Digital Net Technology

According to story dosdocentes, the activities proposals make possible significativana improvement auto-esteem learning that if reed-echo directly in desempenhoescolar, reflecting itself in the reduction of the pertaining to school evasion. Fact esteexplicado for the extrinsical motivation, therefore the produced multimedia seriacompartilhada for other people beyond the professor, ally to the fact to deestar on to the insertion of the technology of the information in the context escolare the use of the computer as resource didactic. dosoftware also Stand out-dries this experience contributed to demystify utilizaode free tools in education as well as justifying the use exempts as alternative the digital exclusion, therefore despite dagrande majority not to possess knowledge previous concerning utilizaodo Linux in domestic and/or educational environment, not significant apresentaramdificuldades in the act of the activities. 5. Consideraes Final Participarda information society is a right of all. Its democratizaodeve to make possible that all the population has access to the novastecnologias all, using them in its potential, including acesso world-wide net of computers, but also allowing to the practical detransformao of the society and improvement of the one conditions determinadogrupo or community.

The apparent fragility of the small initiatives, as of $fortaleza they have shown to the viability of the digital inclusion nasescolas Brazilians, what it strengthens the speech of that the implementation deuma Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (2006).