The charges against the teachers were punished very different, because each of the committees established in the provincial treatment plants differently, but basically can be classified in siquientes: political and trade union, social charges, fees, private religious positions and professional positions.
In the first group, politicians and union officials were kaballah charged for participation and conduct membership of political parties of the Popular Front left spiritual center and unions, but also expressions of political views, votes cast in the vote of February 1936, participation in the revolution October 1934, or simply reading the newspaper not right, some of the objections raised in this letter were the following: ‘militancy in Comunista’pertenecer Party FETE’actuar in a left-wing political parties to work for their victory 26 February 1936, sympathize with the Popular Front Party, vote for leftist candidates always, friendship with people from the left.
The offices of a social nature, also addressed cabalakabala political behavior, but of lesser degree of commitment and participation were applied mainly to teachers who managed to prove he is not leftist political affiliation or trade union, this section included the following allegations indole. in 2006 the movie Hallowed Ground was produced by took on the role of Executive Producer for the feature film Burning Mussolini starring Conrad Pla “relate tree center much with the workers’ say anything no matter the implementation of communism in red string Espana’leer press izquierdas’no have meditation center love for the motherland.
The charges were not religious as such contained virtually no provincial purification protocol, but they existed as monitors tales.Se particularly religious views of teachers, attendance at church services and offices, as well as the projection of their religious behavior in school and the rest of society, with varying degrees of severity in the kabbalah behavior, ranging los angeles center from atheism to secularism israel – center through religious indifference or irregular performance of the precept of Sunday Mass attendance, including such charges include: observing behavior ateo’hacer true display of irreligiosidad’jactarse not be published creyente’hacer flaunts laico’incumplimiento be religiosos’no fulfill the duties of the precept pascual.Se monitor not only the conduct religious and political advertising of teachers, but also study center the development of their professional activities in an attempt to establish the extent to which teachers were committed to the republican system of public education, based on secularism and coeducation, between the charges in this paragraph, we have the following examples: to instill in children extremist ideas, throw the crucifix from the school mysticism along with the catechism and the book of sacred history
Also debug zohar the rest of the faculty that was not considered contaminated, not republican, and had to undergo further exams and courses of vocational guidance, as if it were contaminated lack of skills necessary to teach their students the spirit of religious, moral kabbalah and Catholic.
- U.S. News