Social Participation

For this, it must be en vogue an educative project directed toward the democratic ideals of social participation. She is for these premises and others that if a bigger clarificao of the performance of this professional in the school demands. 1.1.O pedagogical accompaniment: border between planning and execution in favor of the teaching work almost imperceptible and necessary Action, that marks the possibility to watch over and to guard for the quality of the pedagogical work developed by the professors, with the presence of a qualified educator, pedagogo pedagogical pertaining to school or coordinating supervisor, the accompaniment is between the planning and the execution of the work of formal education of the school. Being thus, the division between conception and execution if do not see of form to guide the educative work of plastered form, therefore practical theory and always walks together in a dialtico movement of apprehension of the Real. (sic) pedagogia also means conduction to the culture, that is, process of cultural formation. pedagogo is that one that makes possible the access to the culture, organizing the process of cultural formation. It is, therefore, that one that dominates the forms, the procedures, the methods through which if it arrives at the domain of the cultural patrimony accumulated by the humanity. as the man alone if constitutes as such in the measure where if it detaches of the nature and it enters the world of the culture, here it is as the cultural formation comes to coincide with the formation human being, becoming itself pedagogo into formador of men.

Thus we perceive the quo important are the actions of this professional in the work of formation of educating, exactly that these actions are indirect on the same, over all action of accompaniment of the work developed in such a way for professors how much for the pupils..