Before you begin a telephone survey, you must pre-test questionnaire and you the operators call – center participating in the telephone survey, to test it. At initial inspection, be sure that: The application form is complete and not excessive. Research objectives and information needs to be correlated with the number of survey questions. The criterion for the completeness of the questionnaire serves as the compliance of all types of questions previously established information needs. You should make sure that there are no matters that are not associated with any demand; questions clearly formulated, unambiguous and consistent with the type of information required; questionnaire is well structured and easy to understand. You should ensure that the questionnaire was ambiguous, vague instructions and that all transitions have indeed sent by the condition of the respondent to respective item questionnaires. Piloting the questionnaire before conducting a telephone survey – an important step in the process of development of questionnaires, but often neglected. Conducting maneuvers so important because it helps to identify and correct the deficiencies of linguistic forms, structure, format and organization of the questionnaire.
It is impossible to immediately draw up a good profile. If before the widespread use of the questionnaire did not address its shortcomings, it is essential affect the quality of information collected. Pilot telephone survey conducted on a small group of respondents. Since the objective is to evaluate the piloting ways to get the information required by the questionnaire collected in flying when flight data are not included in the main array. Crumpton Group, Washington DC spoke with conviction.