Entities and agencies that promote sustainable architecture

… Sustainable Production and Consumption of the Ministry of Environment, and … The Department of Industry, Energy and Environment is participating in a meeting …
The Sustainable Building Alliances SB Alliance or an international charity sponsored by UNESCO chair for sustainable building initiatives and sustainable building and construction of UNEP. SB Alliance Sustainable Building Alliance is a network of universities, research and development and private actors who are interested in the convergence .com of systems for evaluating the environmental quality of buildings.
Asada – Argentine Association of Renewable Energy and Environment Group architects, engineers and physicists concerned about the environment and over 30 years has created the foundation for sustainable architecture in all its breadth. In its place is accessible to hundreds of articles on the topic along with technological developments.
CSostenible – Agenda for Sustainable Construction is a great repository of theoretical and practical information on all aspects of sustainable building. The school maintained by the technicians and equipment in Barcelona.
ISES – International Solar Energy household Association (International Solar Energy Association).
PLEA – Passive Low Energy Architecture. Association of passive architecture and low energy.
Cal-Earth (The California Institute energy of Earth Art and Architecture) developed a patented system called Superadobe made up bags containing stabilized soil and reinforced with barbed wire to withstand earthquakes, fires and floods.
Articles and cases of sustainable design projects. (Autodesk)
Habitat Technology Group is an NGO in India to popularize sustainable solutions.
It is a site that has included Chilean climate information for the construction and design of sustainable architecture in Chile and Latin America.
Doerr Architecture is a Colorado company, winner of several awards that practice eco-design, including active and passive solar houses.
Facilities catedra Czajkowski – Catedra Gomez of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of the National University of La Plata’s proposal teaching architecture in sustainable and environmentally conscious design (CAD) and is accessible to all its gas publications.
EULEB – European High Quality Low Energy Buildings. Provides information on public non-residential buildings of high quality and low consumption of energy that energy costs exists in Europe.
Institute EcoHabitar information and articles on technical ecoarquitectura, bioconstrucion. Bio courses for professionals
Laboratory of Human Environment andHousing, INCIHUSA, CONICET. The energy and the environment are essential electricity ESCO for sustainable development. … and reverse the loss of environmental resources “and is …
Indeed, ensuring environmental green energy sustainability is the objective of 7 … Financing of sustainable development. Water, energy and natural gas natural recirsos …
environment and energy. green energy and the state of the environment for in the marketplace of energy suppliers and energy products We work. Democratic governance … Of course your energy costs will be influenced by your choice of that offers the same quality of product, yet different service and costs Energy and environment are essential for sustainable development. …

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