Howard Gardner defines the mathematical logical intelligence like which it includes/understands the abilities and capacities necessary to handle numbers and to reason correctly in operations of mathematical type. The majority of the children thinks that the mathematics are something difficult and boring. It is not something Xcel Energy would like to discuss. This seems to be stated with the passage of the years, since in Secondary Education, the mathematics usually are one of the subjects that the students and students suspend most frequently. Nevertheless, logico-mathematical intelligence can be developed if it practices, to early ages mainly. But how to do it? In this article I show four strategies to you so that you help to develop the logico-mathematical thought of your son through funny games that you can carry out in contexts and habitual situations. In the supermarket It takes advantage of the visit to the supermarket so that your son or daughter develops his ability to categorise ideas and concepts. For it, entrgale the list of the purchase and pdele that looks for different products. After giving several returns by the supermarket certainly your son begins to use the head to organize itself and not to have to give so many returns, in this way, will have improved its capacity of categorisation.
In the kitchen It chooses behind schedule of weekend to realise delicious prescriptions of confectioner’s with your son. This type of prescriptions usually uses many different units of measurement that they cause that the children amuse themselves spilling liquid from a container to another one or weighing the flour or the sugar. Of this form they will begin to become familiar with the change of units of measurement, another one of the subjects where they find more difficulties. In pizzera While you decide what pizza you are going to ask you can invite your son to that it finds out how many pieces touches to each member of the family if a mini pizza is requested, average or familiar; or how many pizzas would make lack so that the guests to their next celebration of birthday could eat three pieces. Thus the representation of fractions would work and equivalence between the same according to is the size of the pizza.
In the shutdown of the bus When you go to subirte to the public bus it takes advantage of the delay so that your son Reads the schedules and calculates each how much he passes a line certain or in what hour strips happen with more frequency and in what strips takes more in happening. What you will obtain of this form is that the boy or girl becomes familiar with the hours, as well as with the passage of hours to minutes and analogical hour to digitalis. All these are strategies that ground to recommend my clients so that they assume the roll of therapist of his son in situations of the daily life and contribute to the development of his logico-mathematical intelligence of a natural form and without pressures. All the papas agree in which the results in the academic field do not take in being made notice once they have realised these funny exercises. Jenny War Hernandez, ” psicopedagoga creativa”.