Under the deficit is in the 17 December 2008 06:21 Share: Joan Herrera In these days of global crisis, the Socialist government and the opposition Popular breast removed using the example to follow the Spanish financial sector regulation. During a decade long, we decided to live in the brick unit, without changing the model, without limits and without seeking to put a replacement. We grew up as ever, but not served to change our model. We made our energy dependence, more than 80%, exceeding all limits on CO2 emissions, showing the unsustainability of our system. New York Business Leader As reflected in the demands of developing countries, the PVD these proposed actions to solve the Quadrant Asset Management problem:
The developing countries called for an immediate and dramatic increase in public expenditure on the construction or placing on the market for housing, preferably in public advocacy and direct aid to rent. The objective is to ensure access to decent housing for all those people with limitations that prevent them from economic costs without a significant loss of quality of life.
Empty homes:
The developing countries poses the following paradox: How is it possible that there are people without a home, having so many people without homes. The way to resolve this is through a strong increase in the tax burden on those natural or legal persons who have empty houses, especially for those who have more and that have had more time empty.
Reports of prices:
Why do we believe that a house worth 5, if it costs 10 ‘requires the creation by the central government in monthly reports rigorous, comprehensive and impartial price trends both in the free housing , used as housing and land. One must also ensure that the media refer to this data is in contrast to those issued by private entities. Also in the valuations of new housing is to be clearly informed of the costs of the price of land and construction.
Inclusion of housing in the CPI:
It is imperative that something as necessary as housing (both buying and renting) in the Consumer Price Index, which will have a real measure of inflation supported by the public.
Control of real estate fraud:
The developing countries requires the creation of an Agency for Real Estate Fraud Control that, based on a comprehensive Housing Act, providing for minimum guarantees on the properties, either in new work or home use. It is also necessary to create an effective Inspectorate to end abuses and real estate fraud, particularly in the case of housing was making a tight control on surcharges imposed by the sponsor and the use of the same by the bidders, Forbes so as to avoid at all costs that those returning to swell housing supply at market prices.
Price control:
The prohibition of the auction as an award of public land and any other method that encourages the growth of artificial prices. Also, the establishment of penalties for a period of up to those of privately owned land classified as urban kept without buildings within urban areas.
Soil management:
Participation in the management of soil organ with the right to veto independent governing boards rational compensation and avoid the creation or modification of Urbanistica action plans that go against the general interest of citizens in favor of a few.
Autogestion and cooperative:
The removal of administrative barriers to self-respect and the promotion of housing cooperatives as an alternative route for the construction of houses.
Control of leases:
Access to adequate housing does not necessarily buy this. To that leasing is a viable alternative “has been carrying out a legal control over non-payment of tenants and to establish a special tax regime for landlords and tenants, resulting in significant tax relief for those who choose to rent as an alternative to the purchase / sale.
The establishment of criteria for environmental sustainability and social goals specific to developing plans for housing, so that the housing and urban management policies no longer a patch for the problems of access to housing, and become an effective tool for enhancing the quality of life of all citizens, now and in the future.
It should prohibit those sub for residential use in the market for sale or rent and the regularization of those ‘lofts’ that meet minimum conditions of habitability, so as to enable the characterization of their use as housing.
Compensation Fund:
The creation of a compensation fund to compensate a relief to those affected by delays, abuse or property crimes, which are pending judicial accountability and, where appropriate insolvency, bankruptcy or disappearance of the responsible society; Asuncion the end of the debt.
Maximum mortgage:
No home is worth if it makes you a prisoner of a mortgage for life.
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