Tag Archive: news-present time

Paschal Javier Echalecu

It is the case of the anthology of stories (White Eduardo, Paschal Javier Echalecu and Javier Sagarna) with which the publishing house Three Yellow Roses inaugurates collection of this sort. By the same author: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. Or Conversations with a friend, of Alberto Manguel; To write fiction, of Edith complete Wharton, and Stories, of Unamuno, that are some of the last titles of Foam Pages. The poster, of Heart the Spanish designer National Prize of Alberto Design Heart has designed the poster of the Fair. Stairs, the one that shows to us, that has much to do with the ascent that the artist feels when she reads: " With the good readings itself having the kinesthetic, physical evidence, to be ascending, not by elevation, but stepping on steps. Sometimes a few steps, another endless stairs ". And it adds something and so the readers to whom there is no videojuego that removes from its liking will agree: " When you have finished the reading which surrounds to you has transformed.

You are not the same that the one that began that reading. You feel nostalgia of the ascent. That nostalgia is the one that it pushes to us towards a new book. Towards new escalera". The children, first A 19,30 h small they have this Friday an appointment: to learn to make its own drop-down figure in the pavilion of Mapfre. Only half an hour later, another option for them: a factory where it photographs, reading and writing become a single art.

After brief slight knowledge of photography, the children will make bodegn with their favorite books to photograph them and to write a commentary later. Stroll of Cars of the Retirement. Friday: from 11,00 to 14,00 and from 18,00 to 21,30 h. S and D: from 10,30 to 14,30 and from 17,00 to 21,30 h. *Puedes to buy your books in PopularLibros Source of the news: It begins the Fair of Libro, the popular celebration of Literature

Aiming At The Islamists

Juan Faus Gimnez writes to me from Zurich, Switzerland, to draw attention on the following thing: " In the Digital Country, when the news of last hour takes place, he appears stood out in red the URGENT word. According to the dictionary of the SAR, urgent he means that he is urgent, and to be urgent is ' to demand or to request something with apremio'. Therefore " , he concludes, " the word is incorrectly utilizada" ; the expression would be more appropriate " last hora". The reader is right. And as he says, it is only a detail, but a loaded detail of meaning.

With this word the urgent teletypes used to head the agencies of the news that they had to be given without delay to the people in charge of writings. If this same formula to digital editions has moved it is not only by inertia: in fact it defines very well the new culture of the urgency and the pressure that invades writings, oriented now to serve without delay his editions online. A pressure that can lead to the precipitation. Read more from Eliot Horowitz to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Source of the news: : Aiming at the islamists

Ministry Place

The situation is tranquilized, although 2,000 people are concentrated in the place. The confrontations began with protests of the relatives of the martyrs of the revolution. More than 1,100 people wounds have been, from which at least 40 are police, after the confrontations that the Egyptian forces of security and the demonstrators in the Tahrir place of east Cairo have carried out Tuesday and Wednesday, according to the Ministry into Health of Egypt has informed. In particular, 1,114 people have been wounds, of which 990, according to the Egyptian vice-minister of Health, Abdel Hamid Abaza, already have received treatment and the 124 rest have been transferred to hospitals. The central hospital of the capital, located in the district of Munira, has received to two civilians and 41 police agents with wounds, bruises and with symptoms of to have inhaled tear gas, according to the Egyptian agency of the news ORE. All of them have been discharged from the hospital except for a civilian whom a bullet wound had and a police that cerebral commotion undergoes.

Also, the confrontations between demonstrators and the security forces either have stopped in the environs of the Department of the Interior and the tensions or have lessened, according to has informed the digital edition into the Egyptian newspaper To the Ahram. In fact, first thing of afternoon, still they remained eight ambulances in the Tahrir place, but the Police already had retired. military ctivos have unfolded near soothes of Interior and in the streets that concur towards the Ministry. The demonstrators, on the other hand, are concentrate in the Tahrir place, where tens of young people have blocked the entrances with scrap iron and stones. Around 2,000 people they remain in Tahrir and, according to several eyewitnesses, the situation has calmed. 34 arrested Sources of the Department of the Interior are developing that the security forces have arrested a total of 34 suspects to participate in the disturbances in the centric place of Cairo, including a British citizen and another American.