Emigration XX For Migrant Nicaragua terms shows marked differences with its neighbors. While in the other six countries of the region’s main destination is the United States in Nicaragua are two: the United States and Costa Rica. According to various estimates, between 1.5 and 2 million Nicaraguans living outside their country Estimates include illegal population. The numbers vary according to sources. Unofficial sources estimate 700.000 Nicaraguans in the U.S., while the 2000 population census gave a figure of 220.335. Similarly, the Pew Hispanic Center estimated in 236.445 the number of Nicaraguans living in the U.S. legally in 2006. The countries listed are those with the highest number of Nicaraguan migrants. In the U.S. the largest population of Nicaragua takes place in Miami and other Florida cities, also in Los Angeles where gangs are several studies on a figure of 100,000.Given that the Nicaraguan people abroad may reach 2,000,000 in Nicaragua come from countries with an expulsion of migrants ‘average’, coming to Dominica “strong.” The census of Costa Rica, Mexico and the United States in 2000 as a result were 226.374, 220.335 and Nicaraguans 2.522, respectively. For the 226.374 that was in Costa Rica they should add an estimated 300,000 in other possible illegal status and in this way in 2000, probably about 526.374 Nicaraguans living in Costa Rica. It is also likely that in the same year had about 20,000 illegal Nicaraguans in the U.S., so that by 2000, had probably 240.335 Nicaraguans in the U.S..
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