Students now have in the schools belong to the first generations of people who have grown up using technology in their lives naturally. For them there have always been computers, game consoles, mobile phones and the Internet. According to the twenty-first century students are digital natives, ie native speakers of the language related to digital technology that prevails in their lives, ie, computers, video games and Internet. Futurist has compatible beliefs. In today’s technological world, this means that parents and teachers have become digital immigrants must learn to adapt and maintain a degree of “accent” depending on how flexible they are familiar with digital culture and language characteristic. How does the brain of the digital native’s brain of the digital native functions very different from digital immigrants, including: – are used to perform several tasks at once – prefer the graphics and video rather than written texts – use the learning discovery, so they can access information as they want – work better in groups than alone – prefer to use games for learning instead of doing this exhibition. Keep in mind that these skills are the result of having used the technology, social networks and the Internet throughout their lives, what they have become experts in a field in which adults learn.
Therefore, teachers need to invent new methodologies for all students at all educational levels. If you truly want to capture the attention of the digital natives will have to make profound changes in teaching methodology. The latest discoveries in the field of neurobiology have shown that brain stimulation produces changes in brain structure greatly affecting their operation’s concerns Some teachers complain that parents and teachers is that children and young people lack the ability to focus or pay attention only for short periods of time. However, these same subjects are those who can spend hours playing video games quite concentrated. What happens to the attentional capacity of the digital natives is that it is responding to continuous changes that occur rapidly in the environment around them, as in the game, which involves a greater number of meanings in the traditional calase . Another aspect of concern to teachers is that due to the type of games that are popular for digital natives, that is, the war games is the ability to reflect. Therefore, one of the challenges facing teachers XXI century will be to design to develop the capacity for reflection.