Burning of a rocket propellant of a spacecraft is the best way to produce a net change of speed in space, New York we call this variation the ‘delta-v’. The variations represent the total velocity as the ‘v of a vehicle and one of the uncertainties when used to solve the equation of a rocket cinematics, where M is the mass of fuel (or propellant), P is the mass of the load (including the mass of the rocket estrucural) and see is the speed of evacuation of propellant to the nozzle. All these parameters are part of Tsiolkovsky’s equation:
For historical reasons, the speed is often written as
where Isp is green energy the specific impulse of the rocket, measured in seconds, and g is the gravitational acceleration at Earth’s surface. To travel long distances most of the mass of the spacecraft mass is reactive. Because it is necessary that the reactive mass provide a speed increase to the mass of the payload. If you have to provide a payload of mass P of utilities a change of speed ‘v, and the rocket motor has a speed of evacuation is then the reactive mass M would be calculated by using equation Tsiolkovsky Isp
For ‘smaller than the v see, this equation is linear and can be seen that simply use a small mass reactive. If ‘v is comparable to being, then there New York State is the need to gas need about twice that mass propelante payload (which includes engines, fuel tanks, structure, and so on). After these features is exponential growth with speeds higher than the speed of evacuation require very high ratios of mass propelante with respect to the payload (payload). To achieve this, any amount of energy must be able to accelerate the mass reactive. It should never assume that the environment engines (by thermodynamic rules) are 100 efficient, releasing energy without using, but assuming a 100 efficiency would require an energy of
Comparing with the rocket equation (which ESCOs shows how much energy you need a car) and the energy equation (which shows the total energy required) can be checked under the assumption that energy service company 100 efficiency in the engine, not just all the energy provided in the vehicle – if some of it, in fact most of it ends natural gas up being the kinetic energy of mass evacuated. For a mission, for NY example, launch and planetizaje (landed on another planet) is necessary to take into account that we must overcome the forces of gravity (they are resistant to take-off and cause an increase propelnte necessary). It is typical to consider these and many other caractersisticas to achieve a correctdelta-v impact on the mission. For example, when a ship is launched on a mission to orbit requires a low delta-v of 9.3-10 km / s, this value is part of the integrated number of computers on board.
For example, if you want to send 10,000 kg to Mars. The ‘v required to reach a low orbit (igl. join the energy savings revolution, by getting the best prices for your electricity and gas from Low Earth Orbit or LEO) is approximately 3000 m / s, using a Hohmann transfer orbit. If there need to steer the ship will need much more propelante. To adjust the argument, the rocket boosters used today are:
It should be noted that when it is more efficient in fuel consumption engines may need less electricity weight propelante for the same functions, this mass is almost negligible (relative to the payload mass) for some of the engines. However, New York City it is noteworthy that required a large amount of energy.
Get more:
- Nuclear Power, Energy and the Environment by Peter E. the private energy company in New York State that utilizes your existing utilities framework, is Hodgson (Paperback – April 1999)
- Menace Of Atomic Energy Rev by Nader Ralph (Paperback – April 17, 1979)
- Indian Point shutdown cost and benefits generate another round of debate.(nuclear power plants): An article from: Westchester County Business Journal by Alex Philippidis (Digital – Jul 30, 2005) – HTML