
Of this anthropocentric relation, the environment passed to be degraded, for the deforestation, the incorrect use of the ground, for the exploration of the resources not-renewed, etc. These are some examples that had provoked and provoke this degradation, that direct or indirectly affects the balance of the system, that need these resources for the support of the life in the planet. The construction of houses from recycled material foresees things among others the support, energy rationalization and the minimum of ambient impact. Logically that this type of construction also foresees activities directed to the ambient education, choosing material that they can easily recycled and be applied in the construction, as well as also can be made rational use of the energy potential in the new house. She is necessary that new constructive and alternative techniques of energy attainment and treatment of the other considered materials residues are seen by the civil construction as a new alternative of construction, more sustainable, more artisan and less impactante for the nature. It has diverse materials that they can recycled and be applied in the civil construction, being the one of them wood, renewable resource, of great aid in the deficit situation of habitation in the country, since it can also serve for the construction of housings and even of habitacionais sets destined to the low income families.

2 Independent JUSTIFICATION of the innovations architectural, most important is that this type of construction, happened of the use of recycled, either projected material to give comfort to the user, economy and to serve to the principles of ambient conservation. It has many alternatives that can be useful in the construction: pisos tiles can be changedded into mosaics that can decorate tables, sidewalk, walls, walls. The pieces wooden can be reaproveitados giving new felt to the architecture. Bottles pet, of glass, coconuts, at last has a infinity of natural materials also that they can serve of substance cousin in the construction.