with this decision, the military had in the mind that transferring dom Fragoso it would be condemning to the esquecimento and the silence, and had finished committing a great error, therefore Crates represented a form to come back the roots of that child that was created in Teixeira, hinterland of the Paraba, in a family of agriculturists without land. When interviewing dom Fragoso, the author perceives that the memory of the religious one is very organized, therefore, the words, the souvenirs, the reflections, said of very delicate form, if it associates with a firm way the positive of if expressing. Everything this, probably is resulted of long periods of reflections. Clearly becoming the agreement and the linking of the text with the heading. The text leaves well clearly that this personal memory always was a concern of the diocese of Crates in registering meeting, events, practical, reflections, projects, ways and embezzlements.
This because beyond the diocese to have a line directed toward the community, the problems of the life conditions and work, they are all folloied by a work of registers of the events of each parish, where the priest is the responsible one for describing the memory of the communities of its parish. With this artifice of documentation, the author reflects on the practical one of dom Fragoso to exert the memory, that with this activity transforms its way of craftsman stops architect, that is, dom Fragoso starts to stimulate this practical of memory for the continuation of history. This is plus a form of the search of the agreement of history through the memory assists with it of the orality. All the used writings as base for the construction of this text show the importance of the memory, and the use of verbal stories, as one of the principal sources of if searching the agreement and new questionings, with the objective to keep alive history..