola, Samsung or Panasonic, but not all are aware that the phones are gray and white. If you can see on showcase the phone with a suspiciously modest price – a sure sign of 'gray' delivery. From 'white' (officially supplied by the manufacturer phones), they differ in that they were not originally intended for the general sales and could only be used in conjunction with SIM-cards of the operator (hence the low price – a discount to the buyer of the operator who chooses to use its services). To use these phones to be 'Decode' – to change the firmware so as to remove the restriction on the operator and introduce support for Russian language.
As a result of buying the phone turns into a lottery: the winner will save a few percent of the apparatus, with the loser Mast 'buggy' phone. Sometimes craftsmen offer by flashing the phone there to add some features. In principle it is possible, for example, Siemens A55 to alter in C55, Siemens SL45 in Sl45i, Ericsson T68 becomes Sony Ericsson T68i, added Russian menu, Java support, etc. In principle there is nothing wonderful, different phone models of one manufacturer may have very minor hardware differences (or none at all) – enough for your old phone put the new firmware.