Development of production technology and technical progress will inevitably lead to the emergence of new devices, products, objects with which we, in one way or another, encounter in everyday life. Applying them almost every day, we do not think, that are, for example, corporate power, or food dyes. So what’s needed food coloring and what is meant by this term? Food color can be absolutely any A dye is added to foods, cosmetics and medicines and give them the desired color. Currently, almost all the foods used food coloring. There are widely used not only natural but also synthetic dyes that can be eaten. Sale of paints and natural food dyes does not require certification, but the synthetic dyes should be required to be inspected for compliance with safety requirements.
The certification process certifies the quality and safety of food coloring. Please note that food dyes, which is labeled ‘EC’, approved by the European Union. Mainly for industrial purposes in the food and pharmaceutical industries use synthetic dyes. Their use allows to obtain more stable and homogeneous color products, they are easily confused. Synthetic food dyes, subject to mandatory certification, do not give the product smells, but painting the natural substances of natural origin, to Sorry, can produce this effect. What is permitted coloring additives? This edible coatings and paints, which differ in their properties. For example, edible inks are soluble in water and can be use in dry mixes, beverages, bakery products, dairy products and other products. Lucky, in turn, does not dissolve in water, but they are more stable. They are used in foods that contain in their composition oil and fats, or foods with little humidity, such as chewing gum, tablets and semi-finished products. Use food coloring makes it possible to change the color and support appeal not only fresh, but canned food.