Consequently, the biggest change will have estarassociada to the form as the educational resources will be projected, developed, managed and integrated to be disponibilizados aosestudantes. In this direction forms have appeared many related research snovas of use of the TICs as an effective support to the deensino process and learning, over all in virtual environments. In the last decade dosculo XX the use of these resources, exactly that of primary, permitiuum effective access the educational contents, from any place and aqualquer hour, consolidating at a first moment, application, exactly queembrionria form, of these technologies to the educative processes. 3.2 The professor eas new technologies: These processes start to require of the professors to umolhar more intent, to understand the amplitude of the technology concept and doespao required by this, which if presents as the supports, to ferramentasque we use so that the pupils learn (VIEIRA, 2003, P. 153).
the Federal Government Evidence-dries such influence has motivated already some time, that for meiodo Ministry of the Education – MEC comes developing some projects, the example National doPrograma of Computer science in the Education (ProInfo), of the Secretariat deEducao in the distance in partnership with state Universities and secretariats deeducao, in order to propitiate the formation of managers and professors of escolaspblicas for the incorporation of the TICs. Initiatives that demonstrate compreensoda importance of the movement for the increase of the ability of the school front essanova dynamic that the art to teach requires.