The Cases
To my designing friends I say that searches deeply experts of the product who vendem will make them better professionals and finally, my colleagues mounters: Lamentably, in all this chain does not have the account and the had respect and consideration to the mounter as the part most important of all this epic. In a synthecized way we can affirm that until arriving at the important mounter all history if of the one in a virtual environment with paper instruments where everything of the certainty, that is, accepted paper everything! Until this moment it is alone joys, expectations and an intricate and ardiloso game of interests until ' ' algoz' ' mounter makes to ruir all that magic elaborated in the paper, when evidencing that something unexpected is not incased in the real world there! I go to try to summarize everything what it happens in the sequence in the following phrase: ' ' In the sales if of the o to open of champagne in the assembly more only is that tim will become tim of copos.' ' I will list here some of the errors more comumente occurred in the elaboration of projects, that lead the customer the fury, disillusionment and dissatisfaction. Before everything, we must point out that in the majority of the cases (says of far) of direful misfortune, the customers tend to associate the guilt ace acquired product qualities, this does not proceed, we must attempt against for the fact of that this product had in its development the devotion of competent and enabled minds supported by voluminous investments and impressive technologies, in short, the error never will have to be attributed to the product. On the other hand, the responsible professionals for the mistakes and I the quality of the installation, in the attempt of if justifying and if exempting of the ability, costumam to point: – This was thus why its wall is pie! However, however, however! What I must speak ahead of baffling situation! The great basic rule to arrive itself at the result anxiously waited in such taken over on a contract basis is basically to follow the scratch the elementary plummet conditions and level in elapsing of the assembly and installation of the product disrespecting all and any another one reference as wall, floor or ceiling.